My Daddy's Lover Is A Troublemaker - Chapter 9

My Daddy's Lover Is A Troublemaker

The man looked reluctantly at the woman, unable to respond to her request.  Despite allowing the young man to stay overnight, the man had no idea what the young man's name was, not that he had bothered to ask.

Not wanting to put the man in a difficult position, the young man came to his aid.  "I'm Woohyun," the young man introduced himself.  He glanced at the man and recalled what the woman had just called him.  "Sunggyu was kind enough to let me stay for the night when I was caught out in the rain."

"Oh?" The woman eyed the man suspiciously.  "I see, you had time to go out last night so I won't accept any excuses."  She held out her hand and raised her eyebrows as if expecting something.

The man sighed and handed the woman a stack of paper which she seemed pleased about. 

"See, you can do it if you set your mind to it," commented the woman.  "Alright, I have work to do now.  Enjoy your little break.  I'm expecting more wonderful work from you, Sunggyu."

Woohyun was surprised when the woman waved and walked out the door.  "She's..."

"A slave driver," Sunggyu replied, matter-of-factly.  "At least she'll leave me in peace for a few days now that she's got the manuscript."

"Manuscript?" thought Woohyun.  He then remembered seeing the man's room filled with paper and then it finally sunk in.  "You're a writer?" he asked with interest.  "What do you write?"

"Tragedies," Sunggyu replied nonchalantly.

Their conversation was interrupted when Woohyun felt a tug at his sleeve.  He looked down and saw Ren looking up at him with a hopeful expression on his face.

"Is Woohyun going to stay and play with me?" the child asked with much anticipation.

"I..."  Woohyun barely had a chance to respond before Sunggyu cut him off.

"Yes, he is," Sunggyu announced on the young man's behalf.  "Why don't you show him your toys while I take a shower and then we can all go out for dinner?"

Ren nodded excitedly.

While Sunggyu headed for the bathroom upstairs, Ren held onto Woohyun's hand and led him to his room full of toys.

"Look, this is mister bunny you gave me," said the child holding up the soft toy.

Woohyun smiled and took out the toy car he had been given and handed it back to the child.  After all, it was the child's favourite toy.  "How about we let mister bunny look after your car?"

The pair were busy in conversation when they heard a voice at the door.  "Are you ready to go?"

They turned around and Woohyun was shocked at the sight of the man staring back at him.  With a clean shaven face, slicked back hair and the lack of glasses, Woohyun almost did not recognise the man standing at the door.  The man was neatly dressed in a casual black suit.  Woohyun glanced down to the man's feet and was surprised to find that he was no longer wearing slippers.  The man looked like a totally different person.

"What's wrong?" Sunggyu asked, noticing the shocked expression on Woohyun's face.  "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"No, I..." Woohyun was lost for words.

The man smiled.  "Shall we go?'

Upon exiting the high class restaurant after enjoying a meal there, Ren held onto his father's hand and with his other hand, he held onto Woohyun.  Sunggyu and Woohyun glanced down at the child before looking at each other.  Sunggyu shrugged at Woohyun and did not seem to be bothered by it.  Woohyun, however, was worried at what people might think but he did not want to upset the child so he obliged.

As they walked along the street, Ren lifted his feet off the ground, forcing Sunggyu and Woohyun to hold firmly onto him so that he did not fall.  The child chuckled, seemingly enjoying himself as the two men held him up from the ground.  Sunggyu looked at his son and smiled.  Perhaps this was what the child had wanted to do all along, to have two people by his side.

They continued walking along the street with the child clinging onto them to keep his feet off the ground when Woohyun caught sight of a group of men walking towards them.  His eyes widened in fear when he recognised them.  He immediately turned his back, wanting to avoid eye contact with the men.

Sunggyu looked at Woohyun questioningly.  "What-"

Before Sunggyu could even finish his sentence, Woohyun threw himself at the older man and pressed their lips together.  Sunggyu's eyes widened in surprise.  The older man was too shock to even react.  When the men approached closer, Woohyun wrapped his arms around Sunggyu's neck to close the gap between them.

Seeing the two people kissing up ahead, the men glanced away as they passed them.

When he heard their footsteps fade into the distance, Woohyun opened his eyes while their lips remained in contact.  He was about to pull away when he saw Sunggyu staring at him.  He figured that the older man was probably in shock.  Anyone would be if someone suddenly kissed them like that.  Woohyun knew that he should pull away.  He knew that he should apologise.  Instead, he found himself kissing the older man once again.


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jie_143 #1
Chapter 1: I have read this story over again but I don't expected u to made the sequel. Now I'm gonna read it. Thanks author-sshi
Chapter 20: love the ending! I thought it was Myungsoo but then when the call was from his room I was shocked to think that Woohyun might be the crazy one! awesome fic!
Chapter 20: I understand it fully from the start.
but I have a question why always sunggyu is the older man, not woohyun? and why always sunggyu's child is a boy, not girl?
! Make a sequel please
Author nim!!! Please make a sequel!!! I had fun trying to guess who was who
Chapter 20: Ohhoho and here i thot woohyun was crazy but actually its myungie hahaha i loved this!!! It was cool!!! And im gonna take the ending as a happy one for woogyu :333
But uhm since it doesnt look like myungsoo died does that mean a sequel is still possible :33333 just saying.
Anyways this was so cool!!!
crazyTrex #7
Chapter 20: Wow the ending was awesome ^^ really nice story author-nim C:
Chapter 20: ooooohhh I like mysteries and you did a very good job author-nim!! ^^
Chapter 20: wiiii I think that I was right when I said that Myung was the bad boy...and I think that Yeol is the police at the end.... ñ.ñ?