
When fate said yes

Luhan stares at his shared apartment with Sehun for the last time. Admiring everything that he and his ex boyfriend built their. He remembered their first night. Their first home date. Their first kiss. The first time they made love. Even when they snuggled in front of their 50" flat screen TV. Everything seemed so perfect.

But it has an end. 

They wished for it. 


He expected this. 


He cried pearls of tears and immediately wiped it away. He caress his slightly bumped stomach. He knows it's right. 

He knows he's right.


"I wonder how Xiumin hyung would react" Luhan just said as he walks out their apartment. Luggages in his small hands. He packed everything he have. From small things to big things. He must pack everything he owns. 

No trace should be left there. 



When he knew that he's carrying his and Sehun's child, he already accepted the fact of being a single parent. He really doesn't want Sehun to love him just because of the baby. He watched a lot of movies were the little child ended up having a really messy family because his parents don't love each other anymore.


They have loved each other. Not still love each other.  


He have known Sehun for a long time. He knew that the younger would never let him leave. He never wants to have a miserable life with him. He can take things that had happened but he's not sure if he can still take it when the time comes and his child was born. He knows it'll be hard. He doesn't want things to be like that. 



He decided to call his hyung, Minseok straigh away. Minseok is the first person Luhan knew when he came here in korea a lot years ago. He remebered that his korean accent is very bad that time and his hyung is very glad to help him. Minseok became his bestfriend and never leaves his side even until he got his boyfriend, Jongdae. He felt really sad when Luhan told him that he needs to move over Sehun's place to make things more independent. But hell, who knows he's wrong?

To make everything complete, Luhan felt nervous. He don't know how would his hyung react for all the things that just happened. He knows Minseok trusted him for all of his life. He's disappointed of himself because he fail him. 


He fail himself.



"Luhan? Is that you?" The first words that came out of Minseok's mouth. "Hell! It's 3 am in the ing morning Luhan why are you here?" He added as soon as he realized Luhan is really outside his apartment. 

"Hyung.." Luhan trailed as his tears burst out and dropped his luggage for him to hug his older friend. 

"Shh. Hush my dear. It's fine. Come here inside."  Minseok just said not knowing what really happened. He told his boyfriend, Jongdae who happened to be staying the night there to pick up his bestfriend's luggages. 



Luhan expected his hyung to be shocked. But not to pass out. Minseok passed out as soon as Luhan showed him the first sonogram he got and told him it was his' and it's been 3 months already. Jongdae caught his boyfriend immediately and told the pregnant man to sleep. 



It's been a lot of years already. He remembered how hard to struggle for all those nine months. His back ached. He's always starving. He likes this and he likes that. He wants a massage. And most especially, He's always .


But none of them came out of his mouth. He just keep it himself because he doesn't want to add more problems to his hyung. His hyung is very generous to even let him to stay to his apartment for the rest of his life. He owes him so much. 


He owes him his life.



The both of them (Or to say the three of them including Jongdae) are the most happy person when Sehan was born. He caught his' daddy Luhan's doe eyes and a lot of face features from his dad Sehun. He was so adorable. He look like a mini Luhan and Sehun combined.


Luhan cried. But this time it's not because he's sad.


It's because he's happy. So happy.



Sehan is with his daddy Minseok and Luhan when he first said his first words.

"D-daddy!" He mumbled slightly unaudible. The two old man smiled happily. 

"Oh God Hyung. He spoke. My Sese Spoke! I'm gonna cry" Luhan said as he wiped his invisible tears.

"Lu-ge, you know I'm happy too but I think it's not that fine." Minseok said.

"What hyung? Look He spoke! I wish I can record it the next time. I'm really a proud father" Luhan grinned and said.

"Umhh- Lu.. Look at your son" Minseok tries to wake his friend and told him to look closely at his little son. Luhan lifted his son and hugged it.

"Sese! Your so awesome. How can you say those words even your so little? Your daddy was so proud of you. Your so--" It was cut by his son's puke all over his favorite shirt. He made a disgusting face and looked over his hyung to ask for help.

"What? I warned you." Minseok said as he walked away.



Luhan was proud as a president when he recieved a very small piece of colored paper that is shaped like a star from his son. Sehan said that it was from his teacher because he is really good and smart. 

"OMG! SeHannie. Why are you so amazing? The last time I checked you're so small and you told me your first word then you puked all over me and look at you now. You made me so proud son. I should build you a monument." Luhan said as he peppered little kisses to his small son still in his uniform.  

"LuLu, stop acting like a mother. Oh God. As much as I like Sehan's acting so good, I hate you for being such a mother." Minseok said staring at the scene in front him.

"But I'm really the mother hyung. I carried him. It's nine months hyung so I'm the mother. Sehun is the father so that means I'm the mother. HYUNG I AM THE MOTHER CAN YOU HEAR ME?" Luhan said and continued kissing his son. 

Minseok looked at him again as he realized Luhan mentioned his ex's name as his son's father. He shrugged it off and said

"Gay." Then walked away (As he always does)



Time really flies when Luhan looked at his son and realized that he's turning five already. They decided to have a small lunch date with Minseok's boyfriend but everything is really unexpected. As soon as Luhan came out of the bathroom to wash his hands, Jongdae and Sehan are nowhere to be seen and Minseok looks a little worried with a phone in his ears. Mumbling things he can't hear so came nearer.

"Hyung, where's the boys?" he simply asked but Minseok replied him with a sad face.

"Sehan was gone. Jongdae came out to find him. I  thought he was with you but Jongdae said he saw a little boy almost looked like him outside the restaurant. I don't know Lulu  I'm sorry I'll find him" Minseok said and Luhan frowned. They both came out of the restaurant and  fortunately they haven't order anything yet.  

They searched everywhere and decided to split just to find Sehan easily. He's so worried. 


What if something happened to him?

What if he tripped?

What if he's so hungry?

What if..


Somebody caught him?


Luhan stratled at his own thought and look for place that possibly where Sehan's at.


When he saw Minseok with Sehan and a tall purple haired boy, he immediately came to them. As soon as he reached their place, The tall man was walking away. 


"Who's that?" Luhan said while catching his breath. He's been running for a while now. 

"I don't know. He stayed for our SeHan. He's so nice" Minseok replied. 

"Be careful again next time SeHannie arasseo? You made us so worried" Luhan said to his 5 years old son.

"Okay daddy. The tall man said I reminds him of someone. He cried a little. He's creepy Daddy but He's nice." Little Sehan said.


Luhan smiled. And then ruffled his son's hair.


"We'll meet him if the fate said yes."




What if the fate really do said yes?




"Until when are you planning to keep Sehun from your son? Or your son from Sehun?" Minseok suddenly said. They just finished doing their weekly laundry and decided to sit at their couch while look at the sleeping figure of Sehan. 

"I dont know. Im really bad at planning things." Luhan said as he gazed back to his son. 

"Its serious LuHan. I mean, SeHan is growing up. But he still have no idea who his father was. I bet he doesn't even know he has a father." Minseok said and looked straigh in Luhan's eyes.

"But.. He still have me. And you. And Jongdae." Luhan said still looking to his son. Probably doesn't know what to answer.

"We are family Luhan. It's true. But he needs a father. A complete family." Minseok replied solemly.

"It's been five years Hyung. How would I know where is that dancing freak?" Luhan said and looked at his hyung. Trying to convince him to stop opening this issue. He knows his hyung was right. But he don't know what to do either. 

"What are you planning to do?" The older just said.

"Let fate do anything?" Luhan dumbly replied.

" your fate Lu. Look what that fate have done to you." Minseok said not impressed.  

"I'm okay hyung." Luhan tries to cut the conversation.


Minseok glares.


"Okay okay.." Luhan was really afraid whenever his hyung glares. 




Luhan's been thinking about coming back to his old shared apartment with Sehun. He knows Sehun might not be there or might be there but he really doesn't want to take risk. Maybe Minseok just trying to get rid of him because obviously, he wanted to have alone time with Jongdae. 

Just a few months ago, Luhan got a job from a not so big music class downtown. He is also doing a sideline by tutoring kids from China to learn korean language. He is saving up money so he can move to another house because it is really shameful to live with your bestfriend even if you had a child already. 


He was mushed up by his thoughts when Sehan came to his view with a envelope on his hands.

"What's that Sese? Another award? Let me look let me look." Luhan excitedly said. 

"No Daddy. No. That's a letter from Mr. Stranger. Daddy, He said his name was Yehet. I told you he's creepy. Sehan was really scared but then he gave me candy and asked me to give this to you. He was really kind daddy. And hansome too." Sehan stated that made Luhan worry. It's not really nice to hear that a certain stranger was giving your son a candy and your son seemed to enjoying it. He really don't trust this Mr. Stranger named Yehet (where the hell he got that)  even though he helped them to his son few days ago because how the hell did he even know his son's school and evn went there? No this is not nice. He took the letter from his son's hand and lifted Sehan to his lap.

"Baby, This is really nice but do you still remember what I told you before? Do not ever, ever talk to strangers. It's not good dear. What if something bad happens to you? Daddy U-min and I will not always be at your side to help you. Just like what happened last time when you're lost. Dear it's okay to be nice. But please choose who to trust okay?." Luhan said and he patted his son's head as he nodded. Luhan knows that he can trust his son. He knows his son was smart enough for this things. 

Luhan opened the envelope to see a sligthly withered Tulip on it (God knows how he likes Tulips so much) and a paper with a letter on it. 

TO: The most beautiful person I've ever seen in my whole life. 

Luhan blushed at the comment but then shrugged it off and continued reading the whole letter.

Maybe you'll get mad or worried about me giving this to you by your adorable son. I'm sorry but I just want to tell you that I mean no harm. Really. Umhh. You are really beautiful you know? I've seen you quite times before and I can't take my eyes out of you. I've also heard your voice before and God knows that your voice is the most beautiful voice I have ever heard in my whole life. I wish I can hear you sing for me. Sorry for the withered flower. I want to give them fresh but it's really hot today. Hope you like it. Smile always hyung :)


Luhan have no idea where did this guy named Yehet (Or he's just saying Yehey but he did a typo?) have seen him. It creeps him out to know that this guy's been stalking him. He sure blushed by this guy's comment but this is really bothering. He even heard his voice? When? Where? 

Sehun never really cares about my voice thou.

He then shrugged Sehun out of his mind and just keep the letter and the flower together. 




"What the hell Sese!? Why did you drink that? We are not sure if it's clean or safe. Baby. Put that away from your mouth!" Luhan said when he saw his little son out of their daycare drinking a bubble tea and an envelope in his hand. He knows who gave this to him.

"Daddy don't shout. I'm not planning on drinking this one. It's just look so nice so I tasted it. Mr. Yehet said to give this to you. He's so bad he never bought anything for me. It's coffee flavored daddy. You liked coffee right? Mr. Yehet said he likes bubble tea. I wonder how he knew you like this one. Come on daddy take a sip." Sehan said and lifted the cup of bubble tea on his father's mouth.  Luhan was so shocked because if he did talk like that (Shouting manner not nice) to the other kids, The other might burst into crying mess because no one likes to be shouted by someone. But his child, Oh God. SeHan really did copied his father's poker face. Even his personality. Straight.

Luhan shrugged it off again and took the envelope and let his little fellow to drink the bubble tea. 

Dear Hyung,

It's been a lot of years already when someone actually called him hyung. 

Your face said you liked coffee. But I like bubble tea so let's mix it up, yeah? Enjoy.

PS: It's safe hyung please don't worry.

Okay.. This man is really creepy. But hell Luhan keeps trusting him.




"We don’t fall in love, we grow in love." Luhan said as he read the letter Yehet gave to him just a minute. Or to be clear It's from that Yehet and he gav it again to Sehan.

"Daddy? What's that?" Sehan said looking to the letter he can't even read or recognize.

"Nothing. Nothing really." Luhan said and folded the scented paper and put it again inside the envelope.

"Okay." Sehan obediently said.


Luhan stopped worrying about that strange guy giving him letter. He even gave him his number when he asked for it. 

*One text message*

From: Yehet

To: Luhan

I am not you, and you are not me,
but I am going to make a space in my life to include you,
and to respect you, and acknowledge you,
and to accept who you are.

~Rabbi David Aaron


To: Yehet

From: Luhan

I don't know who you are. But I will find you and I will kill you. 

~Taken: Liam Neeson


Luhan laughed at his own joke. Then a text suddenly came.

From: Yehet

To: Luhan

The more you hate, The more you love.



To: Yehet

From: Luhan

You. ./.


From: Yehet

To: Luhan

Look who's . >:D


Luhan shuts his phone and grunted.

"This man really gives me head ache"




"Hello daddy." Sehan plainly said as he saw his daddy Luhan picking him up from his daycare. Luhan noticed this and asked his son. He frowned when he saw a cartoon characters designed band aid on his son's knee.

"Oh no. Sese, Where did you get this?" Luhan said pointing to the band aid.

"Ah. Mr. Yehet put that to me. He said it can heal your wounds." Sehan said as he looked down his wounded knee.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Luhan asked worriedly.

"I just tripped daddy. Yehet-ssi is really amazing. I thought the blood will never stop flowing but then he put this sticky thing and the magic happened. I really like him daddy. Yesterday he bought me Pororo stuff toy but I somehow lost them. I felt sorry. He's really nice." Sehan said as he told his father how he admired Yehet so much. 

"Y-you.. The both of you still see each other?" Luhan said looking to his son. Truth to be told, He gave his number to the stranger because he's still not fine the fact the Yehet is talking to his son. This information is really shocking. Why did this stranger keeps seing his son? What is his intention?

"Everyday." Sehan straigthly said. If this little man was a bit taller than his own father, Luhan might think that he is talking to Sehun. 

"Why?" Luhan asked.


"Daddy do I have another father?" Sehan said out of nowhere.

"What?" Luhan said. Suprised.

"I want to have another daddy. My friends has a mother or another father. Daddy. Why didn't I have one?" Sehan asked again. Looking a little bit sad. Luhan felt sad too. He was never ready for this type of question.

"Let's ask fate. If it said yes, We'll meet your father. If it said no, we will not." Luhan just said and acted like he was waiting for an answer. 

"Dear it said No. Nu-uh. Were not meeting him."



"Daddy, The fate never speaks." Sehan said sadly and walked away.



Sometimes Luhan thinks that his son being so smart was a good thing or not. 




From: Yehet

To: Luhan

Our souls were split in two in heaven
in order that we should find each other
in this world and become whole.


To: Yehet

From: Luhan

That's very sweet of you. Seriously, Yehet if you don't stop meeting my son i'll call the police.


From: Yehet

To: Luhan

I should be the one to call a police.


To: Yehet

From: Luhan

And why?


From: Yehet

To: Luhan

Because you stole my heart.


To: Yehet

From: Luhan

Oh really? Well then YOU.

PS: I'm not if you wanted to say it again.


From: Yehet

To: Luhan

I'll make you.


To: Yehet

From: Luhan

Seriously Sehun, Stop acting like a . You're not funny. Where did you get a lot of confidence huh?


From: Yehet

To: Luhan

From my heart hyung.


To: Yehet

From: Luhan

And how the hell can you be so sure that I'm not single? Can't you think of that? I have a child. I may not or may be married and happy already? Srsly. Sehun stop already.


From: Yehet

To: Luhan

Then let's get married so you can be happy.


To: Yehet

From: Luhan

I am really amazed by your confidence. A round of applause for you. 


From: Yehet

To: Luhan

Hyung who's Sehun?


To: Yehet

From: Luhan

Sehun? Where did you get his name?


From: Yehet

To: Luhan

You just called me Sehun twice hyung. I'm not Sehun. Who is he?


To: Yehet

From: Luhan

Sehan's father. Your ing personality reminds me of him. Well I still ing love that guy so back off and stop flirting me. 


From: Yehet

To: Luhan

You want him back? Why? You don't like me? Is that Sehun is more handsome than me?


To: Yehet

From: Luhan

Yes really and, I have never seen you before how would I know? 


From: Yehet

To: Luhan

You wanna see me then? It's your birthday tomorrow right?


To: Yehet

From: Luhan

How the hell did you know? Sehan told you?


From: Yehet

To: Luhan

Just knew by my heart. Well, Meet me at the Italian restaurant Downtown. April 20, 6 pm.  See you there hyung. I have a very nice gift to you. Goodnight.





Luhan's heart fluttered. He don't know why but he just let this guy made a plan of them meeting together. He was really excited. He don't even know why.

He felt really creepy.




He arrived just exactly 6 pm to that italian restaurant Sehun Yehet's been saying (Man, This stranger really reminds him of Sehun. Why does he felt like he's betraying his ex? No. Hell. No.)  The guard asked him if he has a reservation and he said that yes with this Yehet and the guard laughed. Maybe they both find that name funny. He was directed to a private room. Luhan was really excited and he even bothered himself to wear casual. The light went dim and a familiar song was played.


My Lady

Chinguga aniya..


"Hell No. What the hell. Why are they ing playing this song? Why the the room was so dark? Are they going to me? No. Please No.  I have a child to support. I'm gonna kill that Yehet once this was all end. We can't trust him. I should've just stay to my house and celebrate my birthday with Minseokkie and Sehannie. OH GOD. Say no. NO!" Luhan silently cursed as the song keeps playing. 

Maybe it's just a song but it's not just a familiar song.


It is the first song that he and Sehun performed in that small practice room.


Then suddenly a mask man was dancing infront of him.

So fluidly dancing and Luhan wanted to cry because he is 100% sure that he remembered that steps.


It was the steps that Sehun danced in front of him.  


"Happy birthday" The masked man said appearing to be Yehet and gave him a small envelope.

Luhan was dazed because he really doesn't know what's happening. He reached for the envelope and opened it. He took out the picture and cried.


It was a sonogram of a 3 months old baby.

It was his'


It was SeHan.

He looked up to say something and he saw that the masked man already took of his mask. 


"Sehun?" He trailed tears continiously falling.


"You raised him so well hyung. I am the most proud person ever" Sehun said and wiped Luhan's tears away.


"Is that you? Yehet? Sehun? What?" Luhan said still puzzled.


Sehun just smiled and said.


"Hyung Im sorry. I know can't take back all those 9 months you struggled and that special day when you gave birth to him. I wish I was there. I wish I can give anything you want. I dont care if your clingy or what. I'll still do anything for you. I'm sorry If im not there for the both of you when you needed me the most. Hyung, I changed. I'm a dancer from EXO now.  I followed everything you said. I'm so young and stupid hyung but I swear I changed already. You can punch me if you like. Or trip me off until I fall and twist my ankle. I can take the pain. It is less than of what everything I brought to the both of you. Hyung. I know I'm stupid and you may not believe me. But I still do love you. You're still here. 5 years hyung. And you're still here. I'm dying everyday waiting for this day. I'm not letting anything or anyone to ruin this." Sehun said pointing to his chest where his heart located. His is are watery just like Luhan's. It is really heart whelming.

"Hyung will you be my forever this time?" Sehun said and kneeled. Puting out a ring out of the box.


Sehun is waiting for the other man's answer but then..


"Sehun?" Luhan said.


"Hyung?" He replied. Gazed by the other man's action.


"Are you sure you are Oh Sehun? You are crying man. You're not Sehun. He never cries. You must be an alien or what. Are you really really really really sure that you are that tall- man with lisp and has severe acute disease with liking bubble tea so much? Are you sure? Huh? Are you sure that You are themanIreallyloveandstillloveforeverandever?" Luhan said as if he's joking or not. 


"Ummh. Yeah?" Sehun just answered. He is puzzled more than how puzzled Luhan looked like earlier.


"You sure?" Luhan asked again.


"Hyung Just answer me already this is really embarrassing!" Sehun said as he realized that he is still kneeling in front of his hyung. He hid his face through his palms because hell, He is really embarrassed. Ashame to be exact.


"OMG. Sehun. And you're blushing. Sehun never blush. I should record this." Luhan said as he fishes out his phone on his pocket.


"Hyung please." Sehun pleaded.


"Okay okay. Tell me that again." Luhan said acting like a boss.


"What? Hyung that's embarrassing. Please I might die." Sehun said nearly crying beacause of shame. He really love Luhan so much that he changed almost everything about himself and even eat his own pride. 


"I'll never believe you thou." Luhan just said.


"Okay Okay!" Sehun said defeated.


"I'm just listening" Luhan said as he sat crossed legs on the chair in front of the kneeling Sehun.


"Hyung I love you sorry 9 months trip me off twisted ankle forever will you be? kkaebsong." Sehun said not helping not to hide his face again to his palm. 


"What? You muttered gibberish. You're so adorable." Luhan said pinching Sehun's cheeks.


"Hyung Just answer me already!" Sehun begged.


"Okay Okay. Whatever. Yes. You're really funny when you're ashame." Luhan said still pinching the younger's cheeks.


"Hyung--" Sehun was cut by the older's lips unto his.


"Yes you little freak. I'll be your forever" Luhan said as Sehun pressed his lips against his lover again. They were so inlove. Just like what they are before. Admiring each other when..


"Eww! Daddy! Get a room!" Sehan said from somewhere th room probably watching the whole scene from the beginning showing a disgusted Minseok and a trolling Jongdae with.. What the hell is that.. A.. CAMERA?


"I recorded everything!" Jongdae said waving the camera from a far.


"What the hell Chen. You don't. Hey! Get you here!" Sehun chased Jongdae around the room.


"Chen? Who's that? They knew each other?" Luhan asked Minseok.


"We actually knew each other. Chen.. I mean Jongdae is Sehun's band mate from EXO. I just recently knew he was your ex so we planned this out. By the way, Happy birthday Luhan." Minseok said as he hugged his bestfriend. Not caring about their running boyfriends around the room and a sleepy little Sehan around the corner. 



Maybe everything is planned at the right time. 



and maybe Waiting for fate to say yes isn't bad at all.




WOAH. I was planning to write this for a week But I ended up finishing this for almost 5 hours, 11pm to 4 am.

I love you guys so much that's why. :* Thanks for reading the sequel. I love you so much mwah mwah. :** ♥♥

Hope you to read my upcoming stories soon. ♥♥




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Chapter 1: It's short and simple, but still so good .. Lovely story .
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwww thank God am home alone or else people will think i have gone crazy haha well done!!!
Chapter 1: This is sooo cute!! XD
Chapter 1: Yeah a happy ending
StrawberryTomato #5
Chapter 1: Sehun I love you
desianapf #7
Chapter 1: yehet~ finally they're back together, yes!!
I love sehan!!!
I can imagine how cute he is >__<
thanks for the great fic author-nim :D
hunhan_chunjoe #8
Chapter 1: Ugh fate >,< I love this! Thanks for this awesome fanfic ^~^ can't wait to see more from ur work!
Chapter 1: ok this is really good :)i´m glad you decided to make sequel after all :)