Fall in love with werewolf? [DISCONTINUED]

'Noona, someone come to ur house last night?' 

'Aniya changjo ah, wae?' U feel sorry because u lie to changjo but there will be more problem if u tell him that luhan came last night

'Yesterday hyunseung hyung feel u with someone last night'

'Ah jinjja? Aniya, maybe hyunseung oppa wrong'

'Really? But hyunseung hyung power never wrong'

'Sometimes can be wrong when u are too tired, u remember that?'

'U right noona. Let's go now, hyungdeul already waiting. U remember we'll go to hongdae now?'

'Of course! I want to shopping!'

'I'll go with u noona, u know i have good sense in fashion'

'Really? But why i never know that?' U merong to changjo n run from him. Changjo run to u also n u keep looking to the back then u bumping to someone but thanks to him, u're not fall because he hug u

'Aw! Je...joesonghabnida!' U bow to him without look at him

'Oh yoon hee ah, i'm so sorry' he said while still hug u

'Oh luhan. Aniya, i'm sorry. I dont see u'

'Ani, it's my fault. Lucky i can catch u' luhan come closer to u but then changjo pull u away from him then hide u behind him

'Never touch my noona' changko point to luhan

'Changjo, u shouldn't say like that. He help me'

'But he hugged u noona'

'If i dont hug her, she'll fall. U want she hurt? U should thank to me not angry to me'

'He's right changjo. Dont be mad at him'

'Luhan hyung!' One of guy from exo, kai. Come to him

'Oh it's yoon hee noona! Annyeong noona!' Kai greet u happily

'Noona? Since when she's ur noona?!' Changjo angry 

'How come u know me?' U ask kai

'Luhan hyung always talk about u to us everyday noona' kai ignore changjo n smile nicely to u

'Ya! Why u told her?'

'Wae? U already confess to her right? So nothing to hide again'

'U confessed to yoon hee noona?!' Changjo more angry

'I confessed infront all of u right? Have u forget?' Luhan said calmly. Honestly, u like how luhan can control his emotion

'Enough changjo, let's go now' with that changjo drag u but luhan hold ur hand

'See u later' luhan whisper to u n smile to u that make ur heart flutter but j just smile to him for a second because changjo drag u away from them

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Chapter 25: Why stop? U should continue this story. Just give us some drama.
Hope u update soon :)
Chapter 25: Please update it . I love your story. Please I'm begging you...*sob*
aurora-star137 #3
Chapter 21: I can't believe you updated(not insulting you but for me after reading the news i can't even focus) I thought SM would learn to take better care of their idols from past lawsuits. They should know that without idols they don't have anything. EXO is not EXO without Kris. I am so devastated right now! And furious! Well I can only hope Kris is going to be ok after this. EXO and Kris fighting! I will support you as much as possible.
loveUso #4
Chapter 20: huhu nice :) update soon
aurora-star137 #5
Chapter 17: Please continue. I love reading this ff.
loveUso #6
Chapter 17: continue plsssss ... i love it T^T
Chapter 17: please continue the story cuz i love this story
Chapter 16: She so idiot also too innocent .
Chapter 15: aww poor yoom he if she fall in love with luhan , I hope luhan will realise his mistake
daewaii #10
Chapter 8: i just read to 8 chapters.. ill continue soon.. btw love this! keep writing!