Teaser #2

Linked {Apply Closed | Story Starting}
The 10 whoe were fated to be linked will forever be linked.
teaser 2
posted april 17, 2014 by admin

The five girls sat in the cafe each doing they're own individual things; one was sitting quietly reading her book, while another layed her head on the table and complained about being bored. Two more were sitting there bickering at one another while the last girl sat there with an irritated look. After what seemed like forever the irritated girl had spoken up telling them that they should just go home. The five had gotten up and walked out they took a short cut cutting through an alley way only to see....

author's note

Hai guys :3 2nd teaser is out^^ I know I know it's boring, undescriptive, and lame *sobs*. I'm trying guys! Anyways 5 more days! So yup apply ;) Goodbye for now lovelys~ ♥


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JjangJoo #1
Chapter 16: Glad I caught this on time. So the others are learning to get along. This should be interesting.
Chapter 16: Such a cute chapter ><
Chapter 15: Krissy and Minhyun seems to get along quite well, just that Minhyun is too quiet at times. XD
Ohmygosh, Hyo Min just had to trip hur. LOLOLOL!!!
JjangJoo #4
Chapter 14: Baekho and Miyoung, smh, they are really interesting. Mihyun and Krissy are so adorable!! Especially Krissy she's like "Uh-un, no sir. Sit down and shut up because you are not going anywehre." in a cute way. Minhyun knows she likes it. lol.
Chapter 14: Mihyun is so adorable. Gawd I wanna eat donuts
Chapter 14: These are the cutest couples ever
Xander34 #7
Chapter 14: Oh Krissy I wonder what will happen between these two!!
Chapter 13: Baek is just so adorable...ahaha....love this couple alrdy!
Chapter 12: Aww Yoomi and Ren are so cute!!
Hahaha and I hope Kira will open up to Aron soon! XD
JjangJoo #10
Chapter 12: Yoomi and Ren are so adorable and cute!!! And Kira is so awkward acting but its cute too and Aaron worried about the others is hilarious!! "Where are my babies!"