The Other Classes [Y]

Cold Love

Yoojin POV

Ugh why did Terry have to mention that they have the same classes...

"Huh? Really? Oh that's great! We can take them with us! You ddon't mind, do you guys?" I asked them. I kind of hoped they would say yes...

Wait. What am I thinking. Why should I care if the come with us or not.

but still... I cant help but just hope... why am I likr this? What is wrong with me? Ugh I mist be sick.

"Of course we'd like to! We dont knkw the school well anyway and thatd help us a lot! Thanks for the offer!"

"No problem! Just a kind gesture to a new student" Terry says


daehyun POV

we have the same classes?

I was so happy when Yoojin offered us to go with them. I couldnt help but accept the offer right away. I wanted to spend more timewith Yoojin...

"So our next class is PE, and since we have to change to our gym clothes, we'll take you to the boys locker room." Yoojin said. 

she's so nice... we havent done anything for 1004 or offered anyrhinf but tthey're being so kind to us. I just wish they would have some of that attention they earn.. they are definitely the most popular people of this school.

Oh what a burden the PE teacher was.trying to be nice just cus we are the new kids and then yelling at the others. whats up with the teachers here? 

We got our new gym clothes and quickly changed, so as to quickly meet them. 

Author POV

The rest of the classes went by quickly for 1004 and B.A.P. afterschool, 1004 offered to walk B.A.P home since they might lose their way. 

"Hey, instead, can we just go to your house and hang around a little maybe to homework? That math class was pretty hard and im sure the homework is too. We also feel bad because you guys keep offering thi-"

"Sure! And dont worry about that we're just trying to be nice for some new students. It isnt everyday an entire new group moves here altogether. The knly other group we have here is Infinite but no one really cares about them and they tend to be cold so everyone just avoids them. With a few exceptions of a few fangirls." Yoojin said. 

why did i jist say that? Of course, its my role! Right, just a role...

"instead of just going straight to our hhome,  why not go get some ice cream on the way?" Terry offers.









Sorry a bad way to end the short chapter... but anyway B.A.P is going to 1004's house! They are their first guests! Whats more theyre also getting ice cream. This sounds kind of like a date ya? But they are still getting to know each other better. Oohh Yoojin is softening a bit just by looking Daehyun! Will Daehyun melt that ice around Yoojin's cold heart? We can onlt hope!

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short chapters I KNOW but the story is ending soon anyway. all the suspense will be gone soon ☆


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 55: I see, so she was able to get away from teh horrible family. but now some of the past is/has caught up to her. I enjoyed this chaper more as well, I think the spacing of the paragraphs helped quite a bit as well ^_^. Nice job!
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 34: This chapter was so hard to read w/out getting irritated! my goodness those poor kids went through so much, ugh, you just really want them to do well & succeed.
Chapter 34: It all suddenly make sense....!!
Chapter 33: This is reminding me of the telepathy game MUAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 31: Omfg I laughed so much... lol and Leejoon?! Omg leejoon
Chapter 27: Nice summary... lol
Chapter 26: Woah... everything changed so muchh...
Peeyar55 #8
Chapter 23: Update soon PLEASEE!!!!! I love your story!!
Chapter 23: Happy Birthday!
Chapter 22: Heyyy u updated!! Yayy chundoong is really alive~