

I killed him.

I didn't want to.

It's all an accident.

His death is not my fault.


I wonder how I tell everyone this everyday, whenever they send me their menacing stares, I'd still manage to reply the exact same quote, no matter what the response is, I still say the same thing, but when it comes to me, personally, I don't even trust myself while saying this.

Is it because it really was my fault? Or is it just Jongin's cries that brings me guilt? Or is it all the insult and stares the others give me as I pass by?


All these insecurities taking over me, giving me not a single right to reply to all of them anymore.


I'll have to leave.

I'll have to save myself.

I'll be the Oh Sehun I was.



verb: abscond; 3rd person present: absconds; past tense: absconded; past participle:absconded; gerund or present participle: absconding
  1. 1.
    leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection of or arrest for an unlawful action such as theft.
    synonyms: run away, escape, bolt, free, make off, take flight, take off, decamp



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