A Guy Walks Into A Bar


Seunghyun walks into a bar...



Title: A Guy Walks Into A Bar
Genre: slight-comedy, AU, 
Pairing: Implied GTOP
Rating: PG-15?
Wordcount: 1144
Disclaimer: I don't own Seunghyun. 
Summary: A guy walks into a bar... (based on a prompt from kpopfickink)


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mikadosm #1
Chapter 1: I like the idea of this oneshot. I hope Seunghyun is not gonna have a trauma lol. Thanks for writing.
Honestly, I'm not one to read fics and I don't read fics in general but your title caught my attention; A Guy Walks into A Bar. You know, the hiccup story thing. So I scanned through your story and I have to say I love your style of writing. I'm a glutton for beautiful writing^^ And yes, this is actually my first time commenting.^^ Anyway, I do write rated scene but I always find it the hardest to do so I do understand how you feel about writing the would-be-best-part and I respect your limits. Have a nice day and keep up the good work^^