

It was one of the strangest things they’ve seen around town. Many would have believed them both to be in love with one another considering how much they show their closeness, their gazes towards another, their smiles…But they deny it. They say that they’re nothing more than close friends; that nothing romantic is going on between them. They gave their statements.

But can that mean they’re lying?

Or does it mean that they aren’t really in a relationship just yet?

Who knows? No one. Which is why the school clamors at the sight of the two together, watching them closely as if they’re able to tell what is really going on between the two through mere observation.

On one side of their university cafe, Hyosung clicked her tongue, glaring over at the two with envious eyes. “What’s so special about her anyway? I mean, she’s not even that pretty.” She and her group of friends peered over at the strange pair who sat under the tree shade, their noses scrunched up in disgust when the girl pouted. “If you ask me, she paid him to be her protector or something.”

Yongguk, a reluctant companion,  glanced at Hyosung and rolled his eyes; he was getting fed up with this girl mocking other girls that seemed more appealing than her. He took his soda can and took a sip, his eye twitching when he saw the guy wipe something off the mysterious girls’ lips. He wasn’t going to lie, he thought the girl was pretty, and through watching from afar did he figure out that he was strangely attracted to the girl… He wanted to get to know her, but there was something that was stopping him—that boy.

“What’s the girls’ name again?” Zelo asked, plopping another cherry tomato in his mouth, his other arm’s elbow holding his head up. “And the guy?”

Jieun huffed, “The girl’s name is Han So Eun. She’s in the same grade as Yongguk, Himchan and I. I think she’s 19?”

Sunhwa nodded, “Yeah, she’s pretty young. And the guy is Jung Daehyun. He’s the same age as her from what I hear and they have the same classes. Like all of them!” She threw her hands in the air, “I didn’t even think that was possible!” Yongguk and Zelo gave each other a side glance, knowing full well that it was possible to have similar schedules considering you were able to pick them yourselves in college. But they say nothing because it’ll just end with a headache.

Hyosung scoffed, “She probably slept with the principal or something to get her classes with him.”

Yongguk’s head snapped over at Hyosung; blowing his last ounce of tolerance down the drain. “Seriously, Hyosung, what’s wrong with you? She hasn’t done anything to you. You don’t know what she’s like if you haven’t officially met her.”

“Yah,” Jieun snapped, “are you sticking up for her? It’s obvious she and Daehyun came up with this scheme to catch some sort of attention!”

Hyosung glared over at Yongguk, feeling the distaste she had for So Eun increase. Before So Eun and Daehyun came to this school, she and her group were the center of attention, now of course she isn’t. Everyone saw how the two were inseparable and how they seemed to communicate through nothing but their eyes—it disgusted her.

She knew something was wrong with the two. What Daehyun and So Eun had was not normal and she was about to find out and expose her to the whole school if need be. In the back of her mind though, she thought the same thing the entire school begged for, “What are they?”



“I need to pee,” So Eun told Daehyun and smiled at how he rolled his eyes and nodded in an answer. His eyes twinkled a little when he saw how her cheeks rose up to expose her smile, making her eyes turn into small smiles of their own. He loved seeing her like this; he would do anything to keep her smiling.

She pushed out of her seat from the university café, and went around the corner to the bathroom, humming a soft tune to herself. Her long fingers intertwined themselves in front of her stomach as she walked, a habit she does so that her arms don’t flail on her sides. She was so lost in trying to figure out the pitch to the song in her head that she didn’t notice the stares she was given on her way to the bathroom.

When she was out of sight, Daehyun sighed and set the book he’d been reading on the table, taking another sip of his coffee. Today was just like any other day, and he pondered on the day where things would be a little different, better and easier—but as impatient as he was, he thought it’d be best to not even think about it. He set the cup down and felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned around amd blinked a couple times to recall who she was, then it clicked, “Ah, Hyosung-sshi?”

She was caught off guard for a moment when she saw his face—up close and not from across the classroom or field. This younger boy was handsome beyond belief. His brown hair was slightly tossed, his eyes had a mysterious glint and his lips…His large plump lips looked so soft. Daehyun would be a perfect addition to her group of friends; he was handsome and he had a natural vibe that could attract both es. But knowing that this boy was a potential lover to the girl she despises, Hyosung heated.

After realizing that she had been staring, Hyosung shook her head and sent him an apologetic look for staring. When he made no response, she guessed that this wasn’t the first time this happened—or the only perhaps.

 “Neh, Daehyun-ah,” she smiled, pointing outside the café, “I just came from Professor Kim’s office, he was hoping to see you?”

He tilted his head only slightly, showing no emotion and got up. “Ah, okay. I’ll be back soon then. Please tell So Eun that I will be back and to wait here?” He bowed at Hyosung who nodded before adjusting his clothes and made sure to grab his keys and cell phone with him before making his way out.

She waved happily after him with a bright friendly smile. Then when he was out of sight, she folded her arms and her face contorted into a menacing scowl. She turned slowly at her group of friends in the back booth and noticed that only the girls had come out to join her.

As she came up, Jieun’s brows were knit together and a frown prominent on her face—well all the members’ faces. “What’s wrong?” Hyosung asked.

“They didn’t want to help, saying it was wrong or whatever.”

They didn’t stand there for too long because So Eun was already turning the corner. A smirk started to etch its way on Hyosung’s face before it fell into a confusing frown. The targeted girl was making her way towards the opposite direction, smiling happily for no apparent reason and disappearing through the threshold of the area.

“Where the hell is she going?” Jieun shrieked.

“I told her I was meeting her somewhere else,” the girls’ gasp at the familiar voice behind them, turning hesitantly to face the boy.

In front of them stood Daehyun, on hand resting lazily in his pocket while the other dangled with a cell phone in it. His eyes pointed at every one of the girls’ and although they didn’t look to intimidating, the intensity was felt in them. Hyosung was sure that the boy was nicer earlier, but she wasn’t sure about now. In fact, she was a little scared.

“What did you want with her?”

He didn’t care if they were scared, he was lied to so that So Eun could be alone—and that idea didn’t really sit well with Daehyun.


“I don’t have a professor with the last name Kim.”

Obviously being caught, Hyosung in a breath and glared at the boy in front of her. His profile aside, he was still friends with that girl and he contributed to the fact Hyosung and her group weren’t the popular ones anymore. She stepped forward and raised her brow, “Well aren’t you clever?”

For a split second, Daehyun grinned, “Or I just know my professors.”

Before she was able to bark back a comment, the boys came up behind Daehyun and made their way next to the girls. Yongguk didn’t really like Hyosung, but it didn’t mean that he approved of them getting hurt either. When settled next to them, he was finally able to look at the boy, Daehyun. He was even better looking close up… it’s no wonder So Eun likes him. Wait, does she?

“Oppa,” Jieun cooed, grabbing onto the said males’ arm with a bright smile. “I knew you’d come.”

Deciding to ignore her, Yongguk was finally aware that he was having a staring contest with Daehyun. He and everyone in the entire universe knew something was going on between Daehyun and So Eun—and he wanted to know. Everyone was pining for the answer that they will never get. How is it that two people were able to grab the attention of everyone around them? How is it that they were so difficult to understand?

“So Eun…,” hearing her name from the eldest males’ mouth, Daehyun straightened a little, his face kept as stoic as possible. There was silence in the entire place; no one was able to ask Daehyun what was really going on because he was always the quiet one.

All anyone knew about So Eun was that she was a good student, she was kind, she liked to smile a lot and that she was the girl that no one could really hate. She’s the girl that was in her own little world and not even the slightest misfortune could change that. But that’s all.

And with the opportunity in front of them, everyone might finally be able to know and understand what it is they shared. It only took one simple question:

“What relationship do you two have?”

It seemed that with every second that passed, everyone started  leaning in slowly to hear his answer. After months of trying to solve this puzzle of whatever-the-hell-it-was, maybe they’d get the answer they’d been itching for.




But no.

After a minute that Daehyun was asked that question, he had already been out the door So Eun had exited just minutes before him. His hand in his pocket began to clench tighter in a fist, his eyes narrowed forward as he walked down the halls of the building. Daehyun wanted to run, but that wouldn’t end well with the rumors and whatnot flying around. Instead, he kept his stride, and looked forward towards the exit where he know she would be there waiting for him.

As the halls began to clear itself of busy bodied students, he began walking faster… His heart pounding heavily before he broke into a sprint and slammed his shoulder against the door to open it.

Panting lightly, his eyes scanned around, looking for her. It didn’t take long for him to finally see her crouching down to play with some of the petals on the roses of the school garden. He stood there, frozen.

Her hair was shined on by the sunlight, making the brown color a little more noticeable. Her dark pink lips curved upwards with her eyes glistening with curiousness. It hurt Daehyun to look at her. To see her every day.

He spent his time avoiding the stares, the questions, the rumors; not just for the sake of So Eun, but for himself. He didn’t want to admit the truth out loud—

“Ah!” His eyes traveled to So Eun’s finger; a dark red stream making its way out of the palm her skin. She watched her bottom lip puff out in disappointment.

“How many times did I tell you not to touch those roses?” Daehyun finally spoke, making himself known to her. His heard clenched when she looked up in slight shock and gave her that smile that he always loved but hated at the same time.

“I wasn’t really counting.” She ginned, making her way to stand up in front of him. “Where have you been? I was waiting for a while now.” The concern was written in her eyes, but he made them go away when he reached out for her slightly injured palm; instead her head tilted slightly.

“I stopped by the professors’ office.”  He lied, feeling a twinge of guilt before throwing it away with the pile of guilt built up over the years. He didn’t look up at her, he didn’t want to. It would only hurt more if he did. His thumb slowly caressed the skin around the wound, his eyes stinging with the tears that slowly gathered.

“Oh? Daehyun, what’s wrong?” She asked, reaching her other hand out to cup his cheek so that he would look up, but he didn’t. He kept his head down. “Dae—“ a short gasp jolted out of her body when Daehyun’s lips met with her palm. Her cheeks slowly burning up when she felt his tongue away the blood that was there seconds ago. “Daehyun…what…”

Hyung, I’m sorry…

He slowly wrapped his arms around So Eun’s waist, burying his face deep into the crook of her neck. He was silently praying a selfish wish that the rose had some toxic poison that would slowly slow down both their bodies. He wanted this pain to end.

Hyung, it’s getting more and more difficult.


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Chapter 1: So was Soeun his brother's girlfriend but he's sorry since he fell in love with her? And his brother had passed away~~ that's so sad~~~ It was the most reasonable conclusion I could think of^^
wait what. what hyung what