[hiring] Lucky Charms Poster/Review Shop ft. Zelo


Lucky charms shop
whale to lucky charms
poster/review shop- a place
where your poster and
review are satisfied. lol. 

news feed:
4.19.14- shop finally opened!

001.subscribe to this shop and don't unsubscribe.
002. please fill out the forms accordingly.
003. comment after request.
004. if requesting a poster, use ours for a month...forever is fine. lol.
005. credit our shop in your foreward, hyperlinked.
006. absolutely no bashing. constructive critism is fine though.
007. we only do redos once.
008. password is the last word on rule #003.


comment to become one!


It's so hard editting with an ipad. Lemme crey please. LMAO


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I applied as a graphic designer. c:
oshqueentaeng #2
applied as a graphic designer staff