
Eternal Dream
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I saw chongseungdal staring at the endless horizon. He was watching the sunset. This is my chance to return his handkerchief. Yuri thought to herself

Ah staring at the endless horizon with a sunset makes my heart calm and think through things. Honestly everything is so sudden finding out about Yuri, training the Korea’s top girl group and me staying here in Korea. I wonder how Gibbonz(OC) will react to my sudden choices. Taeyang thougth to himself while staring at the endless horizon.


Yuri opened the door startling Chongseungdal

End of Author’s POV:

“Ah Congseundal-ssi” Yuri exclaimed while walking towards where Chongseungdal was

“Ah Yuri-ssi. Why are you here? Chongseundal asked Yuri

“Ah I went here to have some fresh air. But I found out someone was already here” Yuri said jokingly. “How about you?” Yuri asked Chongseungdal while looking at his face.

“Ah I went here to think things and planning to jump.” Chongseungdal said while smiling

“Ha you failed to make me laugh or flustered” Yuri said while grinning

“I guess I’ve eaten to much corn today “ Chongseungdal said while pouting

“Is it just me or GD and you always tend to pout. Is it the GD virus?” Yuri asked

“You better not say it. When he’s present “ Chongseungdal said to Yuri

“Ahaha of course. “Yuri exclaimed

“Can we drop the formalities?” Yuri asked

“hmmm. I guess it’s alright since we will be working together for a long time” Chongseungdal replied

“Hmm then. Chongseungdal Oppa?” Yuri asked while showing her aegyo

“I’d prefer my other nickname” Chongseungdal said

“What is it then” yuri asked

I hope no one would notice my name. Chongseungdal thougth to himself.. “Hmmm then call me Bae” Chongseungdal said

“Why bae tho?” Yuri asked

“Hmmm Chongseungdal is too long to say, Won’t you agree?” Youngbae said to Yuri

“Then Bae Oppa” Yuri said cutely

“Aigoo my little dongsaeng Aegyo’s won’t work on me” Bae said while chuckling

“Hmp.. Anyways Bae oppa.” Yuri said

Aigoo she’s too cute when saying my name. I must resist Bae thought to himself. “What is it my cute little dongsaeng?” Bae said while smiling

Bae oppa called me cute little dongsaeng. Aigoo I gotta keep my heart at bay. I can feel my cheeks heating up. I must be blushing this is too embarrassing Yuri thought to herself “Here’s you handkerchief. Thank you for that time” Yuri said while smiling

“Ahaha now that I remember it. It’s okay. Remember this a girl should not shed tears or else they will get wrinkles” Bae said while chuckling

“Oh yeah what do you want me to call you?” Bae said to Yuri

“Yul I want you to call me Yul” Yuri exclaimed

“Y-y-y-y-y-y-yul” Bae said embarrassingly

Yuri could only smile when she heard Bae stammering while saying her name. It was really cute Yuri thought and let out a chuckle.

“Yah what was that for” Bae asked Yuri

“I’m sorry but it’s really funny to see the shy side of you. Who would’ve thought that the chongseungdal that has an intimidating aura as our president has a shy and cute side” Yuri said while holding his stomach.


Chongseungdal could only blush at Yuri’s remark

End of POV

“Anyways how long will you train us? Yuri asked

“Until you die” Bae said jokingly

“Ahahah so funny I forgot to laugh” Yuri said

“Anyways could I have your number Yul?” Bae said

It seems he didn’t notice that he pronounced my nickname without stammering. Yuri thought to herself. “Deh let’s exchange phone and input our number” Yuri said


They handed their phones to each other and finished inputting each other’s number.




Seriously have you guyz heard of wh

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thane5001 #1
Chapter 9: i know its been a long time but please update this story! it's too good to remain incomplete :(
minhnam #2
Chapter 10: you updated the same chapter twice xD
B-Bang #3
Chapter 6: so YB doesn't use the name "Taeyang" anymore?
minhnam #4
Chapter 6: aaah so like taeyang has 2 identity . taeyang is like the child superstar and the other one is the famous composer
minhnam #5
Chapter 4: your from quebec ?? me too !!!! and u should like write taeyeon pov then write what she was doing or thinking itll help the readers
Situmeng18 #6
Chapter 4: Ha ha i love this story so far. DAMN THOSE BANANAS! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! LOL
leciBlackJack #7
yeay..!! another Yulyang fanfics..! :)
B-Bang #8
Hey author, I think you write "soshibang" incorrectly.
Please edit it if you want more readers.