The Lover

The Daydreamer, The Lover, The Fighter...

The Lover
This setting is so familiar to me. Me, comforting the girl I loved so endlessly, from a heartbreak from another bastard.

I don't know how many times I've been comforting her. All I know is that it hurts me too.

"SangHyuk oppa?"

My heart harden when I heard her broken voice. "Neh, Joah-ah?"

"Why do I keep getting hurt? Do I love too much? Am I too clingy? Am I. . . Ugly?"

"It's funny. We love the ones that hurt us, and hurt the ones that love us. It's perfecting fine to love too much. Give love to those who never had felt it. To those who lack it. No, Joah-ah, your not clingy, you just love to be around the people you love deeply. You. Are. Not. Ugly. Jang. Joah. But you are not pretty. You are not beautiful. Nor gorgeous. You know why?"

She shake her head no.

"Because words cannot do justice to your beauty. Words do not define who you are. Your actions do. You are your own type of beauty. And it's a person's heart that decides if you're beautiful. Looks do not define you. Neither does your culture, your religion, your race, your job, or tittle you hold. Nothing can define a person. But if society must define you, let it define your heart. For the heart is precious. It is so fragile. But it still finds the will to keep on beating."

I spoke with such passion and determination that I never knew I had. I guess you can never stop surprising yourself.

It was silent for a bit. But then a quiet voice filled with confidence spoke up.

"SangHyuk oppa."

"Neh, Joah-ah?"

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I do."

"No, not like a sister or best friend love. Do you LOVE me?"

"I have always loved you, Joah-ah. I have since the moment we met. But you always saw someone else when I always saw you. I'm not going to lie, it hurts to see you hurt over some guy that didn't treat you right. And when I see you cry over this -,"

"I'll allow you to cruse this one time oppa," Joah-ah said with a grin.

"Gowamo. This bastard, when I can treat you so much better. But then I see you so happy with him, and I can't help but feel that you'd be better off with him. It hurts to be so confused. To be so conflicted with yourself. I just, URGH. I should be comforting you, not spilling out my feelings to you."

"It's okay, oppa. I'm just happy I know your feelings now."

It got silent, and I could finally feel my heart at ease. These feelings that I have hidden for so long, finally came out.



"Are you willing to wait for me?"

I laughed. "I've been waiting since we were five. If I've waited this long, I don't mind waiting another decade as long as you're in my future."

"Gowamo Oppa." 

"Neh. Now go to bed, we have school tomorrow."


I pulled the blanket over her head and kissed her forehead. 

"Good night, Joah-ah. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Good night, oppa. Arasso. Get home safe."


When I closed her door, I heard her whisper, "Thank you so much for putting Han SangHyuk in my life."

I smiled softly and thought to myself, "The Lover. What a perfect way to describe her. I don't know how nor why she does it. I don't know how she has the will to keep loving. But all I can say is, thank you God, for putting such a loving person in my life."

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