The Plan

Our Shining Star
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rated M for mentons of . Not the actual , anyway. Sorry for disappointing ^^


“Are you sure this is a good idea, Ji?”

                Seunghyun asked his husband, still trying to figure out why the hell Jiyong wouldn’t change his mind. On the other hand, Jiyong was still excitedly choosing outfits he wants to pack for their vacation.

                “Of course, baby!” Jiyong answered without looking at Seunghyun. His other half was still on the bed, hair toussled and face still sleepy, awoken by the fuss Jiyong made so early in the morning. He tried to surpress yet another yawn, but failed. “It has been ages since we last went somewhere together with our daughter. I missed us travelling together. And besides, this is a place we’ve been wanting to go since last year. Now that we have the chance to, I—oh, Hyunnie, do you think I should bring this?”

                Seunghyun shook his head in defeat. No one can argue with Jiyong once he wants something. No one but their baby girl, Hikari. She had her fathers wrapped around her fingers since their first meeting. She was named Hikari, so that she would shine over Seunghyun and Jiyong’s life. They were at their deepest despair – being discovered as a couple on the peak of their carreer is not a wonderful experience. All the bad words, the terror, the terrible lies about them from the public has dragged them to the depth of misery. But Jiyong and Seunghyun believe in their love. They believe each other that much, that they stick together in the name of their love. That’s when they took flight to Japan to take a break from all that and found their light of hope instead.

                But Seunghyun knows even Hikari cannot change her forever stubborn appa’s desicion this time. Jiyong is going where Hikki is going. Period.

                “I still think you should talk to Hikki first about this, Ji,” Seunghyun stood up from where he was sitting, rubbing his sleepy eyes with the back of his hand. He smiled seeing Jiyong’s mouth formed a familliar pout. “She loves you, and she would say yes to whatever it is you ask. But you gotta think about her feelings too, Ji.  This is not about just us anymore. It’s about her, and her husband.”

                Jiyong sighed as Seunghyun kissed the top of his head and head out of their room. Right, Hikki is married now. Jiyong was so used to having Hikki to himself, only sharing her to Seunghyun or their parents, or to his YG Family. But it was different. Her relationship with her grandparents and uncles and aunties in YG is not like what she has now. Yes, she was always so close to Dara, and Jiyong had always thought that she would marry Seungri because they were like two piece of chopstick who can’t go on without the other, but she did not live with them. Or meet them 24/7. No matter how close they were, it could never overpower the bond she has with her parents. But husband, is a different case. Jiyong knows exactly what happens when a person got married. Before his own marriage, his parents and older sister were the first to run to when he needed someone to talk to. But after being with Seunghyun, he didn’t have to burden his family anymore because the only one he shared his problems with is Seunghyun. Hikki would probably do the same. Kris is an amazing person, Jiyong had to admit. He liked him since before Hikki dated him, and Jiyong was the one who always said to Seunghyun and Hikki that if Hikki was to marry, he will only let her marry Kris. But no matter how perfect this guy is, no matter how much Jiyong liked Kris to be the husband of his daughter, he wasn’t ready to let go of Hikki completely.

                Jiyong can feel warm droplets of tears falling from his eyes. He stopped folding Seunghyun’s t-shirt in his hand, wiping away the annoying tear that falls a lot since Hikari’s wedding.

                “God, Jiyong, Hikki deserves this. She deserves to be happy,” Jiyong whispers to himself, dropping the t-shirt to the open baggage in front of him. But doesn’t mean I’m giving up, I’m still coming with her no matter what, Jiyong thought. He turned to stand up, feeling a warm sensation in his chest when he finally heard Hikki and Seunghyun already bickering from the kitchen. From the sound of Seunghyun’s laugh and Hikki’s constant whinning for his dad to stop laughing, Jiyong knows Seunghyun said something that embarrased their daughter. And Jiyong couldn’t wait to join Seunghyun.




            “Well if it isn’t Mrs. Wu,” Seunghyun opened his arms wide, letting Hikki in his embrace. He let out a chuckle when Hikki buried her head on his shoulder, still amazed at how tall his daughter was. She was 175 cm tall, slightly taller than Jiyong, and it pisses Jiyong off most of the time when he and Hikki about that.

             “Good morning to you too, Dad,” Hikki sarcastically greeted her dad.

            “Where’s Kris?”

            “Bathroom,” she answered as she pulled away from Seunghyun.

            “Did you have a fun night? Six nights in a row Hik. I can hear you screaming from our room,” Seunghyun laughed when he saw his daughter’s face turned deep red hearing what he just said.

            “DAD!!! STOP IT!!” she shouted, embarrased. “Not again, please! You’ve been teasing me for days!”

            Seunghyun roared a loud laugh as Hikki threw him a roll of tissue she found on top of the dining table. He easily avoided it, “You are just like your Appa. I bet you both has the same tho—“

            And Hikki finally strode back to slap him on the shoulder. “Dad you are so..  Stop laughing, stoppppp!! Appa!!!! Look what Dad’s doing to me!!!”

            Jiyong came out of his room with a smile on his face. He approached the two love of his life, laughing  as Hikki doesn’t stop telling him to tell Seunghyun to stop laughing.

            Kris entered the kitchen a moment later, confusion all over his face seeing his in-laws laughing uncontrolably, and his wife telling them to stop. Wife, Kris stopped on his track. He liked the sound of it. Wife.

            He took a moment to enjoy the beautiful picture of Hikki’s family. He once despised the “anomaly” of this family, but turns out that this kind of family is what he wanted as a future. His own family was also amazing and his family members are very close to each other, but there was something in Hikki’s family that’s not there in his family. His family was too normal. To harmonic. The Choi-Kwon household was full of teasing one another and bickering, and he had witnessed a couple of fights Jiyong and Seunghyun had. But despite all this, th

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okay, sorry for the delay haha. wait some more okay ^^


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Chapter 2: Glad to see the update~
I hope everything's gonna be alright for them.
so more update.
Xoxo <333
Chapter 2: Ehehe ^^ finally you updated this >.<
Ahhaha since I love to give my fave story a comment.. So I can't help to give this a comment wkwkwkw

Jiyong outburst was understandable, since he used to have Hikki around, and to be imagined that she will move out far far far away from him, he will upset ofc.. *sigh* poor Jiyong appa..
Aahh Daddy Seunghyun was so cool, I like the way he handled the situation even though he really don't want Hikki go too ;(
Eeehh dad and appa why don't you adopt me ? I'll forever by your side ^^
Chapter 2: love this story very much.. ^^
Chapter 1: I will kick you if you stop!!!
This is amazing!!!
Love love love it!
Thank you mom :*
Chapter 1: Hey that's really great! !!!!! Honestly you write really well so have more confidence. ... I'm really ill & I use to not comment when I am... but I can't let you say that you sick at writting! !! I'm so happy to see you back! !!! (Even sparely I'm so happy to be able to read you again)
Chapter 1: Love it, kind find some comedy and fluffy and yes jiyong is kind of obsessive compulsive father.. .kkkk I love Choi-kwon family relation ship.. ..I need more fluffy GTOP story coz I little bit sick with angst GTOP lately. thanks and wait ur update