Chapter 1

Kindergarten Fling

“Okay class; get your science workbook along with your pencil and eraser. Open it to page 5” Mrs. Song announced and all her pupils get their books. Everyone is excited for today’s activity and other kids can’t help but express their excitement through shouting happily as they get their books out from their bags.

It was an activity in which the pupils will draw eyes, ears, nose and lips to a man’s blank face. They are given an hour to do the activity. 20 minutes have passed and most of the class have finished. The others are just doing some finishing touches, as if they are already true artists.

But there’s this one student who still hasn’t done anything.

Even at a young age, she was already seen with such quality of being a perfectionist.

And this doesn’t go well with her below average drawing skills.

She wasn’t satisfied with what she was doing so she keeps on erasing everything and starts all over again until there wasn’t much time left for her.

She gave up. She doesn’t care if she’ll not be able to pass any output that day. If her teacher will scold her, she’ll just cry it out, just like any other child.

“Are you crying?” the boy who was sitting beside her suddenly asked. He was trying to look at her face that was covered by her hands. Then the boy shifted his gaze from her to the workbook and saw the page that is already dirty from all the erasing that was done.

He figured out that his classmate is still not done with the activity and it’s because she can’t draw well. He gets her workbook, placed it on his desk and he started drawing simple eyes, ears, nose and lips. She was just looking down all the time and she only knew what the boy had done when he whispered “Done!” and carefully placed her workbook back to her desk without being noticed by their teacher.

She looked at the drawing. It was all just simple lines but it looked like a face. She looked at him and he was just smiling.

“I already do it for you, so please don’t cry.” The boy said with hushed tone. But she still not talking and just glued her stare at him.

‘Don’t worry, I won’t tell it to Mrs. Song. I will just “Shhh.” Then he placed his index finger on his lips, making a quiet sign. He looked too cute and it’s what made her smile. Seeing that he finally made her smile, he smiled once again and reached out his hand.

“My name is Jonghyun. Choi Jonghyun. But you can call me Changjo.”

“And I’m Oh Hayoung.” She also reached out her hand for the handshake.



*Draw a sketch of the vicinity of the house*


“This .”

Hayoung can be best at anything, except for drawing. Since she was young, she had already accepted the fact that drawings and sketches aren’t her thing. And now that she’s a grown-up, drawing and sketches still follow her and piss her off every time.

“You need help?”

Hayoung looked up and met the eyes of the most gorgeous man she had ever seen existed in this universe. Ok, that would be really exaggerated but she won’t be lying that the dude really has the looks and the body, judging from his biceps that are visible from his semi-fitted white tee.

“What?” She’s practically speechless.

“You have been staring at that paper for about half an hour already. I just assumed you have difficulty over something with the form.”

Hayoung can’t help but be embarrassed. The guy isn’t wrong. She really does need some serious help with the sketch of the neighborhood that she had been living in for the past 19 years. It will be a major turn off that she can’t even draw a simple sketch of a place that she knows more than the terms that she had been studying on her biology class.

The guy just kept on looking at Hayoung—who is busy having a mind battle between to tell the gorgeous dude about her problem or not—suddenly felt a familiar feeling with her.

“Have we met before?” The guy suddenly asked.

Hayoung stopped thinking for a moment and looked once again at Mr. Gorgeous and stared at him intently.

Yes, have they met before? Hayoung suddenly had this familiar feeling this Mr. Gorgeous. Those eyes seem like she had stared at them before. Once again, she is thinking. She’s thinking where she saw the guy and when was it.

“My name’s Changjo, by the way.”

Hayoung’s eyes widen in surprise. “Changjo as in Choi Jonghyun?”

Mr. Gorgeous got surprised as well. “You know me? How?”

Excitement rushed through Hayoung. She didn’t believe that she will see Changjo once more. It has been so long but she won’t forget everything that she and Changjo had in Kindergarten.

“We were seatmates in Kindergarten. I’m Oh Hayoung. Remember me?”

Changjo was surprised too; realizing that he really did met Hayoung before. He smiled widely, remembering that the girl in front of her is indeed her classmate in Kindergarten.

“Do you want to have coffee after you finish filling up the delivery form?” Changjo asked.

“I would love to.” Hayoung replied with a wide smile on her face, same as Changjo.




I decided to finally update this story. As always, I'm busy busy busy~

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Chapter 2: Waaaaaah my feels~
update please? this is my otp♡
Chapter 1: Update please? ♥ ^^