Before death do us part


"Taemin didn’t told him anything yet and Minho acted like he didn’t knew. But when Taemin came home with red puffy eyes from crying and saw his lover was home early then expected he had no choice but tell him everything "



Hi guys,
this story is actually is some kind of a prolog to "till death do us part" but you can read it without reading the whole story - as a one shot. 

I really hope you'll like it , feel free to comment and subscribe.


"till death do us part" :




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Beau1996 1480 streak #1
Chapter 1: Very heavy - but Minho stayed by his side!
taeminho18 #2
Chapter 1: *sobshard* omg this is so heartbreaking :"
ThatBoyIsMine #3
Chapter 1: Omg thank you for making me cry XD I'm sobbing so hard right now. Idek why..
Chapter 1: That was so sad I'm crying so much omg
Chapter 1: omg its 1 am and i am cying like never soo sad
ShineeSB #7
Thank you all. I'm myself love angst stories... but sometimes it's hard to write them. But I'm glad you all have such a positive comments
Tayarisa #8
Chapter 1: So sad. I have a love-hate relationship with angst ; I never want to read them but when I do I love them.
This was sad and beautiful.
strawberrii_chu #9
Chapter 1: Oh my god that was the saddest 2min fic I've ever read I'm crying ;-;
Chapter 1: oh god, it's so sad..
you made me cry authornim T_T