The Nerve-Wracking Day Off [ Part 2 ]

Nerve-wracking Day Off

“ No . . No . . It’s okay ~ “ I said .

“ Okay , that’s enough . Sung Hye-ah ~ come sit here , let’s have dinner together okay ? “ Her mother , being a loving one invited her with such a sweet smile .

“ Eish , that kid ~ “ I could hear Ji Hyo mumbled by her own .

I quickly reached her lap and patted it , she turn towards me and I gave him an ‘ it’s okay ‘ smile before signalling her to enjoy her dinner . She just smiled and nodded before continuing eating her food .

“ So son , what are you doing right now ? I heard that you’re quite a busy person “ Her father opened his mouth .

I didn’t really feel nervous but my mouth somehow start shaking again .

“ I . . I . . I’m currently working on another LeesSang’s company project ~ “ I replied .

“ Ahh . Really ? what kind of project ? “

“ Hm ? Urmm . Just a small concert for the students in some university “

“ Ohhh “ He replied and nodded while his eyes and mouth are fixed on the dinner .

“ Ommo ~ You must be a really busy young man ~ “ Ji Hyo’s mother said .

“ Ah ~ No . . I’m not that busy ~ I’m okay with it “ I smiled and chuckled .

“ But still , it’s must be tiring right ? “

“ It is , but since I really enjoy doing it so I’m okay “

“ Yahh ~ You’re really a true rapper ! Daebak ! “ Her younger sister praised me while giving me thumbs up signal .

Finished with the dinner , I offered myself to clean the dishes .

“ Aish ~ You’re a guest ~ You shouldn’t be the one who wash the dishes ~ “ Her mother resist  .

“ It’s okay ma’am . You’ve been working hard on the delicious dinner just now . Let me repay you’re kindest by doing this “ I replied and smile before guiding her towards the living room .

As I was turning back and make my way back to the kitchen I could hear the mother’s voice .

“ Ommo ~ Yeobo ~ That young man is really good ! I really like that boy yeobo ~ I’m glad that our Sung Im found him “ her mother said while patting on her husband’s shoulder . She looked really grateful with me ~

Hearing her praises makes me kinda proud with myself , causing me to let out my silly smile with a light blushed face while walking towards the kitchen .

“ Hm ? What’s with that face oppa ? “ Ji Hyo’s voice could be heard .

She was standing in front of the kitchen sink while rolling her sleeves up , preparing to wash the dishes .

“ Ah ! No ! No ! Let me do it Ji Hyo-ah ~ “ I lightly shouted before rushing towards her .

“ You’re not supposed to do it oppa ~ Let me do it ! “ She said while reaching for the plates at the sink .

“ Don’t ! Let me do it ~ “ I shouted while grabbing the plates from her hand .

As we’re arguing about the dishes , “ Aigooo . Look what we have here ~ A couple fighting about wanting to wash the plates “ Sung Hye’s voice could be heard from the kitchen entrance .

I immediately rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment . I turned my view back towards Ji Hyo before slowly holding her hand .

“ Ji Hyo-ah ~ Let me do it okay ? You’re parents and family had been kind towards me for the past few hours . I just wanted to repay their kindest “  I said while looking straight to her eyes with a smile on my face .

" Aigoo , this two are giving me goosebumps ~ " her sister squealed before giggling while leaving me and Ji Hyo alone .

Ji Hyo was still blankly stare at me when “ Okay oppa ~ I understand ~ Just let me help you with it okay ? “ She said while making a cute puppy eyes . With that big eyes of her my heart immediately weakened by it , making me having no choice  other than saying “ okay “ .

“ Oppa ~ “ she said while carefully wiping the plates and arranging them .

“ Yes ? “ I replied

“ I guess mom and dad really like you ~ “ she said and smiled .

“ Hahaha . I guess so ~ “

“ I’m glad “ She said and looked at me .

“ Of course you should Ji Hyo-ah ~ “ I replied with a little joke , causing her to chuckled cutely .

“ If only I found your heart a little much earlier “ her tone voice suddenly changed from the cheerful tone to a brittle one .

I stopped focusing on the dishes and looked at her with worries . She just looked down , eyes towards the plates in her hand . I was kind of afraid to ask her about what she meant by her words just now . But , I’m curious .

I decided to open my mouth “ What do .. “ “ I once brought Chang Joo oppa here . . to meet my parents “ She cut off my words .

“ Re . .  really ? “

“ Yes , but shockingly , my parents seems to dislike him a little bit ~ At first I didn’t understand , why would they dislike their daughter to meet someone who is a CEO of a company , who is rich and well dressed with suits and all . . But now I finally understand . . “ She said and looked at me , I could see her eyes are now watery .

“ My parents sees his lies and fakeness earlier than me “ as soon as the word lies came out from , I could see tears streaming down her cheeks . Making my heart broke , somehow the anger about how Chang Joo played her before hit me back . I was holding a fist with my hand .

“ But I’m glad it’s all over . and I finally meet you . “ She said and smiled brightly , even when the tears could still be seen on her cheeks .

Of course , it’s good to see her smile but it also breaks my heart . Seeing her trying her best to smile even when she’s broken . I’m proud and afraid at the same time . I’m proud of having a strong hearted woman like her but I’m afraid that one day , I might broke her heart and causing her to cry whenever me or our problem came through her mind .

I slowly moves forward and hold her closer for a hug , I buried my face on her hair before smoothly it . I could feel my eyes were getting watery , but for her . I’m willing to cry .

She looked up to me and chuckled “ Yah ~ You’re a man ~ Why are you tearing up huh ? “ she teased me and playfully letting out her tongue .

I just chuckled in small embarrassment while smiling , trying to show how much I love her from my sincere smile .

“ Ommo ~ yeobo ~ look at this two ! “ her mother voice suddenly could be heard .

I was so surprised that my heart was pumping so fast , probably faster from before . Ji Hyo immediately breaks the hug .

“ What ? what ? “ her father come from behind .

“ This two was hugging so tightly while sweetly smiling towards each other ~ Ommo ~ How I miss our old time yeobo ~ “ her mother said while playfully hit her husband’s shoulder .

“ Ahh ~ Let them be ~ It’s not like they’re strangers anymore . That shows that they’re loving each other ~ Don’t disturb them ~ “ his father said and laughed before walking back to the living room , followed by her cheerful wife behind .

“ That really scared me half to death “ I said as I was rubbing my chest , trying to calm my nerve .

“ I know right ? but isn’t it’s good ? Dad really seems to like us “ she said and smiled  .

“ I guess so “

I took a depth breath and I breath the relaxing scent . I just really love the smell , the smell just manage to make my mind to relax . “ The smell of . . .  of . . I don’t know . A lavender maybe ? “ I thought to myself as I was looking around . It was JiHyo’s bedroom . Even when she’s doesn’t sleep here anymore but somehow the room still smells like her .

The frame besides the bed attracted me . It was an old picture of Ji Hyo back in high school . She’s wearing her school uniform which makes her look really beautiful . “ She’s beautiful since then “ I thought to myself .

I continued to scan the other picture , it was a group photo of Ji Hyo with some of her friend , maybe while going on a school trip . The way she sweetly smiled in front of the camera tells me that she was having a great time . But curiosity plus a little bit jealousy hit me when I see this boy standing close besides her , putting his hand over Ji Hyo’s shoulder and smiled brightly to the camera .

“ Who’s this boy “ I asked myself . I tried my best to try to recognize that boy face , who knows ? maybe I know him ?

“ Oppa ? What are you doing ? “

“ Ahh ! Wha . . What ? Ahh ~ Nothing . . Nothing ~ Eish ! You really scared me ! “ I was really surprised by her sudden appearance .

Instead of saying sorry , she just laughed out in front of me . She laughed so hard that she almost collapse on the floor , her eyes are getting teary by the laugh .

“ Ahh ~ My stomach ~ Hahahaha ! “ She continued to laugh .

“ Yah yah yah ~ what so funny huh ? “

“ Nothing oppa  it’s just . . the way you’re surprised is really funny ! “ She said while laughing .

“ I guess my face was really funny “ I thought to myself as I chuckled seeing her laughing so hard .

After seeing her laughing so hard “ Come here you ! “ I said and grabbed her waist , pulling her onto the bed and start to tickle her . She laughed even harder while trying to push me off and begged me to release her .

“ Ah ~ Oppa ~ Please stop ! It’s ticklish ! I can’t stand “ she shouted while laughing . But I chose to play with her a little longer , I ignored her and continue to tickle her .

“ Kang Gary-shii “ A sudden voice came from the door .

I immediately turn to the door and I automatically stand up and straighten up my body as soon as I realize who’s the owner of that voice .

“ Father . . I was . . I was just . . Want to . .  “ I said with a shaking voice towards Ji Hyo’s father .

“ Come with me for a moment will you ? “ He said and leave the room .

Cold sweat start streaming down my face , I looked at Ji Hyo and she looked up at me too with her worried face .

“ I think we got ourselves into problem Ji Hyo-ah “ I whispered to her .

“ I don’t know oppa ~ Whatever it is , you better hurry . “ She said and patted my back before pushing me towards the door .

“ Kang Gary-shi “ her father started speaking while looking straight to the view on the house veranda  .

“ Yes father ? “ I replied nervously .

“ I know that you’ve know my daughter for a long time but . .  “

“ Fa .. Father , I’m really sorry about my attitude earlier . I trying to make her laugh by playing with her . I’m really sorry if I’ve cause you any misunderstood “ I apologized and bowed 90 degree towards the older man .

“ I understand , but I just hope that you won’t play her heart “ he said and hold my shoulder , before telling me to straighten up my body .

“ Son . I have trust in you . “ he said and smiled .

“ Fa . . father... “ I mumbled , I was so touched by his word , I didn’t know that even with that simple word from his mouth could make me feel touched .

He patted on my shoulder a few times before continuing to enjoy the view from the veranda .

“ You know son . Another man has come here before you and I’m pretty sure that you know who that man is . . Yes , he had such a good life by being the leader of a company , with so many money in his wallet and account . With such a good manner . But I don’t know why , I just couldn’t accept him “ He said before turning back towards me .

“ I knew even since the first time I saw him . That he’ll cause me daughter pain rather than happiness . Of course , my daughter claimed that she was happy with that guy . But I just couldn’t see the real happiness “ He said with a gravelly voice of his .

I just stay silence , my mind went blank , I don’t know what to say .

“ but with you . . I could see my daughter’s real smile , my daughter’s real happiness . The way she laughed by just looking at you . I know she really loves you . and also . . Thank you son , for being there by my daughter side when she’s having a hard time . I hear from her manager that she was having quite a hard time when Baek Chang Joo-shi broke her , and I also knew that you’re the one who managed to make her happy again “ He said .

“ Ah . Father . . Being by her side , I think that as my responsibilities towards her . I want to admit father , I’ve love her since a long time ago , but I couldn’t find the courage to be with her . But now , when she’s finally mine , I could give her everything just to make her smile . Her happiness meant the most to me now . “

Her father chuckled when he hears my word , my face is starting to reddening by the embarrassment . I guess my words are too much ?

“ I’m happy son . I’m just worried about her , she’s over 30 now but she’s not even married and as a father , I’m really worried about her . I wanted to see her wedding and her having a wonderful family before I die . but now , I guess I’m a little relieved knowing there’s someone that could really take a good care of her . and I’m glad that person is you “ he said while letting out a loving smile .

Seeing how he smiled makes me miss my parents back in the village . I suddenly feel the urge to meet my parents at my hometown  . Maybe this time I should bring her too , when she’s not busy .

“ Father . I promise you , that I’ll try my best to make her happy by always being there by her side , by always trying my best to make her smile even when she’s having a bad day , to show her my love towards her by taking a good care of her and by proving my love towards her by marrying and giving her a wonderful married life “ I said and bowed .

“ Thank you son . Thank you “ he chuckled and pulled me for a hug while patting on my back .

“ Oppa ~ what did my dad say ? “ Ji Hyo whispered to me as we’re walking towards my car .

“ Hm ? Ah ~ Nothing . “ I said and smiled .

“ Is he mad at you ? “ she ask with worries .

“ Haha . No ~ He’s totally fine . We’re just having some ‘guy talk’ “ I said and giggled . Causing her to be in her usual “Mong face” .

“ Aigoo ~ that cute face ~ “ I said and pinched her cheeks , causing her to giggled and blushed .

Well , as I was about to enter the car , Ji Hyo suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me to the back of the car .

“ Yah ~ What are you doing ? “ I asked as I was being dragged by her .

She stopped at the back of the car , and stare at me cutely with that big eyes of her . “ This ~ “ She said as she pulled me closer . Soon , I could feel her lips touches mine in a passionate kiss .

I was a little surprised at first , but my mouth automatically let out a smile between the kisses when I finally realize that she was kissing me . My hand start to move and hold her on the waist as I was trying to deepened the kiss .

The moment our lips touched , I could feel like the time has stopped . The people around us has stopped their movement , the wind still blowing off the cold breeze but I felt warm enough by just having her close to me . The kiss lasted a few second but to me , or maybe to us , it was quite long .

She stared at me while her hand are still holding onto my face , “ I love you ~ “ she mumbled with a blush . Causing me to break into a wide smile .

I pulled her head closer and kiss her forehead before whispering “ I love you more Ji Hyo-ah “ causing her to giggle and blushed brightly .

I was driving back to my house . Alone .

Since Ji Hyo still got another day off so she decided to spent some times with her family , she said that it’s been quite a long time since the last time she stayed there . I understand her feeling so I’m okay with it . Just probably by tomorrow evening I have to pick her up from there . Well , it’s okay ~

As I was driving , I remembered something . I took out my phone from my pocket and dialled someone’s number . I put the phone to my ears while waiting for my answer being answered .

“ Hello ? “ the voice immediately makes me smiled .

“ Mom ~ “ I said

“ Hee Gun-ah ? Is that you ? Ommo ~ My son , how are you there ? Are you okay ? “ Yes , it’s my mother . It’s been a long time since the last time I called her and asked her about her health .

“ I’m okay mom . How are you there ? “ I asked .

“ I’m always fine son . You’ve called me so I guess I’ll be more fine after this . Hahaha “ she said while laughing .

“ Omma ~ “

“ Yes son ? “

“ I . .  I miss you ~ “ as soon as the word come out my mouth , I could feel the tears start streaming down to my check . That pain when you have to hold in your tears , I’m finally feeling them again .

“ Hee Gun-ahh ~ /sobs/ I miss you too . Really hope that you could come back here “ She said with a brittle voice and I could hear her sobs .  The regretful feelings hit me , I was so regret my by attitude . Always have time to go out and have fun but always seems busy whenever she wanted to see me .

Ji Hyo’s father and mother kindest and love really makes me realize that parents love could never been replace and once it’s gone . It will be gone forever .

“ Omma ~ I’ll be coming home to meet you . Very soon . I promise you ~ “ I said while trying to control my voice , not wanting to let my mom know that her son are crying . But I know , no matter what I try to hide , she’ll always know . always ~ Even when my age are over 30 now , I’ll always be a little boy in front of her eyes .

“ I hope so Hee Gun-ah ~ anyway , what did you do today ? did you have a good day ? “ she asked me , causing me to smiled even when the tears keep streaming down .

“ Today ? today is kinda a nerve-wracking day off for me mom ~ but in the end , it turns out pretty good ~ “ I said and smiled over the phone .

“ Really ? what was it son ? “

“ I’ll tell you when I’m back mom . It’s no fun if I tell you through the phone ~ and mom ~ I’ll be bringing someone when I come back there . Someone who makes my nerve-wracking day to a better day “ I said with a cheerful voice .

“ Really son ? is it a girl ? “ she asked in excitement .

“ You’ll find out soon mom . . very soon . “

“ I can’t wait for your return son . Anyway son , I could hear the sound of a car on the road . I’m sure you’re driving now . Now , you know you shouldn’t be on the phone while driving right ? “ there she was , starting to lecture me . Back then , I really hate it but now it makes me smile . I really miss her long talk .

“ Hahaha . I know mom ~ I know ~ Well then ~ “ I know that I should hung up , but my heart seems kinda broken knowing that we will stop talking .

“ Good night my sweet Hee Gun-ah . Don’t worry , you can call me when you reached your house okay ? “ she said in a cheerful voice , but I could sense some sadness in her voice . Maybe she’s feeling the same way as me .

“ Okay then mom ~ I love you ~ “ I said .

“ I love you too “ She said before hung up the phone . I stared at the phone for a few second and smiled , but tears still keep streaming down from my eyes .

“ Ahh ! What’s up with me ~ Crying all over again in the car ~ Hahaha “ I said , trying to console myself from keep tearing up .

But the pain of trying to hold up tears hit me in the chest . I rubbed my chest , trying to calm myself and making the pain goes away while focusing on my driving .

“ Ahh ~! Such a nerve-wracking day off ~ “ I silently shouted and chuckled .

" Even when it's Ji Hyo's day off ~ "

Hello guys ~ 
This is the part 2 for my one-shoot ^^ Hope you guys enjoyed reading this one ^^ 
Thank you for your support and comment ^^ 
See you guys soon on my next fanfic ! >.< 

P/s Sorry if there were any wrong spelling or grammatical errors . 

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AugustK88 #1
Chapter 2: Lovely MC story! Thanks for sharing! Hope you can continue the story. :)
Chapter 2: Love this story very much!
Can't wait for the next updates!
Thank you for writing & sharing your story here!
hazlinda #3
Chapter 2: please continue..... very interesting... i'm waiting authornim...
MondayCoupleBTR #4
Chapter 2: Daebak! Pls update more...
odeysay #5
Chapter 2: ommo2...daebak2...
keep writing please.... well, i can say that you're such a good writer...
YoonHoo #6
Chapter 2: Mybe u can continue with their wedding day? Kkk
hazlinda #7
Chapter 1: wah... i like it...
Chapter 1: cute story :)
waiting for the next chapter