I can explain..

I can explain..

“Hair. Check. Clothes Check. Breath, Check” Baekhyun smiled at himself in the mirror, satisfied with himself. Today would be the day Baekhyun fully gave himself to his long time boyfriend Park Chanyeol. They’ve been dating for 2 years now and haven’t gone as far as hot make out sessions. Baekhyun just wasn’t ready, this was his first real relationship with a boy and he wanted to make sure Chanyeol was right before he gave himself to him fully. But now, Baekhyun was sure that Chanyeol was the one, every time he saw chanyeol his heart sped up, his smile made him melt, everything about him was his source of happiness and baekhyun was sure that chanyeol felt the same. Baekhyun smiled once again at the thought of Chanyeol, before grabbing his phone and keys and walking out the door. Baekhyun was headed to Chanyeol’s apartment. Even after 2 years and constant begging done by Chanyeol, baekhyun refused to move in with him. He just felt like he needed to once again, be sure before making any huge steps. Checking his phone for a response from Chanyeol, Baekhyun frowned at the message. “I’m not home right now…I won’t be for a while…ill drop by later tonight. Love you”. “Well there goes my plan…” baekhyun mumbled to himself. “But I’m already dressed..” baekhyun frowned. Baekhyun thought to himself. “Well… I do have a key to his apartment, maybe I could surprise him!” Baekhyun smiled happily to himself before continuing walking to Chanyeols apartment. Approaching the apartment door, baekhyun digged around in his back pocket for his keychain holding multiple keys. He finally pulled out a slender golden key and unlocked the door to chanyeols apartment. Stepping inside baekhyun wondered if this was a little weird..But chanyeol insisted he uses it whenever he pleases. Baekhyun completely trusted chanyeol. Chanyeol was the type to never have secrets, he let baekhyun in his house whenever, let him use his phone and much more. That’s why they rarely got into fights. Stepping in, Baekhyun heard an arrangement of muffled moans and groans coming from Chanyeols room. Frowning, Baekhyun stepped towards the door, couldn’t chanyeol wait a few minutes till I got here? He mentally scolded chanyeol for being so needy. Laughing, Baekhyun swung open the door saying “Couldn’t wait huh?” Baekhyun’s laughter faded at the sight infront of him. Jongin, Chanyeols long term assistant who Baekhyun swore wanted his , locking lips with his boyfriend.. Feeling heartbroken, baekhyun mumbled “Oh…I’m sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt you two.” Chanyeol looked up at Baekhyun with wide eyes filled with regret. “Baekhyun..” he said before jumping out of the bed and scrambling to find clothes. “No its fine. I was just dropping something off. I’m leaving now” Baekhyun said fake smiling. Baekhyun hurriedly closed the door and bolted out of the house, tears leaving his eyes left and right. I know I made him wait for 2 years…but couldn’t he wait a bit longer?” “BAEKHYUN…..WAIT!!!” chanyeol screamed down the street. But baekhyun just kept going, not stopping till he reached the front door of his apartment. He hurriedly locked the door and slumped against it. Hiding his head in his arms, baekhyun started sobbing. The love of his life, the one he was sure loved him, the one he was going to give everything too, just cheated on him. He was heartbroken; it felt like his heart was literally torn to pieces. Outside, Chanyeol had caught up and was banging on Baekhyun door. “Baekhyun..Love.. I know you’re in there” Chanyeol on the other side of the door whispered. “Please…open the door, I can explain.” Chanyeols voice was on the edge of tears and baekhyun could tell, Chanyeol had only cried twice in there 2 years of dating, one time being when Baekhyun was sick in the hospital, it was just a broken wrist but Chanyeol was over sensitive thinking his love was hurt, and the second being when Baekhyun had left for 3 weeks to visit some friends in America. Seeing him cry was a rare occasion, and baekhyun loved it. It brought out more emotion than just the normal hard exterior Park Chanyeol had tried pulling off. Sighing, Baekhyun knew he couldn’t resist the sad sound of the one he loves in tears. He slowly rose up from his spot on the door and unlocked the hinges. Standing infront of him was a puffy red eyed chanyeol, hair a mess and wearing the dirtiest sweatshirt and sweatpants baekhyun had ever seen. “Baekhyun…are you crying? Please don’t cry, I’m so sorry” Chanyeol whispered going in for a hug. Baekhyun however turned to quickly and escaped from the hug. Sighing, Chanyeol stepped inside and closed the door. Baekhyun sat down on his couch, and motioned for chanyeol to sit too. Sitting there in silence, baekhyun finally was the first to talk. “Look, you said you could explain, but if you can’t then just please leave.” Baekhyun whispered, he was scared if he talked to loud his tears would start pouring out again, and he couldn’t let chanyeol see that it broke him this much. “Baekhyun…I can explain. I was in the office, Jongin said he needed help with some paper work and I offered to do it at my apartment since my shift was over and I wanted to change into some comfy clothes, but when we got there Jongin kept flirting with me and touching me, and I was just…so overcome by lust and I couldn’t help it…I’m so sorry..I’m so sorry baekhyun” And then chanyeol started crying again, Baekhyun heart broke more and more, not matter how mad he was, seeing the one he loves cry hurt him more. “I love you and only you, Jongin was nothing, Your who makes me smile every day, you’re the one who makes me heart jump just by touching me, you’re my everything. If you don’t want to take me back, I would understand. I just want what makes you happy and if I can’t then ill let you go, but please know your everything I have and mean everything to me and ill do anything to make up for it” Chanyeol sighed when he finished. Baekhyun, just staring blankly at him, sighed also. “Chanyeol…please stop crying”. “I forgive you…” baekhyun whispered. Even if his mind was telling him not too, his heart was telling him too. Chanyeol looked up at him with the biggest smile Baekhyun had ever seen before peppering a million kisses on Baekhyun face. “Thank you…I love you….Your amazing…” He mumbled while kissing him. Baekhyun pulled him off laughing. “But”. Baekhyun smiled. “But?”. “You said you would do anything…I want you to go to the store, I need some food. Oh and also lets go out to dinner and a movie tonight, but your paying.” Chanyeol chuckled. “Anything for you baek.” He leaned in for another kiss. “Wait, go shower, I don’t want your dirty body on mine after you just did that”. Chanyeol nodded before heading off to the bathroom to shower. “Oh and chanyeol….If you would have waited a few hours you would’ve gotten laid tonight”. Baekhyun winked. Chanyeol groaned before entering in the bathroom. Baekhyun sniggered to himself; maybe he would give chanyeol something special tonight..?Or maybe he could make him wait a little longer as a punishment?” Baekhyun chuckled, now there oh so perfect relationship wasn’t as perfect anymore and baekhyun was fine with it as long and Mr. Park Chanyeol was his. And that day, Baekhyun made sure Kim Jongin knew who chanyeols boyfriend was.



This is my first baekyeol once...Please comment and Subscribe if you enjoyed it ! :)

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UGHHH YESSSS AN UPDATE ASDFDHSJSJHSSJ OMG OMG. *heavy breathing* thanks author-nim!! ♡♡
This may sound a little stupid but when I was reading your story I kinda got teary-eyed hahahhaha, Good job author-nim! *\(^o^)/* its a shame there's no continuation tho *sobs*