And Kris Wu



Tao has always adored the fluffy little animals. They were black and white which reminded him of Ying and Yang. Furry, and soft with a unique diet of bamboo. There was so much to be fascinated about them. If anyone had asked what his favorite animal was, he'd immediately blurt out pandas. At school, the boys would always say that pandas weren't as cool as dinosaurs and Tao would whip out some interesting fact. For example, that pandas can't produce milk with a lot of nutrients, so it's hard to raise a child as a panda. 

With this love, came extensive research on the creatures. He found out that they were rapidly decreasing in number. Most of it was due to the fact that was earlier mentioned. Of course, he had to persuade his family to donate to the charity for helping pandas.

"Mommy, pleeeeease~!" His pout was on full power and his mom was be sitting in front of the only computer the household had. It was big and gray with the exception of the usually black box in the middle. The seven year old was in between her and the computer. A website on endangered pandas was on the screen, thoughtfully placed by Tao when his mom left to go to the bathroom.

"Tao, honey." She hated it when his mom started of with that. Nothing but a long lecture was to come, but he wasn't having any of it today. Tao was well aware that it was rude to cut people off but this was such an important topic for him.

"It's just a couple dollars a month and I can give up some of the nice things I have. There are dying pandas and I feel really bad to have a home and food when they can't. I'll stop asking for my special strawberry milk and buy the normal stuff that is cheap."

It was a list of luxuries later that his mom was finally convinced to donate. So that's how the Huang family ended up donating a total of $3.25 every month to the charity that helped pandas and their children.

In retrospect, one would think that this admiration would fade at some point. And in all truthfulness, it did. For at time at least. At school, boys found it stupid. Except  he usually wasn't bothered by that. It was when one particularly cute boy said it was dumb that he made his new favorite animal dogs. Boys like dogs, and Sehun loved and had a dog. So it made sense in his mind. But in all honesty, it really didn't last that long and when he found out that Sehun liked some girl, he dropped it and went straight back to pandas.

But time moved on. Now, Tao is 20. An adult and fully able to categorize what he liked and didn't. So it basically went something like this. Doesn't like : His brother, too many vegetables, being blamed. Likes : Pandas, Kris Wu and sweets. Now, being grown up he realized that only one thing changed. And that would be that something happened to be added to the list of likes somewhere in the 10th grade. He wasn't quite sure when, but it was there and stuck there. What he was sure of though, was that the moment he realized that he was cuter than a panda was the moment he was on that list. When that moment occured just happened to escape him.

The list remained like that for some time, and somehow, Kris seemed to be fighting his way up the list. Without even meaning or trying to. Now, in his mind that was absolutely crazy. Yet, it happened. Tao just saw so many wonderful qualities in him. He was polite and always held doors for others. Not to mention how just positively stunning he was. Also, when he smiled, it made his heart skip a beat. Pandas didn't really do that, and he had already come to terms with the fact that he couldn't marry a panda. So he fit perfectly as an alternative. Alright, alright, he would be way better than just an alternative. Of course he opted out of it and just scolded himself for wishfully thinking in such a manner.

Luckily, all that wishful thinking was actually for something. For one day, in the morning of the first class they had together, Kris had actually asked him out. And he actually said yes. It was then that Tao, and lover of pandas, started to love more than just the furry black and white creatures.








I don't know what I'm doing, but I hope you enjoyed the word vomit.


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Chapter 1: fbghdsfgjshfbvjfsvbh I loved it

Enjoyed this a lot :3
Chapter 1: How cute. And so well written. Well done