Ethos Pathos Logos


Jonghyun, a young university student is taking Public Speaking classes to ipmrove his terrible presentations. Through the classes he learnt about the three essensial words about presenting: Ethos Pathos Logos.
At the same time, he fell in love with the boy next door, the boy that he was never brave enough to speak to. This boy was Key.

Is it time to put those three words into use and finally talk to the person that he fell in love with?





Dedicated to a really sweet person called Danie for her 21st birthday





English in not my mother tongue, I am terribly sorry if you find any errors.

Have fun reading and an awesome day!



Ethos Pathos Logos

Small parts from the story:

"Three things. Just three things. They sound simple, but obviously they are not. The young man nervously ran his fingers through his brunette hair. He breathed in and then out. Okay, remember what your teacher told you, remember what Aristotle said so many years ago. Ethos, that stands for character, Pathos which means passions and Logos which means speech."


“Love is something unique. Something that I can feel strong, something that I crave to give and receive. Have you ever felt this way too?” He tried to be as gentle as possible, remembering the ethos.

            “I-I…” Key blushed and tried to look away but Jonghyun made him look back by softly touching his chin.


“Finally!” Key exhaled. “Oh, cute pajamas.”

            Jonghyun’s eyes became two big golf balls, he was in his freaking pajamas!

            “H-Hi.” He stuttered. So this was the first time he ever talked to Key, and it sounded lame.



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Yay you uploaded it! I'm so happy, thank you again for this present <3 I love chu honeysun!!! Xxxxxxxx *kissy face*
Chapter 1: *screams*
*flips table*
*rolls around*
Chapter 1: This is nice, really nice:D
Omg this sounds way too cute asfshsnyjanshsbs i cant waitttt~~~~