2 - 8th Avenue Serenade

8th Avenue Serenade
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Word Count: 1,709

Kris looked at the message she had texted him this morning.

‘Good morning, I hope that you being late won’t become a regular thing. L Campus is no fun with you around!’

As he read through the messages, Kris chuckled at her and decided to just leave her to own thing while he drives to school. Though past memories kept coming up and it bothered him to the core.

While on his way out the door, his beta stopped him. “Kris, you have a meeting with Rain after your second block of class.” The taller nodded at him.

“Alright, guess I’ll just have to tell the headmaster about my appointment.” Kris said and walked passed Suho.

He didn’t want any more distractions, so he made a quick get-away out the door. Once in the car, and on his way; at a four way stop sign, he noticed a pack of students whom seem to be in high school, judging by their uniform.

Kris ignored them and looked back at his phone.

‘Don’t ignore me like you always do when I text you in the morning! >n<’

Again, Kris ignored the message and went by to the university. He arrived just a minute to spear to head to class, but he didn’t really care anymore.

“Kris!” someone yelled, he looked around and was alone. But judging by the voice he knew who it was. A bundle of weight came from his back and he almost lost balance.

“W-wait, hippo not right now!” he yelled slightly and looked around with caution.

“You have no right to call me a hippo, you, you giraffe!” she squealed, and stayed on him.

“You do know our relationship cannot be known to the campus right?” Kris asked, and wriggled her off his back and made sure again, no one was around.

She pouted and looked up at him, “but you didn’t respond back this morning and you ignored my messages.”

Kris sighed, and looked back at her, “How about we hang out later then, and my place?” He had hoped she would agree once again.

She shook her head, “No, we always go to your place, it’s starting to get annoying, why not my apartment!” she smiled instantly.

Kris was hesitant in agreeing, if there was one thing he was afraid of was this, going to her place when he has not once been there. “I don’t know, don’t you live with someone else?”

“That’s the reason why I want you to meet my little dongsaeng!” she smiled and latched herself on his arm. “Plus he already knows about you because of me and my mouth.”

Kris mentally sighed, he might as well agree. No use in making up excuses. “Alright fine, but it has to be tonight, I have an appointment after the second class.”

She nodded and grinned, “Thank you!” She looked at her phone and her eyes bulged out, “OH SH-, I’m going to be late, sorry bye-bye Kris” She nodded and ran off to the south side of the campus.

“Bye Tiffany.” He mumbled and waved her off, as for himself he headed to his class.


After the second block, Kris emerged from his class, and walked out. He was already approved of his absence by the headmaster.

He headed straight home, and saw that Rain had already arrived. He straightens himself and walked in.

“Good afternoon, how was the trip here?” Kris asked in a polite manner.

“Oh cut the crap Kris, we all know that you are nowhere near polite!” he jokingly hissed.

“Well then, I was attempting to be polite, but oh well I guess.” Kris mumbled out.

“Well anyway, there has been a disturbance within the south-east region outside the town.” Rain said out of nowhere in a serious tone.

“Why do you care? I thought we agreed not to have ourselves involved with what goes on outside of our area?” Kris question, because he did remember when Rain and himself agreed to only worry about themselves.

“I know, but it’s just, there is some kind ‘thing’ out there, and you know the supernatural order.” Rain said, and continued. “If one is near another’s territory, they have to inform the leader

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T-araFans #1
Chapter 6: Nice update...
Please update soon...
T-araFans #2
Chapter 4: The start of Krisoo...
Nice update...
Please update soon...
Chapter 3: What kind of joke is it?? Something is fishy here...Oh no Tiff you didn't !!!!! How could you?? I really liked you , but I didn't know you were a hidden bish !!! Now I want to slap you so hard ....she sure knows something !!! Ugh Kyungsoo why are so stupid?? Thanks for the update T_T
Chapter 3: ………………YAY an update-I'm soo~happy