{Chapter Twenty-Four}

No Boys Allowed!

Underlined = English.

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When the Yoo family reached their hotel room at 7pm, American time, the first thing Mrs Yoo did was pull apart the curtains that were covering the large window and look at the view over the city. America was beautiful, she thought, but she already missed home; her husband was still back in Korea due to work.

“Youngjae-ah, come look at this view!” she said enthusiastically, trying to make her son feel better – she knew he would adore this view.

“No thanks, umma,” he said as he removed his shoes. “I’m just going to go to bed.”

“Oh, okay. You know, I think I should do that too. We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow. Maybe, after your appointment, we could even go sightseeing?”

“Mm-hm, sure,” Youngjae nodded although he wasn’t really listening to a word she was saying. He walked straight past her and into one of the twin rooms.

Sunhwa sighed as she watched her son disappear into the dark room. She sighed and followed his lead, entering the other room that was joined to his by a small bathroom. She the tap and filled the basin to wash her face. She was tying up her hair when she heard jagged, desperate breaths and soft sobs coming from the next room over. Sunhwa felt like her heart was trapped in the jaws of a vice that tightened every time she heard a sob or a muffled whine of Daehyun’s name. Youngjae’s heaving breaths eventually slowed to even breathing and Sunhwa knew her son was asleep. She could only hope he found at least some peace in his dreams.

X x X x X

Youngjae tapped his foot impatiently on the white linoleum of the waiting room at the doctor’s office.

“God, where is this guy?” Youngjae asked. The doctor told them to be at his office at 7:30am – it was now 7:45. Apparently the doctor had no other appointments, so why was he running so late? Youngjae already didn’t like him.

Just as he thought this, a woman in a white lab coat came out.

Hello, my name is Dr Judy O’Connor – I specialise in pregnancies in men.” she introduced. Youngjae’s eyes widened. His doctor was a female? As if this couldn’t get more embarrassing. “I apologise for being so late. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Sunhwa stood up and shook the lady’s hand.

Hello, I’m Sunhwa Yoo and this is my son, Youngjae.” Sunhwa introduced in shaky English.

Youngjae waved half-heatedly.

Great,” she clapped her hands together, green eyes sparkling with excitement. “Youngjae, would you like to come talk in my office?”

Youngjae nodded and stood up.

“Um, umma, do you mind if I go in by myself? There will probably be some personal questions that I’d rather not talk about with you there.” Youngjae asked awkwardly. He appreciated his mother’s help but this was something he needed to do alone.

“Of course honey.” She said, retreating to her seat.

Dr O’Connor led Youngjae into a room that contained a bed set up with ultrasound equipment, a black leather arm chair and a desk. She sat behind the desk, pulling a clipboard out from the desk drawer, and gestured for Youngjae to sit on the leather chair.

Hello Youngjae,” she said with a smile. “Now, I'm going to ask you a few personal questions that might be a little embarrassing, but just bear with me.”

Mm-hm.” Youngjae nodded, trying to stay calm while on the inside his mind and heart were both racing.

Okay, how long have you been ually active in the same- sense?”

Ten days.” Youngjae replied with downcast eyes. He’ll remember and cherish that night with Daehyun for the rest of his life, even if Daehyun thinks Youngjae regrets it.

She jotted his answer down on the notepad that was on the clipboard.

Okay, and how many times have you had ?”

Um…more than ten.” Youngjae said, going bright red. Could you blame him, though? They were hormonal teenage boys and Daehyun knew exactly how to excite Youngjae.

Mm-hm,” she wrote something else down. “And how many ual partners have you had?”

Youngjae saddened and answered her question quietly. “Just one.”

Even the thought of being with someone other than Dae made Youngjae sick.

Alright,” she put down the clipboard and the pen. “Would you mind laying down on that bed over there?

Youngjae made his way over to the bed. He watched as the doctor pulled out a tube of transparent blue liquid.

This is going to be a bit cold.” She informed him as she pushed his shirt up.

It’s okay.” He told her.

She squeezed a small dollop of the gel onto Youngjae’s stomach, making him shiver. She took the small ultrasound machine and started to rub it in small circles on Youngjae’s stomach. There was a moniter to his left that he kept his eyes on the entire time.

Can I ask you something?” she asked. “It’s pretty personal so it’s fine if you’d rather not tell me.

Well, I don’t see what else you can ask that’ll make me more uncomfortable, so sure.

Where is the father?

Youngjae looked away from her.

He’s…not exactly in the picture.

Oh,” she said. “One of those guys, huh?

No, no it’s not like that. It’s my fault. He doesn’t even know about…any of this. I didn’t want my being a freak to ruin his life.” Youngjae told her.

Why would you call yourself a freak?

Are you serious? I’m a guy getting an ultrasound to see if he’s pregnant.”

I don’t think that makes you a freak; in some people’s eyes that even makes you lucky. I get a lot of guys coming in here seeing if I can help them get pregnant. Do you think he’d see you as a freak?

Youngjae sighed; she was right. “No. I think he’s so in love with me that it wouldn’t matter. I think he’d love this kid more than anything. I also know this shouldn’t be his problem. He deserves a good life and he can’t have that with me.

See that?” She pointed to a small blob on the monitor. “That’s your child.

Tears formed in Youngjae’s eyes, but for once they were tears of happiness. Before, he wasn’t sure what he was going to do about this kid, but now he knew there was no way he was giving it up.

Don’t you think this guy should have a part in its life? Especially if he loves you so much?

Youngjae thought she had a point, but she didn’t know Daehyun and she didn’t know about their relationship. Youngjae knew, though – Daehyun would move on and he would be better for it.

X x X x X

Daehyun shut his locker with a forceful slam.

“Dude, chill,” Yongguk said. He was concerned for his friend; he’d been moody all day but he refused to talk about why. “What’s up?”

“Nothing.” He muttered swinging his bag violently over his shoulder.

Clearly, it’s something.” Yongguk countered.

“I’m fine!” he snapped. “Can you just drop it?”

Yongguk huffed. Daehyun’s short temper was getting on his nerves.

“Whatever man, let me know when you’re ready to talk to me without being a total douche.” Yongguk walked away, shaking his head. Maybe Dae just needed some time to cool off.

Daehyun turned around and punched the locker closest to him. His knuckles stung where they collided with the metal, but that was the last thing that registered in his mind. The first thing he noticed was that the locker was Youngjae’s.

…I regret everything we’ve done since we got back together. It’s wrong, and two boy shouldn’t be together in that way. I’m disgusted in myself and it’s all your fault. Please don’t try to contact me again because I want nothing to do with you. Goodbye, Jung Daehyun.

Youngjae regretted it. Every kiss, every touch, every time they were together. Each time they made love while making sure to stay quiet because Daehyun’s umma was downstairs, that time in the living room…Youngjae wished he hadn’t done any of it. Daehyun could barely even take a shower in his bathroom without remembering the morning after their first time and feeling so guilty for forcing Youngjae into doing that.

Surely Youngjae would’ve known by at least the second time that he didn’t want to do these things with Daehyun and he was only going along with it because Daehyun was forcing him to. Dae knew he wasn’t exactly quiet about his ual frustrations that were caused by Youngjae, so of course the younger boy would’ve felt pressured into doing those things.

Daehyun hung his head, he never meant to force himself on Youngjae, or make the younger do something he wasn’t comfortable with or ready for. The singer would’ve gladly given up if it meant that he could still love Youngjae.

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Awh!! Poor DaeJae beebees :(

So guys...No Boys Allowed is nearly over! There's less than 10 chapters left to go ;-; I don't think I'm ready for this yet!

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Chapter 6: Omg this is so cute~!!!
Daehyun's eyes and heart are full with Youngjae xDD and he is very good at flirting with his crush~ Unlike someone hyungxDD
Chapter 36: Awwww it was so beautiful the story of love that Daehyun and Youngjae had. I love everything the way they love so deeply even though they passed so much stuff they still fought for their love. Really a good story from daejae that I want more and more. Thank you I got the alert of this story in this year and I began to read until I finished. I love it thanks authornim
Chapter 3: daehyun absolutely wants jae just for him ....
Chapter 2: Daddy bbang XD
Chapter 1: sweet love story ?
the description is ok and it makes me want to read! the photo is very well made and fits! I have to read now hahaha!??
Chapter 9: Awwww the ending is so adorable <3 love you
NaDaeHyun #8
Chapter 36: It would be nice to read a sequel *-* and also the one shot about daejae's lovely time in the living room I DIDNT FORGET U KNOW EHEHEHEHH
CharmBella0311 #9
Chapter 36: Omg it's really been a while since I've read this story but I would love a revised version and a sequel.
Chapter 35: UWAHHH I LOVE IT that was beautiful ;w; my first completed mpreg fic and I don’t regret a second of it you’re amazing author-nim thank you for writing this <3