
Trophy Heart

"You! You there!" shouted a man that running towards me.
I glance at him, rather confused. Who the heck is this man and why is he calling my name? What had I done?! I look down the street at him and examine him...he is wearing a suit and dressed rather smartly...oh no! Is he the man that collects our rent? S***, I haven't paid in months! He's going to kill me! Panicking, I run as fast as your legs could carry me.
Although, I'm usually good at avoiding people, carrying bags and bags of groceries didn't help me today. It only slowed me down, that was all I needed! Man, why are the bags so heavy today?!

"Stop! You! Stop" the voice shouted behind me, the voice was getting closer. What do I do? I was getting out of breath, and he didn't seem to losing any energy at all! How is that possible?! I could usually outrun him and dodge him. 

"Stop running!" he called again, "I won't hurt you. Why are you running away?"
I  start to slow down and come to a halt. Dammit, I can't keep running. What do I do?

"Who's running?" I asked, my back still turned, "I'm not running..."

"I was calling you and you didn't stop", he argued, he was out of breath- so he was getting tired after all?

"I was just exercising," you said with a smirk, " But Mr, I'll just tell you so I can go home, I don't have the rent money. I'm sorry, but I'll get it soon. So, please leave my mother and I alone, I promise I'll pay it off soon."

"eeeerrrr....," was the sound that came out of his mouth.

I turn around confused by his response. 

"S*** Who the hell are you?! " I exclaimed, shocked. Damn, I was running from the wrong guy. But who the heck is this guy? I've never seen him before, and no one else I know wears a suit.

He laughs at me and smiles, "Nice to meet you too,"

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry," I apologize realizing how rude I was blurting that out. He reaches out for a handshake and shakes my hand. I look closely at him now. Actually, analyzing him, he doesn't seem that old at all! He's quite good looking if I do say so myself.

"I'm Park Jiyeon", he smiles friendly at me while still catching his breath.

"I'm Lee Mi-Hyon" I reply awkwardly. I'm still kind of confused about who the heck this guy was and why the hell he was chasing me.

"You may be wondering who the hell I am ad why the hell I was chasing you," he says, "I am Director and we've been scouting recently for a girl that could audition for a particular role. I usually do films but I've been requested to organize a special show and we need a particular girl. Would you be interested?"

Wait what?! Aha is this some kind of prank?!

"Who me?! aha you must be crazy!," I laugh while turning and walking away, "Is this some sort of joke for your show? Aha very funny"

"Wait, stop! I'm serious! You're perfect for the part!" he runs in front of me," Please consider auditioning, you're pretty, humble and unique"
Wait. He's been stalking me?! What the hell?!

"You've been watching me?!"

"No no no no!! You misunderstand," he reassures quickly, "I just see you around, you are usually working in the shops I go into."

I continue to walk off.

"What if I tell you that  BTOB are starring in this show?" he tries to bribe me.

"Not interesteeeddd" I call back .

"What if I tell you you'll get paid a fortune?!" he said. I stopped walking, "I knew that would persuade you, here's my card. Go to this address Saturday at 11am"
Then, he walks back down the street. Did this just happen? This guy must be mad to be able to see something in me.

"And good luck in your audition!" he adds, "I know they're going to love you."

I'm so sorry.
It was so bad and boring I know- but this is the first chapter of my first fanfic. Apologieessssss
It will be betterr

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Nice story ^^