The Past (12)

Looking back

Sulli was skipping lunch again, for a few reasons. 

Firstly, she wanted to, no she needed to avoid all the others students. Even though Sulli was not the culprit for Suzy's fall, the other students did not think so. Despite Mr. Doo's effort to cover up the incident, bad news traveled like wild fire. In just a matter of a day, Sulli had become more famous than ever, however in a negative way. She was called the malevolent witch who was green with envy towards Suzy, the perfect girl in everyone's eye thus committed an unforgivable sin. They looked at her with abhorrence and disappointment. Some of them even showed their loathing through actions. Since the morning, Sulli had been bumped by some students that passed by intentionally. Even though they muttered their apologies, they did not seem sincere. Seohyun had requested to stay with Sulli the entire time but Sulli turned her down. Albeit feeling the need to have a companion at times like this, she did not want Seohyun to become the victim alongside her. Her suffering alone was more than enough.

As for the second reason, Sulli was under the weather. Sore throat, runny nose, loss of appetite, slight headache and feeling feverish---- the symptoms of a cold, she had them all. It was probably due to yesterday's incident. She even vommited all her dinner last night. Her mother advised her to stay at home but she wanted to go to school, in case there was any progress in the Suzy-fell-from-the-stairs incident but she regretted her decision once she stepped into the school compound. The students' accusations were overwhelming, almost unbearable.

"I can survive this. Just a few more hours to go. Guess I'll feel better after a short rest," Sulli decided to grit her teeth and pull through the day. She was heading to her secret sanctuary but she stopped when she passed by a dilapidated building that used to be the storeroom for sports equipment until the school raised enough fund to construct a new one. It was because she heard some noises coming from the behind. Even though she was not feeling well, her curiosity got the best of her. She took cautious steps as she closed the distance between her and the source of noise, trying to walk as stealthily as a cat. 

Sulli found a perfect place for peeking. It was the entrance to the back of the old storeroom. It was kind of dark so she could not be seen. She just needed to run before the people inside got out. She squadded down and popped out part of her head to scan her target------the source of noise. Her eyes widened in surprise when Nana came into her view. She was facing a boy who had his back to Sulli. The slightly disheveled hair, sculptured back that could be traced through his uniform, lean figure and long limbs. Even the way he tapped his feet on the ground looked oddly familiar.

After calculating and investigating, the detective in Sulli came out with a conclusion, it was none other than Minho! What could two of them be doing there? Sulli felt a pang of jealousy but her curiosity made her stayed in her place. She did not favour eavesdropping but she had no other choices.

"Why did you bring me here. Perhaps you finally take notice of me?" Nana started a conversation, her head was low due to shyness. She was playing with her fingers.

"I came here for Sulli," Minho replied. Sulli could not see his expression but his tone was cold.

"Sulli? What is it about that brat?" Nana's face fell in a sudden upon hearing Sulli's name. Sulli was feeling the agonising pain in her heart again.

"Please do not regard her as that. She is......" Minho's sentence was cut off by Nana before he could finish it," She is what? Even though she is hated by everyone now, you are still all about her. Can't you look through her mask? Can't you see her ugly inner side?" 

"Ugly inner side? Have a look at this and tell me who has an ugly heart!" Minho scoffed and a stack of things at Nana. Sulli flinched at his actions. She had never seen him this angry before.

As Nana picked them up and looked at them one by one, her expressions were changing every second. Confused, shocked, terrified, her eyes widened in disbelief and she gaped. "How did you know?" her whole body was shuddering as she muttered her question.

"People say," what is done by night appears by day." If you have ever done something wrong, you will get your just deserts. Your plan might have seemed perfect if I did not realise there is something wrong with you," Minho replied coldly. Sulli's heart was beating extraordinarily fast. The truth was about to surface.

"Hahahahahaha! Yes! It has been me all along. I am the mischief-maker responsible for the sour relationship between Sulli and Sulli's gang. I am the gossip-monger who started the rumours about Sulli. I hate her. I hate her so much, with all my might! I wish she has never transferred to this school!" Nana was screaming at the top of her lungs.

" I don't see why you hate her," Minho said curtly. 

" She gets all the attention. From the teachers and from the students. But most importantly she catches your attention! You have been all about her and all around her ever since she transferred. Sulli this. Sulli that. It is always Sulli! She clearly knows that I am crazy about you, I am nuts about you but she ignores my feelings and gets along so well with you! I had to do something to make you hate her but instead the effect was opposite! You two were attracted by each other like south and north poles of magnet and stuck together like glue! I did not like it. I had to think of a new way to make her suffer. I knew that they would meet up by the stairs. I heard them arguing. I thought my chance had came. Thus I calculated the time and poured a pail of water down. Who knew luck was not on my side and I saw the wrong person! They looked totally similar from behind and Suzy was on the tread. She stumbled and fell! I never intended to hurt her and to cause her to fall into coma. I only wanted to punish Sulli! I...I...I..." Nana was choking between her sobs after she finally confessed. Sulli suddenly felt light-headed. She had to cover with her hand  to stop her scream. All the sufferings that she had been through, days that passed like hell and the unfair treatment, they were caused by the jealousy of a friend that she had treated with her sincere heart. She wanted to flee away from the scene.

"So you are mastermind behind the whole thing. How evil of you! You even turned everything around and pointed your finger towards poor Sulli. From what I have interpreted, you must have rushed towards the scene first and pretended to be shocked. You are such a good actress that everyone was deceived by you! But not me! Now, let's go and get your just deserts," Minho grabbed her arm, ready to leave.

"No!" Nana held all the photos in her embrace tight and refused to let go and move. "Even if you don't show up, I can still prove Sulli's innocence because I have just recorded everything you say. So obey me and move!" Minho fished out his mobile phone in his pocket nonchalantly and glared at Nana. The later was dumbfounded.

Meanwhile Sulli finally gathered her strength to stand up but her legs gave her up after a few steps. "Bummp!" Her fall caused a loud noise.

"Sulli? Sulli! Kwenchana?" Minho came into Sulli's view and asked her before the second she passed out. Her vision was consumed by darkness and she was shut off from the world.


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CuteAnimeLover #1
Chapter 25: Authormin, when will you update? It's wrong to make people so interested in a story and the take forever to update!! Please, give us another chapter soon!!!

And are Yoogeun and Minho really father and son? Or are you just teasing? XD
Chapter 25: Aigoo, u left us hanging again authornim. I'm so curious what relationship Minho has with Yoogeun. Are they really a father and son, I hope not. That's just so heartbroken if he ever married before or more even worse if he is a married man. I really feel bad for Sulli. Thanks so much authornim. Hopefully you are back for good to update more often. I do miss your story. Take care always ;)
Primadeli #3
Chapter 25: aish. i thought they cud catch up already. u make me anxious authornim. hehe. poor Sulli. She will suffer until the misunderstanding is clear.
u have a very good plot authornim. it's just try to update more often, then only u cud catch some of the readers to drop some comments. i hope u won't blame them since u hv left them hanging for quite some times. am glad u r back coz it's really a watse if u didn't finish this story.
Waiting for next, fighting!! ^^
p/s : Minho and frog onesie remind me when he was in Hello Baby with Yoogeun. hahahaha. so cute ^^
purnamas #4
a long time for the story ??
nice chapter, i hope minsul will together
update soon
nana4ever #5
Chapter 25: Its so good to hear from you and read the next update. I hopeall is well with you

The connection between MinSul is still so strong. I hooe they can finally end this misunderstanding
.I'm curious sbout Yoogeun .. if Minho really was married before.
Can't wait for the next update

Take care. ..enjoy your day
Chapter 24: I don't think Minho is married but I'm not sure if Yooguen is really his son or not. But I'm happy that minsul's feeling are still there for each other. I'm excitingly anticipating more of their encounter and ofc Minho's spirit fighting to get Sulli. Thank you authornim. Good luck with your school and take care.
zangsia1 #7
Chapter 24: I think since 7 years ago there was already a misunderstanding.
Sometimes it is not what you think it is
thanks for the update authornim
MinsulUnique #8
Chapter 24: Omo , minho is married man ? Gosh , it will be hard for minsul to get back their feeling .
Hope they will be fine .
Thanks for the update . Update soon .
Chapter 23: I was surprised when I saw your story update. It's been a while. I hope everything's okay with you. :)

Oh... I'm curious about this. Is Minho married already? No. Please no, authornim...
I wonder what'll Minho's reaction be when he sees Sulli? And what'll he do when he see her. I'm so curious now, haha. Will be looking forward to the next chapter. Have a great day ahead! =D
Chapter 23: aaa they meet they meet again, wopps minho not married yet right, aaa minsunderstand againn