Getting Settled [Y]

Cold Love


"Hello we are B.A.P please take care of us!"

flashback end~

daehyun POV

As sopn as I walked in, one girl caught my eye. Oh, how beautiful she looked. But, she looked so bored, as if this happens allcthr time. while we were introducing ourselves, I looked at the other students. Some looked interested, but most looked bored, like the other girl. 

whats up wirh them? 

Once we finished our uintroducing,  we looked expectantly at Mr. Choi. I hoped I git to sit near that one girl. I wonder what her name is...

"Daehyun and Zelo, you guys sit behind 1004. Ya! 1004! Raise your hand!"

The girl... the girl that ive been eyeing raised her hand along with two other attractive girls. So, they call themselves 1004 huh. Angels... oh yes they are angels alright. But neither of them are anything compared to the one in he middle-

"Yoora! You move next to Sunggyu! And Yoojin! Move to where Yoora sat! Daehyun, you sit on the window seat next to Yoojin, and Zelo you can sit next to Terry where Yoojin sat."

We all got to our seats, and Mr. Choi seated the rest of B.A.P on the door side of the room. I was so happy to be sitting next to-

"Hi my name is Yoojin Coe! Nice to meet you!"

I jist melted on the spot. I couldnt believe she was talking to a loser like me. 

nice, and pretty. This girl really is something. Yoojin... Thats whatcshe said her name is. What a pretty name...

"H-hi. My name is Jung Daehyun. I-i u-"

"Im sorry but I really don't appreciate it when people stutter. You see, my friend Yoora over ther thst got moved is crazy shy and wont stop stuttering. Kinda gets on ur nerves after having to live eith that."

"I-im sorry. I just didnt expe-"

"Yoojin! Daehyun! Detention after school! Clean this room till its sparkling! Understand?!"

boy did this teacher have little tolerance-

"Come on Mr. Choi you kmow Yoojin was just trying to be nice!"

"Give them a break! She was just trying to be nice!"

My thoughts were interrupt when people frkm the class started yelling at Mr. Choi telling him to not give us detention.

whats all this about? Is she... is she popular? 

"Fine FINE! No detention for them so shut up! Happy now? Now open your books to pg 346."

thanks goodness I didnt get detention on my first dsy.I lookd over at Yoojin about to ask her what just happened but she just smirked. Did she... did she know this would happen? 


LUnch started. I started packing my backpack when I here Yoojin arguing auietly with her friends. I cant hear somethinfs but bits and pieces...

"Comr one Yoojin! --- invite them to -------!"

" why should we!  This happens ---------! Its nothing new!"

"But they are also a -------! And they are quite ------"

"But Yoora likes -------"

"Ya! Shut up! I think ------ csn hear us! Just please -------! Its now gonna kill us!"


I was about to get up when I saw a shadow. I looked up, and Yoojin was there.

"Hi! Lunch started, so we were wondering, would B.A.P like to eat lunch with us?"



Hey guys~~ so sunggyu and L are already in their class haha. I know they are all not the same age but lets just pretend for this fanfic k? So Yoora is gonna have some affections for sunggyu but not yet! Omg B.A.P and 1004 are gonna have lunch together! And of course, Yoojin avoided detention again. Sorry for the cliffhangers but I couldnt resist it! Ill try to update soon! And sorry for the short chapter. 

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short chapters I KNOW but the story is ending soon anyway. all the suspense will be gone soon ☆


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 55: I see, so she was able to get away from teh horrible family. but now some of the past is/has caught up to her. I enjoyed this chaper more as well, I think the spacing of the paragraphs helped quite a bit as well ^_^. Nice job!
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 34: This chapter was so hard to read w/out getting irritated! my goodness those poor kids went through so much, ugh, you just really want them to do well & succeed.
Chapter 34: It all suddenly make sense....!!
Chapter 33: This is reminding me of the telepathy game MUAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 31: Omfg I laughed so much... lol and Leejoon?! Omg leejoon
Chapter 27: Nice summary... lol
Chapter 26: Woah... everything changed so muchh...
Peeyar55 #8
Chapter 23: Update soon PLEASEE!!!!! I love your story!!
Chapter 23: Happy Birthday!
Chapter 22: Heyyy u updated!! Yayy chundoong is really alive~