Day 1

School of Bangtan RPG

imageRapMonsta has signed in.

imageFairyPrincessSprinkles has signed in.


imageRapMonsta: ... FairyPrincessSprinkles? Rly Jin rly?

imageFairyPrincessSprinkles: =_= do we have to bring this up every time I make a new account for something? Can't you be more you know,,, "WOW that's so original! Y DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT!"

imageRapMonsta: Well I ain't da Sprinkle fairy here so I giv u a fkin 0 for originality. 

imageFairyPrincessSprinkles: ... =_= can we just get this game started already?

imageRapMonsta: I alrdy started da moment I signed in Sprinkles. So u bttr hurry up ur sprinkly n make ur character alrdy.

imageFairyPrincessSprinkles: ._. wait what... what should I choose... YA NAMJOON! what class did you pick ._.?

imageRapMonsta: oh FFS y r u always so indecisive woman... I picked da fkin weapon specialist.

imageFairyPrincessSprinkles: I'll ignore that once... hmm... I guess I'll go with the... PRINCESS! 

imageRapMonsta: ... do u even know wat da princess does...?

imageFairyPrincessSprinkles: YEAH!

imageRapMonsta: yeah? well wat does it do?

imageFairyPrincessSprinkles: ...


imageFairyPrincessSprinkles has signed off.

imageRapMonsta: fkin knew it.

imageUrOnlyHopeStartsWithJ has signed in.


imageRapMonsta: datz 1 fkin long azz name.

imageUrOnlyHopeStartsWithJ  wait for it...

imageRapMonsta: 4 wat?

imageSugarMarmaladeSugaBoyBoyHoneySugaBoyBoyBearSugaBoy has signed in.

imageRapMonsta: ...

imageRapMonsta has signed off.


A/N: this is chapter 1 - if you want more of this - leave me a comment below ^^ I will release it on the arranged day of the week which is every Thursday according to my tumblr spam schedule.

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Thank you for the suggestion - I have added in the follow up series link to this at the last chapter!


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Chapter 5: if Jin can fck em up in the game, they can always beat the princess up in real life ouo
Chapter 4: Holy shiiiiit. Evil V e.e
MYRAsaurus #3
Chapter 2: an update already?? wow!!

malicious V and maknae..

cold hearted leader..

sissy princess jin..

clueless jimin..

love this.. =D
MYRAsaurus #4
Chapter 1: wait for it.. LOL