Top 10 - OnTae

Too Much SHINee
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here are my 10 favorite (or as long as i can remember) ontae aka the whichoneisthehyungwhichoneisthemaknae's fic i ever read. not in particular order


1. Why Jinki Is Not a Bard

2. Crush’d

3. Blinded

4. it's not easy being green

5. the clock struck twelve and the sparkles expired

6. simply irresistible

7. OMEGA 3 (or how to court a guy, by lee jinki)

8. Things

9. Superhero

10. What About Us?

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hello! I'm going to a hiatus for the next couple of days because college. I'll probably be back on Jonghyun's birthday :( I'm sorry for the inconvenience


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Chapter 62: Exubersnce... is a sweet, fluffy story of discovery. I like it.
Chapter 161: The author has already deactivated her accoybt. So, story is no longer available.
baixliens #3
Chapter 442: this story is unavailable in aff :( do you know where I could read it?
Chapter 788: <3
Chapter 765: I love this si much one of the best Jongtae fics I have ever read❤
Chapter 742: ❤❤❤
Chapter 713: Oh my the ending killed me!!!
Chapter 565: This story is so different from the other stories I ever read and I love it!!!