Bad doesn't even begin to describe it

You're My Superstar


The morning came a lot sooner than I willed it to. I still felt the fatigue in my muscles and the weight of my eyelids when my alarm awoke me to tell me it was already 7 AM, and that I had to report for training in less than an hour. Groaning, I blindly patted around the edge of my bed to look for my alarm clock, slamming a hand down to stop the horrid beeping before I finally dragged myself out from under my covers and get up to face the day.

I somehow stumbled through taking a shower and getting dressed in time to make it to breakfast in the cafeteria downstairs. With a quick meal, I was in the dance studio no more than 10 minutes later, still feeling the rush of just trying to run everywhere on time.

“Woah woah, calm down there.” Taeyang said the moment he saw me rushing through the door. I made a face and held my hand to my stomach as I realized eating and moving around so quickly right after was just not a smart idea. I laughed softly, ridiculing myself and my morning that seemed to just be all over the place. “Are you alright there?” He asked, stopping the music that he must have been dancing to earlier before walking over to me.

“Y-yeah…” I said, catching my breath before I suddenly groaned at the pain in my stomach. “Damn it,” I cursed under my breath.” I just ran around too soon after eating, and my body’s getting back at me for it.” I explained sheepishly, feeling quite dumb at the moment.

“Aish, you.” Taeyang couldn’t seem to hold back a soft chuckle. “Lay down.” He commanded, and I decided not to question it. It came as a shock when I suddenly felt the warmth of his hand on my stomach, rubbing in small circles to obviously try to ease my pain.

I watched with surprised eyes but made no move to stop him. I knew my face was close in color to that of a tomato, but I just tried to ignore it, putting an arm to cover my eyes. The pain was slowly starting to go away, and that was enough reason for me to just get over my embarrassment and shyness of having Taeyang so close like this for the time being.

“Is it feeling any better?” His soft voice got my attention.

“Y-yeah…” I stuttered, bringing the arm down from my face to tip my head up and get a glance of my trainer looking up at me.

“Take better care of yourself.” He started, and I just knew there was going to be a lecture to follow it up. “It’s okay if you’re late, I can deal with that. I’d rather that than you laying on the floor and holding your stomach like it explode. And I know the stress of getting to debut can get to you, but you have to remember if you don’t take care of yourself and stay healthy, there’s no way you’ll see the stage lights.” Taeyang finished off his little spiel, and I gave a slow nod of understanding.

“Thank you… “ And that was all I managed before my luck of the day turned from bad to even worse.

“Not training again, as I see.” A deep familiar voice caught both of our attention. I nearly let myself groan out loud when I turned my head and saw the one man that I prayed not to see in the doorway once again.

“Aish… “ Taeyang and I muttered together.

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Lol just her luck :P
Lol well, that update was sooner than I expected. Ahhhh...Jihoon...wae you so bossy?!
Ah! I finished all the chapters! Please update soon! :D
Man her body must be so achey >.><br />
At least Tae is nice to her ^^
wah jihoon seems really scary...and taeyang seems sweet <br />
i like it<br />
Vocals next<br />
I cant wait :P
Oh who is it ~~~ XP<br />
Wah its really good, you capture the mind of someone who want to make it SUPER well ^^<br />
Keep it up :P
Seems intersting <br />
cant wait to read more <br />