Loyal Stranger


Ever heard of the tale of Hachiko - the loyal Akita?

It was a cold winter's night and the train station's bell gave a loud ring to signal the last incoming train for the night. One young college student was lucky enought to jump on the last one or else he would have to walk from Gangnam to Busan. He had ran the whole length to take the train and he panted relentlessly earning a few mutters and a piercing stare. As time took it's toll, people had diminished and soon it was only around 10 people left.

The college student shook as he felt his mobile vibrate inside his jeans pocket. He reluctantly took it out to recieve an unpleasant text.

When are you coming home, you imbecile son?

His mother had quite the poisoned tongue and unfortunately, he had grown used to it. He didn't have the energy to reply to the old hag so he quickly turned his mobile off and sunk deeper into his seat. He crinkled his nose, feeling a cold coming in. The train announced that it would be coming to the stop in less than 30 seconds. The young student heaved himself up as he prepared himself and stood in front of the train sliding door. They were nearning the end of the tunnel and natural evening light shone throught the train windows. It was showering with snowflakes and the ground was coated with a thin layer of snow.

beep beep

The train doors opened and passengers paraded out. The young college student looked around before stepping into the snow himself. His fingers immediately started feeling icy and he half-jogged towards the nearby shelter. He did all the things to warm him up like walking around to ease his legs, cup his hands over his mouth to warm them and pull on a scarf.

A small whimpering sound came from his left and the boy turned to meet the eyes of a very small Akita with deep blue eyes. It stared up at him before turning in circles and sitting down.

"Hey buddy, you lost?" The boy asked, reaching out and cradling the pup. He'd be lying if he said that the puppy had not sparked his interest.The Akita looked up at him before closing his eyes.
"You must be tired, where's your owner?" He asked as he reached for the dogs collar. It read Lu Han.
"Nice to meet you Luhan, since you have no sign of an owner; I'll be your new appa for now." The boy chuckled.
"The name's Sehun, Oh Sehun. Welcome to my family, buddy."

But can the night end undisturbed with the new family member? Or was this a new door left open by fate?


S T O R Y : Loyal Stranger

A U T H O R  : LollipopSyndrome

C O - A U T H O R : Love_Me_Love_Kpop

G E N R E : Drama, light Angst, EXO, HunHan

S T A R T E  D : 06.04.13

F I N I S H E D : N/A


Author; 06.04.14

Hello everyone, for those of you who already know the story of the loyal dog, Hachiko, then will you marry me? To those of you who have yet to discover the beautiful life of the young pup then please keep reading. There is also a movie about Hachiko and basically it's a true story that melted the hearts of millions. I just wanted to try and introduce this to Asianfanfics, the dog who's loyalty was recongnised by many. If you've watched the movie then you are precious.

If you haven't watch it NOW.

This is not plagiarising, I have used this dog as an inspiration for this story I've started and I will be creating a lot of differences. Maybe change the ending if I can. I simply want to do this to let people know about this dog and how the 1900s was such a successful century.



In 1924, Hidesaburō Ueno, a professor in the agriculture department at the University of Tokyo, took in Hachikō, a golden brown Akita, as a pet. During his owner's life, Hachikō greeted him at the end of each day at the nearby Shibuya Station. The pair continued their daily routine until May 1925, when Professor Ueno did not return. The professor had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and died, never returning to the train station where Hachikō was waiting. Each day for the next nine years Hachikō awaited Ueno's return, appearing precisely when the train was due at the station.

Hachikō attracted the attention of other commuters. Many of the people who frequented the Shibuya train station had seen Hachikō and Professor Ueno together each day. Initial reactions from the people, especially from those working at the station, were not necessarily friendly. However, after the first appearance of the article about him on October 4, 1932 in Asahi Shimbun, people started to bring Hachikō treats and food to nourish him during his wait.


Hello! I'm the coauthor, love_me_love_kpop, but I prefer to be called Mei. I was delighted when I was offered this! I don't get offers very often and my feed tends to be very short ;;u;;

Anyway, as I was saying, I'm so happy to be a part of this story! I sincerely hope you will love us and take good care of us. I will be typing in blue, so you don't have to worry about reading who is who! I find it easier and more convenient for the readers to be able to differentiate their authors! Notes to the author will be in purple, so you can just skip over them.

Also, please read the author's notes because we may have some important announcement and might not always put "announcement" before.

Thank you for supporting this story! We really love it! Saranghaeyo~

And most of all, we hope you enjoy!


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