▲ 7 ▼

One Year To Make You Mine



"Jungkook, LET GO!" Eunmi yelled as she pulled her arm away. Jungkook was in tears and held on to her tightly.

"Please Eunmi, let me explain." Jungkook cried. Eunmi yanked her arm away and shoved his shoulder.

"NO, save it. Let me explain instead, you said you were staying at home to study for finals and I come here to see you with another girl!" Eunmi yelled. They were making a scene in front of the coffee shop. People stared at them like they were crazy. Two teenagers fighting in public. Embarrassing.

Jungkook had no words but his cries made up for it. Eunmi bit her lip seeing her boyfriend cry but she had to be mad. She can't forgive him that quick. She knew she was going to get hurt. 

"Don't call me." Eunmi finally said and walked home.


That night, it rained hard which made Eunmi's night a little nice. She liked rain.

But that didn't mean she was okay.

She cried all day, sobbing into anything she could and wherever she could. 

The table, the couch, in the sink, on the door, on the floor, in her closet, outside, even on her dog.

She couldn't help it. 

It hurt her a lot. First and now cheating. 

"I guess I'm not very lucky at love." She said to herself. 

She sat in her room staring at the wall. She couldn't cry. It was like she had no more tears left but she could burst out into tears any moment. Jungkook sent her messages and voicemails of how much he was sorry and that it wasn't what it looked like. She couldn't bring herself to talk to him.

Eunmi felt her eyes eventually become heavy. Her eyes shut tight and she was falling asleep. She was calm and it was quiet. She felt a little happy and at peace. Then suddenly, she heard knocks at her window. She sat up in fear.

There were no trees by her room and how can someone possibly climb over her house's gates? They were over 12 feet high and had spikes on the top. She stood up and carefully walked to the window.

She had her hand on the curtain and he yanked the curtain open to see little rocks and pebbles being thrown at her window. She looked down and saw they one and only, Jeon Jungkook.

She sighed and opened the window.

"GO HOME, PABO-YAH!" She yelled. She stared at him in non-belief. He was wearing shorts, and a short sleeve shirt. He was already drenched in rain.

"NOT UNTIL YOU FORGIVE ME!" He yelled. Eunmi furrowed her eyebrows and took a deep breath.

"I'M GOING TO CLOSE THE WINDOW!" She yelled and closed the window. The rain got into her room a little but it was only a little. She closed the curtains and she went back to her bed. She sat there, worried.


Fifteen passed and she decided to check the window.

"It's been to long, he probably left already." Eunmi said to herself as she opened her window. He was gone and Eunmi was kind of disappointed. She actually thought he would stay and try. But he was gone.

"Guess he didn't care." Eunmi said closing the curtains.

"Nope, he still cares. He cares a lot." A voice said behind her. She spun around quickly and gasped. Jungkook stood at her door, leaning on it with dry clothes.

"How did you get in here?" Eunmi asked. She held on to her shorts and she felt happy. But only a little.

"Mimi let me in and gave me a fresh outfit." He smiled and walked over to her. He walked closer and closer while she backed up until her back hit the wall. Jungkook put his arms by her head and he leaned into her face.

"Baby, don't cry." He said while bring a hand by her face. She cried and she didn't even notice.

"I hate you. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you." She sobbed and hit his chest. She continued saying how much she hated him and beating on his chest. He stared at her and finally hugged her tightly while she sobbed into his shoulder.

"I love and care about you too much, Jungkook. Please don't leave me." She sobbed and Jungkook only held on tighter.

HEY GUYSSS!! So I changed my username so yeahhhh just so you know. I really don't have words for this chapter because it was out of nowhere. So I guess, the drama started? lol the actual drama will start next update or after the next update so yeah watch out!




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TeenageDream030310 #1
Chapter 20: I loooooove the story. It was amazing. The only thing is that when I click on the sequel link, it said the story no longer exists. Can you fix it, please? I really want to read the sequel.
Love this story!!
EXORearo #3
Chapter 20: What?! No way! There better be a sequel! Poor kookie!
Chapter 20: Omfg whatttt. That's such a cliffhanger, hahaa! But i'm looking forward to the sequel! I hope they do end up together though >.<
EXORearo #5
Chapter 19: This is so cute omfg i can't x3 yes! Eunmi and Jeongguk are forever hehehehe~ update soon~
Hyoseong-ah #7
Chapter 2: OMG you are so evil lmao
Chapter 18: Awwww! You're so adorable~ LOL. First, i wish you good luck with everything! Hopefully everything goes well ^^ and also, congratulations on 100 subs! We love you toooo~ :3 <3
Chapter 18: Ahh i see i now feel bad for commenting haha. good luck with school~ 파이팅!