
Adjustment - Myungsoo

The rustling of leaves warned of the wind that was about to come, the glass from the company doors swung open reflecting any light that diffused through the thick grey clouds. Placing one foot in front of the other, his face was slow and steady while the wind blew against his body. Turning his head away from the wind, he let out a sigh before dropping his head. Sliding his hands into his pockets, the wind started to get stronger while were the voices in his head.

"How can you wear all black? Don’t you get tired of that color? Black is so dark, why don’t we change it up?" Questions like these bounced around the inside of his head like ping pong balls.

Wetting his lips with his tongue, he looked back down at his feet kicking a rock occasionally to try and silence the voices in his head. With little success, he bit his lower lip harshly until he reached home.

Flipping through the channels on the tv, you sat on the couch with a blanket laid over your lap, finding an interesting show, you put down the remote. Soon after the door opened letting in some of the cold night air, closing the door, you heard the shuffling of changing shoes.

Looking over your shoulder, you saw Myungsoo’s figure and smiled.

"Hey Myung, how was work?" You turned around, resting your arm on the top of the couch. With the shrug of his shoulders, he walked right past you to the bedroom. Slamming the door shut, you took it as not a good day. Turning back around, you chewed on your lower lip, a little worried for him, you kept glancing over to the bedroom.

Taking a risk, you stood up putting the blanket on the couch and turning off the tv and headed to the bedroom door. Knocking on the door, you heard a faint hum and decided to open the door slowly.

Myungsoo laid on the bed, his feet handing off the end of the bed, his arms folded under his head, his stomach pressed against the comforter as a deep sigh released from his lips.

Tilting your head to the side in confusion, you walked in quietly not to disturb him too much. Sitting on the bed, the mattress dipped alerting Myungsoo of your arrival. Looking down at him, you saw his shoulders move up and down from each breath.

Taking your hand and reaching out, you hesitantly touched his shoulder. Feeling him relax under your touch, you moved your hand in a little circle getting a little bigger with each completed circle.

Feeling tears sting his eyes, he rolled over, putting his head on your lap while his eyes closed. Lifting your hands to his hair, your fingers gently pet his hair over his eyes, making sure his hair was perfect you watched his chest move up and down. Just the look on his face, you knew that he was stressed and worried about something.

Trying to be there for him, your fingers outlined his ear to his neck getting him to chuckle a little being a little ticklish. Moving your hands back to his hair, he let out a deep sigh, biting your lip, you wondered if you should say anything. He bent his leg putting his knee up in the air while his fingers played with each other.

"Is there something wrong Myungie?" You asked softly.

"No." He answered plainly. Nodding your head, both of you turned quiet waiting for something to happen.

"Why can’t they just let me be?" Myungsoo mumbled quietly but just enough to break the silence that rested between the two of you.

"What do you mean?" You pet his hair gently while his chocolate eyes opened and looked into yours.

"They want me to change my look again." He grumbled.

"Doesn’t everyone change before an album release?" You questioned. He sat up leaving your lap empty while he leaned on his arm, becoming eye level to you.

"They do, I don’t mind a little change b-but this is too much." He dropped his eyes to your necklace.

"What do they want to change this time?" You tried to understand the position he was in.

"It isn’t just my hair this time, it is my wardrobe." He sighed again.

"They changed your wardrobe from Man in Love to Destiny." You pointed out.

"But" He sighed again. "Not like this, not just my stage clothes. Everything. All of my clothes. They don’t want me to wear black anymore." His voice started to fade towards the end while your eyes tried to take in everything, all of his emotions that started to show a little more and more with each moment passing.

"But why?" You questioned earning his eyes to look into yours.

"They think I am too dark, they want me to be bright and cheery, but that isn’t who I want to be. They accepted me before, how come they can’t accept me now?" His voice started to raise along with his anger. Quickly getting off of the bed, his hand rested on his hip while his other hand raked through his hair.

"How come they just can’t let me be me? Why do they have to go change everything?" Myungsoo’s voice was in a loud roar, making you grip the comforter with your fingers.

Tilting his head back, he tried to curse the tears to stay inside of his eyes but nothing seemed to work as they started to spill over the edge.

"Great, now I am going to cry like a little girl." He his lips, bringing in his bottom lip in between his teeth to bite before swinging the door open and storming out of the room.

"Myungsoo!" You called after him, hearing the lightning and thunder crash outside, you couldn’t help but worry if he was going to go out in the rain storm. Grabbing your jacket and an umbrella, you headed out into the storm just to find him on the front steps.

"Myungie?" You called slightly louder than the rain as it pounded against the hard ground.

The rain was pounding down, bouncing off of his shoulders and running down his hair. Resting his arms on his legs, he leaned forward while his t shirt clung to his skin and defined muscles underneath. Looking over his shoulder, he saw you and stood up walking out into the storm.

"Myungsoo wait!" You called him back to you, but there was no stopping. Dropping the umbrella, you ran after him, wrapping him in a backwards hug, you tried with all of your might trying to get him to stop and stay in your arms.

"Don’t go." You begged him quietly.

"I don’t want to disappoint you, I have to leave." He says sadly, wrapping his hands around your wrists trying to pry your arms away from him.

"You won’t disappoint me, I just want to be here for you." You told him, holding onto him tighter. Seeing that you weren’t going to let him go, the cold rain trickled down his face, gathering his wet hair into little bundles. Loosening your hands around him slightly, he turned around in your arms.

"I don’t want to change who I am." He said slowly letting his head rest on your shoulders, while his arms gently s around your shoulders.

"It will be okay, I promise." You tried to reassure him, rubbing his soaked shirt gently, you felt warm water on your neck. Knowing they were Myungsoo’s tears, you froze, never having him cry on you before, you didn’t know quite what to do.

Knowing that you had to do something, your mind started to think. With a few ideas in mind, you lifted one of your hands gently and slowly brought it up to his hair. Slowly petting his wet hair, his grip tightened on you while the rain pounded down on the two of you.

"Myungsoo, let’s go home, get you all warm and dry. Does that sound nice?" You offered, feeling his head nod against your shoulder. Patting his shoulder, he kept his arms around you, while the two of you slowly and a little awkwardly walked back to the house.

Opening the door to your home, the storm only got worse, the two of you were dripping wet and Myungsoo still crying.

"Go sit on the couch and I will go get an extra change of clothes for you." You rubbed his back, nodding with a small pout he took off his shoes and walked over to the couch. Quickly going into the bedroom, she changed into a long sleeved shirt and some shorts while bringing him out some sweats and his favorite black tank top that had a hood attached in the back.

Coming back out, she hugged him from behind setting his clothes in his lap.

"Change into these and I will get us some warm hot chocolate, so we don’t get a cold." You kissed his cheek sweetly before going to the kitchen making the hot chocolate with mild instead of water, just how he liked it.

Evenly pouring the warm chocolate into two mugs, you placed some marshmallows in yours before heading over to the couch. Myungsoo was changed in his all black outfit, even with his hood up, he rested his head on the back of the cushion while he waited for you.

"Here you are." You remarked handing him his black mug with a smile. "Let me get a blanket for the two of us." Handing him your mug, he held it for you as the warmth soaked through his frozen hands.

Coming back with a thick blanket, you laid it over Myungsoo while you climbed under it too. He handed back your mug to you, smelling the sweet scent, you smiled pressing your lips to the warm cup.

Myungsoo’s head gently rested on your shoulder once again, a sigh escaped his lips.

"Jagi, can I still be myself around you and wear black?" He looked up at you with his blood shot, swollen eyes.

"Wear all the black you want around me, I don’t mind at all. I might even wear black to match you." You smiled gently kissing his forehead with your warm lips.

"You won’t leave me if I change clothes or stay with my black ones?" He asked you seriously.

"I won’t leave you." You whispered, with your eyes looking into his. Leaning down you pecked his lips softly. His cold lips gently moved over your warm ones before you pulled away.

"Thank you."

Those were the last words that the both of you heard for the rest of the night. Your comforting presence was enough for him to let go and enjoy the silence with you. Occasionally sipping the warm treat, he finished and fell asleep on your shoulder. Petting his drying hair, you pulled the blanket over the top of you two, letting the storm pass over you through the night.

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Chapter 1: That was so sweet and adorable, heart fluttering and everything <3333333333333
I LOVE this kind of scenarios, I really do <3333333333333333

So what's wrong with wearing black!? I really don't understand!
It's not a sad colour! It's a colour that reflects pride and greatness in my opinion.
Because I'm the same with him, people even yell at me when I wear black, but I just ignore them.
Speaking of it, I'm wearing black right now hahaha XD So what's the problem? That's my style and everyone has his own style!

Great story!! One of my favourites so far. I want to write such scene for my next story <333
Chapter 1: This side of myungie just really sweet x)
Chapter 1: Don't change Myungsoo! Us Inspirits will love you no matter what. C: Thank you!
Danieea #4
Chapter 1: Wow... myungie oppa is very cute^^
Chapter 1: that was so sweet~~!
Chapter 1: It's beautiful ♡
Chapter 1: Haha, aww, he's so adorable when he cried like a baby.
asianhiphopdancer #8
Chapter 1: This is sweet! Myungsoo suits black, he should just stay like that xD
But I felt just as warm and cozy as they were with the hot chocolate and blanket wrapped around them ^^

Awesome one shot! :D
Chapter 1: Myungsoo and black are inseparable