I: Lost

Beautiful Creatures




"Aisht! i passed you a hundred times before!" he pointed at an innocent tree, scolding it. It was no question, he was lost.


Impatience clearly drawn on his face as the guy got his phone from his pocket. Its almost 6 in the morning. 


The sun is almost up. His phone beeped indicating that he's running out of battery so with a groan he placed it back on his pocket and started walking again. It was the company's 30th anniversary and they held this vacation for all of them to enjoy. 


Usually they would go out of the country or stay at some resort but his workers and friends decided to have a camping. It was almost midnight, last night when he can't sleep inside the tent with Seungri who was snoring as if he swallowed a megaphone.


He decided to have a walk around until he got lost. It was a relief he wasn't attacked by some creatures cause he's sure he is already deep inside the woods. At the same time he was also wondering why he didnt even see birds around the place.


He continued to walk with a long stick on his right hand as he noticed the environment gets pretty creepier. 


"I wonder if they even noticed Im gone" he said to himself. As the time goes by, the sunlight started to appear as it pass through the leaves of tall trees gathered around the place.


He was tired, hungry and thirsty but it didnt keep him from walking aimlessly, going to different directions, hoping he would find their camp site or some road but anywhere he goes, all he sees are trees.


As he was walking, he noticed the surroundings change. The trees became greener for the season of spring. The plants swayed even without the presence of the wind. The number of flowers increased. The surroundings became quiet and peaceful that even the air seemed still. 


"Weird" the guy muttered. He fixed his beanie and hoodie before taking careful steps forward, expecting something weird to happen. He felt as if he was filming an action movie with his legs outstretched, his arms positioned in defense and his head turning north, south, east and west.


He did some ninja moves against the still air, even hiding behind some trees in the process. He stopped his so called 'fighting skills' when he heard a sound. He saw a bird, sitting comfortably on a branch, flapping its colorful wings while tilting it head towards the him, observing him.


There was a short staring battle between the human and the bird before the bird decided to leave the place, flying clumsily.


The guy coughed awkwardly as he straightened himself, embarrassed that a bird witnessed him doing 'some stuffs' alone.


"It must've thought I was crazy that it left." He started walking normally this time until he reached a part of the woods that looked like a barricade of trees. Huge tall trees were aligned closely at each other as big sizes of leaves are found in between.


A sigh of frustration came out from his lips. He was walking around the woods without rest, food and water for God knows how long then he'll find a dead end. Great. 


He was about to turn around when he saw the bird from a while ago flying over the tree barricade. Now that he thought of it, "there's a bird around here after all."


He started walking again when he suddenly tripped. "what the---" he wiggled his foot when he saw some random roots wrapped around his shoes tightly. He hopped with one leg as he tried to get rid of the roots that only tightened. Realizing he was the only one who got tired from all the hopping, he stopped. "this wont do" he panted. He placed his back against a tree and did everything his body can do to unwrap the roots from his his foot. 


For some reason, when he finally succeeded, his body managed to squeeze in between the trees before he completely disappeared. 


When the mortal was out of sight, two trees started slapping each other's branches."why did you do that?!" a voice rang.


"he was stepping on my roots! its was a normal reaction for me to hold his foot in pain!" they didnt stop slapping every branch that the other has that they can reach. "How bout you? huh?! why did you move? a tree's trunk should'nt move!" it was the other tree's turn to ask.


"he was moving against me too much. It was ticklish" There was a long pause between them. Their branches stopped midway, their falling leaves hitting the ground was the only sound coming from them. "your a tree" the other spoke in disbelief. "it was still ticklish" 



"woa---" a low grunt came form the mortal's mouth as he landed on his painfully.


"i should've just listened to seungri's snores" he muttered with much regret. He helped himself to stand up as he roam his eyes around the place. The place was nothing like the woods he was walking around all night. He was inside a small cave but outside, you can see white sand all over the place.


He can hear the waves from the beach hitting the shore from where he was standing. With an awestruck expression, he started to walk out of the cave as the beach was in his sight. The waters was as blue as the sky and you can litterally see the clouds reflecting to the clear water.



Not far from the shore, there is a huge island covered with different kind of trees laying in the middle of the body of water. He was busy admiring the place, forgetting the fact that he was still lost when he heard a low growl beside him.


His head turned in a slow manner. He felt his body froze, his blood stopped circulating, his heart stopped beating and even his brain seemed to stop functioning. The lion, who is stopping himself from snorting by looking at the mortal's pale face walked closely towards him, showing his sharp set of teeth, looking intimidating. 



On that moment, it was the only time he managed to say something continiously that sounded like "."


He didnt think further as he shut his his eyes close and started running back to the cave, ready to squeeze his frame between the barricade of trees that leads back to the woods. He pushed himself out of the place, expecting some trees to crush his body but he only stumbled out of nowhere and started rolling on the leafy ground as he lost his balance.



He stood up with a groan, removing the leaves off his clothes when he noticed some tents on the place. Shock and confusion was written all over his face. All of the tents are still closed. None of them are still awake. And none of them even noticed he was gone.



He was back at the campsite. He turned his head back behind him. The barricade of trees was not there and all he could see are trees leading inside the woods. He returned his gaze at the campsite and sure enough, he was really back at the campsite. 



With a tired and confused state, he walked going back to the tent where he thankfully didnt hear any snoring from seungri.



"what the happened?" 




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Chapter 2: the mysteriousness of Dara and her kingdom is soooo interesting... more please....^^
would she be able to on the mortal world..(>_<)
Dontworrybehappy #2
Super interesting! :D
Chapter 1: if the creatures help him out.. he sure in a deep slumber^^~
Chapter 1: hmmmm... mysterious... more juseyo...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ... thank you for the update..
Jynroe #5
this is really interesting
excited for this!!! (≧∇≦)