''Just'' Experimenting?

My y Cousin

Author's POV: 

It was a sunday morning and Amber was in her room playing GTA 5. She has been playing since that happened. She just couldn't sleep and tried to find a distraction. A thing that didn't made her think about it. 

Why did she needed to stop thinking about it? Well, because in her mind, cousins shouldn't do that. Because she feels guilty because she enjoyed it. Oh, she did. Since it happened, she had to change her boxers more than one time during the night because her mind kept on drifting to Krystal. Everything about her dear cousin made her go mad: Her hot body, her y voice, her pale skin, her intense stare. Everything about that girl made her go crazy. 

She was doing the same mission on the game for the 10th time, and she was getting mad. Amber was so concentrated with the mission that she didn't noticed that someone entered her room. 

It was Krystal, obviously. She went to Amber's room to inform her that her parents were going to the have dinner with some long date friends, but, when she entered the room she saw Amber playing, with her back facing Krystal and cutely complaining about the game '' Urgh, this freaking mission is so difficult! '' 

Krystal approached Amber carefully so she wouldn't hear her footsteps '' Someone is mad... '' When Krystal said that, her cousin turned around to face her. Krystal chuckled at her cousins surprised yet cute face. '' O-oh... i was just .. playing. '' She said as she rubbed the back of her head shyly. Krystal just smilled tenderly at her and said '' Well, i can help you. I already did all the GTA 5 missions so... '' 

'' Wow, do you play? I didn't knew that. '' Amber said. 

'' Yeah, I actually do. I know that it doesn't seem like i do because i look like those kind of girls that just paint their nails and buy clothes '' They both chuckled 

'' But it's cool that you do. And yeah, i want your help in this freaking mission '' Krystal jumped happily as Amber said that she wanted her help, and then they both sat on the ground. 


They played for almost 3 hours straight. While they played, they laughed at the silly way the character died several times, they completed missions, etc. Both were having a great time together. 

Amber was happy that they were finally doing ''normal'' things and they were both getting to know each other better. For example, Amber now knew that Krystal loved mangos. 

They already played for too long and they were a little bored already, so Amber had an idea. 

'' Hey Jung, wanna go somewhere with me? '' 

Krystal rubbed her eyes before answering '' Yeah, where do you wanna go? '' 

Amber hummed while rubbing her chin, thinking a of a place they could go 

'' Oh, we could go to a cafe. It has pretty good food there. '' when Amber said that, she chuckled as she watched the younger girls expression go brighter

'' Yeeees! Let's go! '' She hugged her and Amber ruffled her hair. Krystal excitedly got up, picking up her jacket and headed to the door. Amber smiled at her. ''So cute'' Amber thought. 


They entered the cafe and sat on the table. The waiter came to their table asking what they wanted to eat and Krystal looked at Amber, waiting for her to say something. '' Do you still have that mango cake? '' Amber asked as she looked back at the younger girl with a grin on her face. Krystal was almost drooling at the thought of a mango cake.

'' Of course, i will bring you two slices for both of you, ok? '' The waiter said while smiling, and they nodded their heads. 

The waiter left and some minutes later he came back carrying two plates with two slices of the cake each. 

Krystal immediately started eating her cake and Amber chuckled and said '' Hey, calm down, we have all day '' Krystal glared at Amber '' Ya, stoopid, i'm hungry!'' 

'' Ok , ok... by the way, you look cute while eating like a puppy '' Amber said teasingly, only to receive another glare from her icy cousin. 

'' I don't look like a puppy! '' She said as she pouted and crossed her arms. 

'' Ok, you don't look like a puppy, but you're still cute. '' 

'' I know, stoopid '' She said as she raised her eyebrows and Amber rolled her eyes at Krystal's sillyness.


After a while they both finished their slices of cake. Well, Krystal finished first and was with her back resting on the chair while rubbing her full tummy. 

'' Hey Jung, where are you looking at? '' Amber said as she noticed that Krystal frowned '' It's that girl '' Krystal said as she pointed to the girls direction. Amber looked at where she was pointing. '' Who's she ? '' 

'' She's just a freaking . '' 

'' Well, but what did she did to you ? '' 

'' *sighs* She's always saying bad things about me and stuff .. '' 

'' Well , maybe she does that because you are smart and beautiful or she envies that your dad as bigger chest than her. '' They both laughed. Krystal's father was a wrestler so he has alot of muscles. 


It was already afternoon and they decided to get back home since there wasn't anything else they could do, and Amber didn't sleep all night because of  you-know-what-i'm-saying and was very tired. 

They entered the house and Krystal took out her jacket, and after that, she followed Amber to her room. 

Amber lay on her bed, sighting afterwards. '' Are you tired? '' Krystal asked as she sat on Amber's bed. 

'' Kind of.. '' Amber answered and Krystal hummed in response. 

Things got a little tensed between them because they remembered about what as been happening these days. Krystal was staring at the ground shyly while playing her fingers and Amber was bitting on her own lips , with her eyes closed. 

'' Ahuum... Amber... '' Krystal called the older girl 

'' Yes ? '' 

'' Well, hmm... would you mind if we... experimented some things? '' 

Once Amber listened to the words that left Krystal's lips, blood rushed to her face at the speed of light. ''What did she mean by experimenting? '' Amber thought 

'' W-w-hat.. d-do you m-mean, K-Krys? '' She turns into a stuttering mess. 

'' I mean...  just experimenting things that cousins shouldn't do... '' The younger girl said ily as she climbed on top of her cousin. '' How can she be so calm and normal and seconds after she's a beast!? '' Amber thought. She was sweating again. Her hands were trembling. Just staring at Krystal's eyes sent shivers down her spine. 

'' J-just e-experimenting...? ''
















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SuspectV #1
Chapter 5: Please update soon
AmberK #2
please updated this story.....pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Julianeee #3
Chapter 5: Update? It's a really interesting story
exondhyokai #4
Chapter 5: I know its a long shot but, I really liked your story author and I hope that you would update this :(
Chapter 5: Ohhh nice story author, its really interesting.... update soon
glorya #6
Chapter 5: Next chapter please !!!
kryberDDD #7
update soon author.plz
Enelaxer #8
Chapter 5: author update please!!!
noiideaa #9
please update...
ssgsperera #10
Chapter 5: please update author...