Playing The Role

Playing The Role

-Playing The Role

Ms. Kim stood up abruptly from her seat as her class room begun to get loud once more. Every time that they had finished their work it always led to more and more talking than before, and she could not say anything since she knew they were done and they had the paper to prove it. "Alright class," she clapped her hands to get their attention, she needed something that could keep them entertained, the end of the school year was coming and she still had finally decided on a Final grade project "We're going to start our project"

"WHAT!" Seungri jumped out of his seat in protest "Why must we always get these big ridiculous project along with a final exam, it's just not fair. Can't we just do the project" Of course Seungri never cared much for tests.

"Seungri, sit down I don't want to hear it." Ms. Kim sighed. Seungri grumbled about old ladies and their attitudes as he sat down. "Alright, as I was saying class, we're going to do a play" Ms. Kim turned to the board "You remember that Spanish ones we went through, the one called" she begun to write it not really wanting to pronounced the title in Spanish since she sounded funny: El anillo del general Macias. "You'll have to make one of your own…ummm, I'll allow you free topic, but you have to check with me first if you think it'll turn out inappropriate. You'll need a partner" Ms. Kim started to pass out the rubric for the assignment "and if you don't find one I'll pair you up"

Ji Yong scowled, when it came to choosing partners he was not sure what to do, he didn't have enough courage to actually go up to someone and ask them to be his partner, especially not Seungri whom he had a crush on. But what Ji Yong hated is that not only could he not bring himself to ask, no one ever chose him for anything. So he just sat there waiting for Ms. Kim to partner him up with someone at random as he looked around at all the bonding students.

"Alright, does everyone have a partner?" Ms. Kim called out but was ignored as groups of students engaged in talking. She turned to the shy boy in front of her "Do you have a partner Ji Yong?"

Ji Yong shook his head."No,"

"Umm" Ms. Kim looked around watching as Seungri partner himself with Dong Wook who wanted to be with Seung Hyun who on the other side was being pulled by Jae Joong, she frowned, because she knew those boys would not work well together. "Seung Hyun" She called out, the said dark haired boy turned to her. "Would you mind working with Ji Yong?"

"Not at all," Seung Hyun responded quickly, anything to escape the other three guys. He quickly stood up.

"But Ms. Kim, Seung Hyun is in our group!" Dong Wook immediately said, reaching for the dark haired boy’s hand.

"Enough Dong Wook," Ms.Kim snapped "You can work with Seungri and Jae Joong," Both Dong Wook and Jae Joong sulked as they crossed their arms while Seungri grinned.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Seungri laughed only to get hit over the head by the two angry males.

"Hey" Seung Hyun said as he sat down on the desk next to the quiet, blond boy.

"Hi" Ji Yong said meekly.

"Can I be in your group as well?" Came a brunet named Chae Rin, she wanted a team that would actually work this time. No one else seemed to even pay attention on the class; even her boyfriend, Young Bae, whom was to bossy when it came to this type of stuff, so she left him to choose his own team.

"Sure" Ji Yong said.

"So what do you guys want to make this play about?" Seung Hyun asked as he brought out a piece of paper and a pen to write. Ji Yong and Chae Rin, before him looked thoughtful.

"How about a play of fantasy and romance" Chae Rin suggested with a huge smile.

"I would say join Seungri's team instead, are you insane" Seung Hyun replied.

"No way, they are way to ….." Chae Rin could not think of the right word at the time "dysfunctional?"

"How about tragedy" Seung Hyun asked with a frown. Ji Yong on the other hand felt left out as he watched Seung Hyun and Chae Rin fight over the genre of the play. Seung Hyun wanted something tragic with horror while Chae Rin wanted Fantasy and Romance.

"Hey" Ji Yong was ignored as Chae Rin stole Seung Hyun's paper and brought out her own pen to start scribbling while Seung Hyun pulled it back. "HEY!" he demanded, trying his best not to let his partners ignore him.

"What is it Ji Yong?"

"Can't we make one of tragic and Fantasy, fantasy can also be romantic and horror, depending ‑­on the way you want to mix it" Seung Hyun and Chae Rin looked at Ji Yong like he was their savior.

"That's perfect!"

"Now all we need is the characters, time, place, and story plot line" Seung Hyun muttered as he wrote down their names on a new piece of paper.

"Alright, I know this is going to sound kind of odd, but give it a shot" Chae Rin cleared "we can do one on a ranch….and this guy, yeah. He is a nerd who all of a sudden becomes all hot and stuff, and his best friend who is still a nerd wants to know how he became so good looking despite the fact that she still loves him all the same and" Chae Rin got stuck.

"That sounds like a romance novel I heard about, it's perfect except we can do it in our own style and cut out all the …..Those parts" Ji Yong blushed, Seung Hyun on the other hand was confused as he looked at his two blushing partners. "So yeah, what do you say Seung Hyun?" Seung Hyun crossed his arms.

"I'd say I'm lost" Chae Rin giggled and Ji Yong held his own laughed.

"Just put the title 'Drop Dead y'" Seung Hyun wrote it down a bit scared at what the hell he was getting himself into.

"The character’s name will be umm, me I want to be called GD" Ji Yong said and Seung Hyun wrote it down, Ji Yong was starting to get really comfortable with his team and made it easier for him to communicate.

"I'll be called CL," Chae Rin said next taking the paper away from Seung Hyun.”Ji Yong, you should play a female part,” she then turned to the other boy, “Seung Hyun you'll be Top" She said as she wrote it down, "Let's see the setting will be on a ranch, it's going to begin with nerdy Top is walking down the street and this is like their last year of high school, when that night his life changes all the way upside down.,……"

Chae Rin laughed evilly as she got into the story,

Seung Hyun-Top, Ji Yong-GD, Chae Rin-CL: Scene 1

Top came out of the mansion house for a fresh breath of air, summer vacations were about over and one thing was for sure, he was not himself. Would his so called friends notice the way his hair changed from a dull black color to a shining dark midnight blue and that his once brownish skin was now a healthy glowing pale? What did it matter, after all, he was really not himself.

CL: What are you doing out here, Top? Are you alright?

Top: I am fine, stop worrying about me sister.

CL: I can't help it, I am older than you and I worry.

Top: You’re not my mother, you should not worry. I'm the one at fault here for making you leave your lover behind, Tae Yang and you need each other.

CL: I couldn't exactly concentrate on that when you needed me.

Top stays silent as his dark locks get swept along the cold wind and to his forehead, it was no use at how much the wind pressed it down, his hair was now very healthy with a ton of ‑­volume that it defied gravity making it look y messy. You worry too much about meaningless things such as me…..

CL: Go to bed now Tabi-sweety.

Top: Whatever- he walks past his older sister to his room. Tomorrow he had school and he could not wait to see her

"You can't be serious" Seung Hyun snapped as he looked at the dialogue, there was no way.

"Bug off!" Chae Rin snapped. "You'll be a good boy and just act when you need it!" Chae Rin sniffed and then she continued to write with the two boys looking over her shoulder, one indifferent and the other tensing as her pen produced the words to their tale.

School: Scene 2

Top entered the school that day to leave people stunned at his gorgeous new look when two girls came over to him and praised him. The two girls were all over him, they had no chance with him! Top shoved them aside like –old news! - And headed into class as more girls came to praise him.

GD: Top, what happened to you! You've changed so much.

Top: Nothing. Don't bug me.

GD: O-okay.

Top: He keeps looking at GD with a piercing dominating look that leaves GD simply breathless -I did miss you though-. GD shrinks away

GD: Yeah, I missed you too, he whispered thinking that perhaps it was a dream, perhaps Top was way out of his league despite it all.- Are you for real?

Top blinked wondering what GD meant by that

“Is GD a girl or a boy, I don’t get it?” Seung Hyun interrupted the story.

“He’s a girl, obviously and has a crush on you,”

“But you wrote He,”

“Well,” Chae Rin looked at Ji Yong and so did Seung Hyun.

“I get the point,” Seung Hyun muttered.

“Back to the story!”


Top: Yeah, I'm for real he whispered down to GD in a salacious tone that made him look up with a blush -GD,- he paused for a second to consider his thoughts about the possibilities -meet me after school out by the gates; I have a secret to tell you.

GD: O-okay he just stared after Top’s retreating back, what had happened this summer to him that he did not know?

It was not that both friends could not think straight they just did not deem themselves worthy of each other. Over thinking everything was in their power, demeaning themselves to the media standard. Then there was Top, like he all quiet and pushed away and disliked all because they think they are weird. It just that Top did not care for such prejudice, it gave GD hope and now that he loves him, he worries and wonders…..

"What the hell are you making this into!!" Seung Hyun snapped taking the pen away from Chae Rin.

"I'm making this into an entertaining play, calm down or I'll even put a kissing scene!" she snapped back.

"How long does it have to be?" Ji Yong asked as he grabbed his own pen and sat in Chae Rin's chair while he tried to wrestle with a pissed off Seung Hyun.

"About ten minutes, I'm guessing two pages front and back-Kyaa!!" Ji Yong ignored his two fighting classmates and continued to write the story, heh, he was enjoying the little tale so far. This is what writing tales and stories was all about, you imagination and what you could come up with. Creating a whole other world, a whole new place with unbelievable sights, and events that can touch the heart or tickle your funny bone. That was what a story was really about, understandable or not, it held magic in its own way.

Scene: 3

GD did go without hesitation to meet up with Top, he trusted him and everything. What was it that he needed to tell him? Was it what he had done to change so much over the summer? GD wonderings and thoughts all vanished as he saw Top approaching, his heart was beating in his chest and it threatened to pop out. He was short of breath and already her palms were sweating.

Top: Hey

GD: Hello. he smiled sweetly tilting his head; GD’s brown eyes looked at Top innocently -So, what is this secret that you …uh…want to tell me?

Top: he looked over his shoulder a few times and then sighed -I'll tell you even though...After this I'm not sure what is going to happen. he turned his head down as he begun to whisper Tae Yang is dead and it was my entire fault. GD gasped

GD: but how? Top are you going to jail…?.Is this wha-He shut GD up by pulling his hand to make GD bump into his chest this really how this story is going to go, am I going to lose everything in the end…….

Two Days later: First shooting.

Seung Hyun's house/ Mansion

"Do I have to wear this?" Seung Hyun asked annoyed.

"Yes, now the first scene we'll do it as soon as night falls and we'll do the fourth scene right here where you take Ji Yong to your bedroom and you guys have a chat and you leave him with the choice to follow you into darkness or stay in the light" Chae Rin said as she made them get in place. Seung Hyun was wearing a baggy blue shirt, baggy black jeans and his skin was the perfect pale color they needed, though Ji Yong was also pale. Ji Yong is wearing a long skirt, glasses, and baggy shirt that covered him all up.

"Alright, Act I scene four" Chae Rin the camera and turned it to the sky with the falling sun and then gave a three sixty turning it to Seung Hyun and Ji Yong. Seung Hyun was walking with the perfect annoyed look in his face and Ji Yong with a blush and a frightened perfect look as Seung Hyun pulled him by the wrist. He suddenly stops and slams Ji Yong to his chest.

"Please don't make me drag you and come with me" he said in such a way that'll have any human, girl or boy, tripping over, Ji Yong blushed more.

"Top……I-I..." Ji Yong sighed looking away and down "I'm not scared, I...Trust you" Seung Hyun smiled that smile that left any girl breathless.

"Your words say so, but your body does not" Ji Yong visibly shivered as Seung Hyun ran a hand down his side and Chae Rin had to keep from an out bursting cheer. Ji Yong grabbed Seung Hyun's hand as it reached his cheek and nuzzled into it.

"I trust you" Ji Yong said firmly, Seung Hyun nodded and let go of his arm. Turning, this time Ji Yong followed Seung Hyun into the mansion.

"CL! Are you home?" there was no answer, Seung Hyun and Ji Yong looked around but there was no other sight of life. "Come in GD, come to my room" Ji Yong nodded and they walked hand in hand into the house and the door closed in Chae Rin's face, she brought out a black cube paper and then placed it in front of the camera as she quickly opened the door and ran inside to catch them going up the stairs as she removed the paper. It showed as they went up and she zoomed the camera and followed them ti'll they reached the room and then she shouted.

"CUT!" that was when the door closed. Hae Yoon who had been studying came out to look what everything was about and was surprised when he saw a girl running up the stairs. "Hello Seung Hyun's sister!" she chirped. Hae Yoon raised a brow as she threw the door open to see Ji Yong and Seung Hyun waiting. "Alright positions!"

Hae Yoon stood behind Chae Rin as she began filming and Ji Yong and Seung Hyun in the room made like they were walking up to the bed where they sat down.

"What is it that you wanted to show me Top?" Ji Yong asked shyly.

"This" Seung Hyun leaned into Ji Yong and brought out his fangs that he had put on while the door was closed and had gotten from a holloween costume store, they looked real and expensive. Hae Yoon got intrigued. "GD, I'm…." Seung Hyun trailed off.

"You're a vampire!" Ji Yong cried as he pushed away from Seung Hyun. "What is going on here?"

"Do…. you hate me?" Seung Hyun asked in a creepy yet y way. Ji Yong sighed and took some deep breaths.

"No, it's just a shock, this is not possible" Ji YOng looked at him pleadingly "How" he shook his head "Top I love you so much! How!!" Ji Yong dramatically yelled shaking his head and then launched to hug a startled Seung Hyun.

"GD" Chae Rin walked neared to the room as she kept the camera to their faces "Im sorry, I love you too, but" Seung Hyun was having trouble with his words, one he was supposed to and second he thought this was so weird! he sighed "we can still be together" there was a close up of Seung Hyun's beautiful face "if you'll become one with me and forever, all eternity" then the camera shifted for a close up of Ji Yong's face as his eyes popped open in shock and disbelief. Hae Yoon on the other hand was leaning against the door frame wishing she had some popcorn, at least they had not noticed her yet.

Seung Hyun pulled Ji Yong slightly from him and looked down on his face, "Tell me to bite you and I won't hesitate, allow for you to be mine an eternity and I'll always stick by your side"

Ji Yong blushed. "Top I" as he closed his eyes, this part Seung Hyun was scared of but tried to keep a straight face and leaned into Ji Yong and kissed him firmly on the lips. Ji Yong's eyes opened wide and his blush was burning. The kiss was slow and Seung Hyun pushed his tongue past his lips and Ji Yong clung to him for dear life as his tongue moved in his mouth. Point in the end, they were both enjoying the kiss.

"Think about it my love" Chae Rin was gasping, seriously into the hot kiss, and Hae Yoon had nearly collapsed from the shock of seeing her baby brother kissing another boy.

"Top….I" Ji Yong stood and pushed him off "I can't" and with that he ran out.

"And Cut!" Chae Rin managed as she ran after Ji Yong who really seemed flustered after that kiss.

"Nice smooch little brother" Hae Yoon taunted and Seung Hyun's eye twitched.

"HAE YOON!" Seung Hyun turned beat red and covered his face with his bed sheets.

"Don't worry I won’t tell our parents" Hae Yoon smirked "You liked it!"

"Did not!"

"Ji Yong!" Chae Rin called "are you alright"

"I…we me and Seung Hyun….kissed!" Ji Yong yelled as he tried to look at anything so that Chae Rin could not see his blush.

"What, it was stage kiss"

Ji Yong sighed."Yeah one that I liked"

"Huh" Chae Rin said.

"Chae Rin! I hate tongue kisses, I think it's gross" Ji Yong sighed "some guys have kissed me but I've always thrown them off before there was tongue and with Seung Hyun….it felt ….good….I liked it" he shook his head "I'm so confused."

"Damn boy, he was in your mouth, ask him out to dinner and get over yourself!"

Ji Yong blinked. "You think he'll go out with me?"

"Yeah" Chae Rin smirked. ”Why not,”

That Night

The moon was shining and Ji Yong kept the Camera aimed at the house as they begun to shoot the last scene, Seung Hyun's parents were back now so they and Hae Yoon were watching right behind Ji Yong who felt a bit nervous around them. Seung Hyun came out of his house and walked over to the railing, Ji Yong zoomed in to his features as he ran a hand through his dark hair and the moon light made his pale skin glow. Just then Chae Rin came out wearing a long skirt and a button up tight shirt.

"What are you doing out here, Top? Are you alright?" Chae Rin asked harshly as she came over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I am fine, stop worrying about me sister." Seung Hyun said as he shoved her hand away and Chae Rin sighed.

"I can't help it, I am older than you and I worry.

"You're not my mother, you should not worry. I'm the one at fault here for making you leave your lover behind, Tae Yang and you need each other."

"I couldn't exactly concentrate on that when you needed me."

Seung Hyun stayed silent as his dark hair got swept along the cold wind and to his forehead, and completely disheveled. "You worry too much about meaningless things such as me….."

"Go to bed now Tabi-sweety."

"Whatever" Seung Hyun walks past Chae Rin and into the house Chae Rin sighs and looks up to the moon and Ji Yong follows her gaze and the scene ends with the moon.

"And Cut!"

A Week Later


Ms. Kim was smiling as she received the tapes from the people in the room. Chae Rin had seated herself over by Young Bae and Seung Hyun and Ji Yong were sitting beside each other and if you were to look down you'd see their linked hands. "Alright, all this period we'll be watching these films and I'll grade you by the end" Ms.Kim announced as Jae Joong and Jun Hyung finished setting up the TV screen and the VCR/DVD player. Ms. Kim turned to the class as she spilled the news "Be aware that I decided to make this your Finals Project, if you fail this the test is on Thursday and you have three days to study" Everyone in the class groaned.

"The first film is 'What We All Wish" She shrugged "By Jae Joong, Dong Wook and Seungri" she set it in and the lights were turned off as the video begun to play.

It begun with Dong Wook and Jae Joong looking all pretty as they walked down the street and the song Crush, Crush, Crush played. Then they stopped and were looking at some basketball players.

"AAH! GO OUT WITH ME!" Dong Wook cried out and the basketball players turned to look at him like he was crazy.

"NO WITH ME!" Jae Joong yelled and the guys shook their head and left the court.

"Let's go"


"Bummer!" the boys said.

"DONG WOOK! JAE JOONG!" they turned around to see Seungri running a distance away as he ran closer and closer and then he was going to run across the street when a car came and sent him flying away.

Then it ended with the same song it begun with, Crush, Crush,Crush by Paramour and Jae Joong and Dong Wook running over to the squished dead Seungri as blood and his guts were visible and then showed them running away to leave him there while the driver came out and looked panicked screaming at what had she done. Then the film ended. Everyone turned to look at them with a look of disbelief.

Seungri was looking away in embarrassment and Dong Wook and Jae Joong did not know what to say. "I was not expecting that" Ms.Kim said. All three boys lowered their head. Yes, they knew they had screwed up their video.

"Alright, the next film is called Association Mobster" She rose a brow "By Daesung, Young Bae, and Seung Hoon" She popped in the DVD and took out the other one.

The film begun with what looked like a white building of the house of Washington and it fell down to show it was a picture and then it was quickly picked up. Then there was a brown door and a hand that knocked on it. "Come in" came a muffled response and the door opened.

"Lord Kahiji, you called?" Young Bae and Daesung stood there as Seung Hoon turned his huge chair around, there was even a desk and the whole room seemed white.

"Yes, I have a job for you"

"What is it sir" Daesung asked this time.

"I want you to kill Marcos; he's a thorn on my side. And I want his body never to be discovered" they nodded and left.


"Cameron, Guy, please be careful" Daesung and Young Bae nodded and left. Then there was a shot of a toy car being pulled by a string as it traveled around the mat all the way to New York. There was laughter from the audience.

There was a man with black hair and sun glasses as he smoked.

"Marcos!" Young Bae called out.

"Cameron!" the mysterious man said as he turned to Young Bae "Long time no see my homie, how has life been treating you since my departure of the mob."

"Just fine" the man nodded "Guy is here with me, we need you to drive us somewhere, you know the favor we need from you and we can't be seen" the man nodded and opened his car door.

"Call him here and I'll give you the ride" Young Bae went to go get Daesung and then they were in the back seat of the man’s car as they got in.

Ten minutes later "So what's up"

"Nothing much but your death!" Young Bae said as he pressed the gun to the man’s head and shot him on the back. The screen went black and then it showed Young Bae disappointed and Daesung driving as they left back home. The end.

"Oa-okay" Ms. Kim said. "The next one is 'a Romeo and Juliet story by Hyun Seung, Bom, Minji, and Seung Woong"

It was pretty much the same as Romeo and Juliet but High school style. With Seung Woong being Romeo and Bom Juliet, Hyun Seung was Tibalt and Minji was the only one that survived in the end as Hyun Seung who hated their relationship pushed both Bom and Seung Woong from the school building roof and they dragged him along with them. How they survived it in real life was still a mystery as it ended with Hyun Seung putting a rose in each of his siblings' graves. The part people were left in awe was when Seung Woong and Bom kissed.

"Alright" Ms.Kim said a she got through some other films rather not mentions in this story "The last one is By Chae Rin, Ji Yong, and Seung Hyun, it's called 'Drop Dead y'" Every girl wanted to see Seung Hyun act. Ms. Kim popped in the DVD and it started with the opening scene of Chae Rin and Seung Hyun. Later on in their school with Ji Yong and Seung Hyun then Ji Yong and Seung Hyun leaving for ‑­Seung Hyun's house and everyone gasped at the explicit kiss they shared.

The last scene was the tragic one.

Seung Hyun was running after the bad Vampire that took Ji Yong and they seemed to be flying through the scene.

"TOP!" Ji Yong cried out. Out of nowhere Chae Rin came out and took Ji Yong away and there was a demonic growl. Hae Yoon had no lines.

"CL, CL!"

"Hush hun"

"Kai! Prepare to die" Both of them watched as both vampires were engaged into a brutal fight that looked so real and Chae Rin and Ji Yong looked really panicked and scared, the setting was even dark and rainy. All of a sudden Seung Hyun was stabbed and he was falling off the bridge!

"TOP!" People gasped as Ji Yong ran towards Seung Hyun and jumped in after him. Chae Rin then got up and drove a knife into the taller and darker Vampire and brought out some garlic to his face. She swiftly moved to the edge of the bridge.

"TOP! GD!" she cried out and a tear fell from her eye as it glowed all the way down and then the moon came into the scene. It ended right there in the dark with Chae Rin looking down and the moon looming over her as the screen went blank and a Chae Rin's voice said "That night was the last time they were ever seen….." it then ended with the beat beginning of 'Bring Me To Life' By Evanescence it was just the music without the lyrics.

People where left speechless and then they clapped and cheered "You guys rocked!"

"Do you know what the best part about making that dumb film was?" Seung Hyun asked as he and Ji Yong walked home hand in hand. Ji Yong smirked turning to him with a sly look, he had made his decision in love, he loved this boy. This one Ji Yong was not going to let get away.


"That I got to know you" Ji Yong smiled, he knew what he meant after all he was not normal. Ji Yong pulled Seung Hyun down to him as he brought his mouth to at the junction between his shoulder and neck. "Ji Yong?"

"Well, Seung Hyun. You know I was just playing the role" Seung Hyun felt two sharp things at the side of his neck and his breath caught. Ji Yong laughed evilly and drove his fangs into his flesh.

The End……?

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ozwalkr #1
Chapter 1: Still think this is just awesome. That Jiyong decided to turn him for himself was unexpected, but oh so right...
mikadosm #2
Chapter 1: Haha, what a plot twist at the end! Omo this is so crazy but thanks a lot for writing!
gtopbaby #3
Chapter 1: Ahahahhahaaaaa this is osm!!! The best kind of plot twist! <3
Chapter 1: Omg Omg Omg that's so so great ... How can you have all those stories in your brain?? You're amazing dear I love it really really much Omg the ending twist Omg how i am supposed to go to sleep now I'm way to much excited, this is awesome!!!!
Chapter 1: Ahahahahah best possible ending for this ever. I was gonna squee over how adorable it is that shy quiet Jiyong managed to find himself the cutest boyfie in the whole school but then again XD with that plot twist kekeke maybe Hyunnie was played for. I loved this! Perfect bedtime story.
pigurou #6
Chapter 1: OMG the twist at the end is really shocking
I really not expecting that
its really good as always
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 1: OMO! Yeah, this needs a follow up. THAT was not what was expected. Really good job though.
Chapter 1: Please continue... dont make him dead or something... just continue.. and no sad ending
Chapter 1: Omg I was so not expecting that ending!! D:
I was having so much fun reading this, the plays were hilarious especially Dae's team one xD
I really wish there was more :B
Chapter 1: The what? NO.
You can't. I needs to know more!
Excellent as usual. Thank you.