The two opposites

How I Met Your Wonderful Self

There was a girl of brown long hair, with darker brown eyes, of outstanding beauty, and icy demeanor.

Some people said it was charming, others said it was scary, but they got confused she wasn’t icy or scary; she was just wary, awkward even. But as far as the eye go few people actually bothered about AT least getting to know her. It didn’t matter for those who did, are what the icy princess calls her friends, she didn’t have many true, but they were always good.

There was this other girl of short, black hair, with black eyes. Whose smile was brighter than the sun, and a very warm heart.

She was friendly and kind, she had many friends because of that, she also knew between right & wrong, making her dashing and courageous. Outspoken, yet shy, still she shines in a way no other did, thus making her unique. 

And this is how they met.

Everyone was tidy in their uniforms, wearing new accessories, hair-cuts, make-over.

This was after all a turning point in everyone’s life; it was the begging of a new school year, this was the begging of high school life. Many students were busy checking out a white paper sheet, scanning for their names in a sea of letters, for their new classrooms awaited their arrival at the prestigious SMH short for SMHigh.

Among the masses of the freshman group stood two girls side by side, eyeing the white sheet before hugging each other excitedly.

“We’re in the same class again Jungy! How lucky are we?” The taller of the two exclaimed, delighted to be in the same class as her friend.

“Apparently really luck.” The other girl although excited held her composure better than the former one, a smile still pressed on her beautiful face.

Just then, near them a rowdy but cheerful bunch, was laughing nearby looking at the same sheet. Among them someone with a very defined face, made a small eye contact with the shortest of the two freshman friends and that’s how it all started.

Krystal POV

I was celebrating with my best friend Sulli.

How lucky we were, after all when you’re in the same classroom as your best friend there’s nothing better, then I heard loud laughter coming from a small group of  boys, who like us appeared to be new, being honest I was about to drag my best friend Sulli away it was getting way to crowded but before I could one of this boys, stared at me.

I didn’t know what to do part of me was star struck by his looks, while my other part, the intelligent part was refusing to work. He was tapped on the shoulder, he shook his head a little his black bangs swiping in a motion that almost made me swoon, but then his attention was back on me flashing me a wide smile before going away.

“Jung, K-R-Y-S, KRYSTAL, dear lord, MANGO LOVER JUNG?!”

“YAH SULLI!” I slapped my hand against her shoulder.

“I’ve been calling for your attention because YOU ignored me, and I get the hit?” She pouted doing her aeygo.

“Oh, sorry I didn’t really notice.” I turned back to face her giving her my full attention, she didn’t seem to mind that I was distracted and ignored her earlier as she just flashed me a smile with a V sign.

We shuffled our way into the classroom a few others were already there, but I wasn’t someone who could easily befriend people, Sulli knew thus she took my arm dragging me to our future seats, on the middle. We chatted for a few moments, the classroom filling up over time before the bell rang.

When it did, a handsome middle age man walked in, smiling at us writing his name on the blackboard.

“Good morning everyone”

“Good morning” The always present class chorus replied back, including me.

“First of all, welcome to SMH I hope you all have a wonderful time here, make lots of knew friends and of course make great new memories. My name is Park Jeong-Su but feel free to call me Leeteuk I’m also your homeroom teacher if you have any troubles, please let me know yeeees?” His voice gained a really high pitch making some students laughed nodding their heads.

“Now for our first lesson please go to page…”

The clocked ticked away, until break time. I stretched my legs, looking at Sulli write down the last of the exercise, turning to me smiling.


“Well what?” I asked back.

“What should we do?” I though hard for a moment, we were new this school seemed pretty big, I shrugged.

“Hey an older friend of mine actually goes here, wanna go?”

I was always awkward when it came to first meeting, but I wouldn’t mind knowing someone other than Sulli.

“Sure, lead the way.” We stood up, while Sulli dialed a number, calling her unnie for direction, we only had to make a few turns I saw a brown hair girl hugging, surprise, surprise the boy who smiled at me. As I again starstruck Sulli dragged my body to them shouting happily.


Her grip on me dropped, hugging her unnie tightly, the boy chuckled at them, smiling amused his attention was now on me and dear lord did I suddenly felt so nervous.

“Krys, this here is Victoria unnie~ Victoria unnie, Krys my very best friend”

Said girl smiled at me extending her hand, still hugging Sulli’s waist.

“Nǐ hǎo, very nice to meet you.” I gave a small smile saying the same thing, when the boy coughed feeling left out I guess. To which Victoria laughed.

“Oh forgot, this here is Ambro, my pabo friend~” She smiled even wider than before causing Sulli to giggle along, the boy just pouted but extended his hand at me.

“Hey, I’m Amber nice to meet you uh…Krys?” I smiled a little not wanting to be rude, I clasped his unusually soft hand for a guy or maybe I just didn’t have enough guy friends to know if it was unusual or not.

“Krystal, nice to meet you Amber.” He smiled even more, I swear that smile is a killer.

Sulli who unknown to me broke away from Victoria’s hug, was now smiling really wide at Amber.

“So Amber I know it’s been a while since we last saw each other, but you’ve turned pretty handsome.”

I blinked a few times, Sulli was flirting, my eyes were wide never known she had that bone in her; she was always so pure and innocent. Victoria came to my side smiling widely, point back at those two.

“Really? Thanks you’re very pretty yourself” Amber smiled back at her.

I looked at my new…acquaintance Victoria, she seemed to be getting giggly, and well this wasn’t confusing AT ALL.

“T-Thank you, so would you like to hang out?”

“SURE! Any friend of Vic’s is a friend of mine!”

“Really, oh great! I know this is sudden but I just wanna ask, do you maybe have a girlfriend?”

“Hm? Well yeah I do” Sulli’s faced crashed, and in my mind I just nodded anyone that cute wouldn’t be single.

“Lots of them actually!” WAIT WHAT. WHAT. A PLAYER. My mind was doing a double take on the boy while Sulli looked like she was planning to run away, and that’s when Victoria’s giggles turned into laughter.

“Unnie why are you laughing?” He furrowed his brows looking like she just lost it, something inside my brain clicked. Unnie, he? Called Victoria Unnie.

Sulli looked back at me, we didn’t know what was more confusing Amber confident shouts about multiple girlfriends, or the fact he just called someone Unnie.

Well my dear reader it's quite late, so I'll leave it at that.

Ah I know I promised Kryber moments and there will be, be patient. We all need a background, and so do these two.

Was this too long? Too short?

Let me know.



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Chapter 18: Ha! It's suzy
Chapter 17: Who's the second rival? Ellin? Or suzy maybe? Well i'll just wait the answer on your next update
That pic tottaly describe how possessive krystal is xD

Anyway great story, keep updating okay :)
chocolate_llama #3
Please update soon!
Justpassingby13 #4
Chapter 17: lmfao that last picture tho-XD
amhar03 #5
Chapter 15: damn sure that escalated very quickly, never saw that coming with those criminal case.. and wait isnt krystal being injected by that doctor??
dede123 #6
Chapter 15: Wow! Love this chapter. *thumbsup*
Please do update soon. Thanks! :)
Just dropping by to say thank you to anyone who has read this, and anticipating the next chapter.
Cute as a button every single one of you (´。• ω •。`)
Now what you really wanted to know, my personal deadline will be updating this story -at least- before Halloween, deadline being Halloween itself. Hope everyone is well, and has/had a nice day.
chocolate_llama #8
Chapter 13: Please please update soon
Kryberforlife #9
Chapter 13: This story's so cute lol. I hope you'll update more!
15lehna #10
Chapter 13: That was an awesome chap and kryber were so cute