Behind The fan Service



Behind The Fan service


JONGIN COME  RIGHT  ING  NOW  AND  PICK UP YOUR THINGS IT’S ALL OVER THE FLOOR” umma  Kyungsoo shouted from the living  room ,but sure as usual no reply was given .

“KIM ING JONG IN  I SWEAR IF I CAME TO YOU;  YOU ARE GONNA BE SO DEAD” shouted D.O while on his way to his shared room with Kai . The scene when he entered was supposed to be like this : Kai is on the floor playing some video games while laughing victoriously ,but no Kai was just lying on his bed , his hands is on his face covering his eyes. 
Kai what’s “kyungsoo whispered when he saw the scene. It’s not like Kai at all.
Hyung could you please stop shouting .This is one of our rare days off before our comeback and I want to rest and I’m so tired and have zillions of things to think about other than caring about the cleaning thing hyung  LEAVE ME ALONE” replied Kai angrily.

Oh I see I I’m sorry I didn’t mean this it’s fine I can handle this uuh but are you okay?! want me to make you something to eat maybe kamchi spaghetti or or I can even give you a massage maybe  … “
“ NO no hyung thank you I only want to sleep
“ Kai cut his hyung quickly while watching him leaving the room , titling his head down.
Ah huh  hyung if u only know … “ muttered kai under his breath.

Anyeonghasseyo dancing machine Kai aminda hey you want to know what’s is wrong with me?! … Fine I’ll tell you what!!  listen to my story …

I’m not as fans think of me, I was not the God or the typical play boy of the group or even gay I was straight shy guy till that day…”
we were performing on a live stage on one of those concerts and I was really tired and sweating a lot and I was curving for rest I wanted to go to bed and maybe hear Kyungsoo hyung says goodnight to me ; that thought took over my mind that I didn’t realize that kyungsoo hyung approached me and whispered with his damn naturally husky seductive voice of his in my ears “ Jongin ah what are you thinking about, hm?! Focus” and gave me one of his breathtaking smiles , {A.N : watch drama replay 1997 I meant THIS moment and reaction kind of } that moment I don’t know what happened ; electricity went through my whole body I felt as if I was in another world I was dumbfounded, I was standing there staring at nowhere trying to realize what just happened and WHY the heck did it  affect me THAT much and why my  body reacts to it , it was supposed to be normal , wasn’t it ?!

No Kai no you are just tired and your hormones are not steady you are doing that because you are , right that’s it , act cool as if nothing happened Kai;  That’s the right thing to do now stupid head “ He inwardly thought. We completed the concert went back to the dorm and that night I was tiring to avoid hyung like for example when he asked if I wanted to eat dinner , I declined; saying that I’m tired and want to sleep even though I was so hungry but damn I forgot that we share the same room and he even change his clothes in front of me “ Ah ottockah … ?!  what the heck is happening with me ?” Kai thought… Minutes later hyung came and started taking off his clothes it’s not like I didn’t see him before but why I’m blushing now when I see him and remembering his voice today. 

I  woke up the next morning with the feeling of something soft and wet against my forehead
JongIn-ah wake up , we have to leave soon “ that voice of his it was the best thing anyone can ever hear at the morning… * shock * w-what ! I’m over reacting again   my mood was turned upside down when I remembered last night ; 5 minutes later I was done showering and was dressed in a plain white t-shirt and a sweat pant . When I entered the kitchen smelling something really delicious , kyungsoo’s pancakes are the best despite this something else caught my attention. I couldn’t get my eyes off of Kyungsoo hyung with the pink cute apron , his soft humming of our song angel along with his oh so cute features the sight was really cute, I wanted to go and hug him from behind and never let him go again ; The last night events and the concert along with his whispering voice and hugs flashed in my head.
KIM JONG ING IN WAKE UP  WHAT HAD GOTTEN IN TO YOU r mind ? what is happening to me? why me ? why kyungsoo hyung? no this must me because I’m tired and also too much fan service that’s it I have to find myself a girlfriend quickly . “Jong In-ah why aren’t you eating your pancakes ? aren’t they good oh I’m really sorry I was in a hurry and I forgot to …  I was interrupted  from my thought by the voice of  kyungsoo hyung “ oh no hyung they are delicious really I’m just still sleepy that’s all don’t worry hyung “ I replied with a fake smile I almost forgot that the other members were setting on the same table and there is no way that they missed  my staring at my hyung and spacing out … .

After a long tiring day full of interviews, recording and practicing for the comeback;  we are at the dorm … ing finally .
Kyungsoo hyung went to something for us to eat since we didn’t have anything after the breakfast and it’s almost midnight now while Suho hyun was helping kyungsoo hyung. Sehun and Beakhyun went to take quick shower and Chanyeol was lying on the couch waiting for his and Suho hyung turn to shower. As for me I went straight to my shared room and throw myself on the bed and decided to change my clothes to something more comfy , when suddenly there were a knock on the door ; “JongIn-ah are you asleep already can I come in? “ Suho hyung’s voice reached me from behind the closed door “ Oh hyung yeah sure come in “ I replied as he came in and sat himself beside me on the bed “ Kai you were not fine the whole yesterday and today something is wrong ? Something is bothering you ? You know I’m here to help you and you know that you can tell me anything ?”

       suddenly the floor of the room became the most beautiful art anyone can stare on. My face was flushed and my eyes were on the edge of crying ; I couldn’t hold it anymore this struggle inside my head maybe I can tell Suho hyung he can tell me what to do after all he is someone I can trust “Hyung I actually have something to tell you ,but I’m scared , I’m scared you will hate me and the other members too, promise me that you will listen till the end and never judge me “  “ Sure Jong In sure now now tell me what is bothering my precious Jongin huum ?! “ Suho hyung really have a magical power that can make anyone more comfortable he is a very loving and caring person and I’m luck to know him the one who is gonna be with him is gonna be really lucky.

“Hyung I .. I think I like no … I love kyungsoo hyung I … I actually don’t know how that happened and if you are wondering  if I love him more than just friends then yes I do . I love him in a way I want to hug him, in a way that I want to stay by his side forever, in a way it hurts so much hyung. I know that it actually is an unrequited love , a forbidden one. I really don’t know how that happened ? Or Why?  or What should I do? all I know is that I want  to be by his side forever, I realized that all I ever wanted is to make him smile I want to be the cause of his smiles and laughs I love it when he smiles at me , how his eyes and lips looks like , I love how he hums songs while cooking for us , I love the way he took care of me when I was sick and my waist was hurt. Hyung it hurts, It hurts a lot hyung I don’t know what to do I don’t know what happened or how at first I thought it’s just because of fan service but by days go by those feeling grew bigger each passing day hyung I feel that I want to hold him, hug him ,protect him , am I wrong ? what should I do hyung I know I disappointed you , my parents , all the people how love me out there. I’m really sorry hyung I really am “ Jong in confessed in one go. His hands shaking , his eyes Buffy of crying,   staring at the ground a soft comforting hand was at his shoulder “ Jong in ah you don’t have to apologies for you feeling . This is love and love is blind and your love for him is a true one ; We always found our true love once in life you shouldn’t let you love go if you were lucky enough to find it “ Suho said with a smile on his handsome face . “ Thank you so much hyung that helped me calm down “ He said ,while whipping his tears “ Now now get up take a shower I think the members had finished now and then come to eat something u haven’t been eating well the past few days I know that “ Suho said, while getting up to leaving the room .
What both of them did’t know is that a certain doe-eyed boy had heard every single word had been said by the tanned –skin dancer with tears on his cheeks when he came to call both to eat dinner.

After eating the dinner and going to sleep , Jongin made up his mind to give hints to his hyung before he confess  his feelings and to know the reaction of kyungsoo , so the first step was to rise the fan service level and it of course didn’t do unnoticed to the members, the company who was happy and satisfied with that and his hyung who surprisingly didn’t reject him or pushed him away then raising the level of skin ship between them during the day when there's no fans around , for example one day when Kyungsoo was watching a romantic movie Kai took the chance and hopped next to his hyung snuggling beside him and there suddenly was a kiss scene on the TV, he stool a quick glance at his hyung who was blushing really hard by now and the dancer didn’t know was it from the kiss scene or the fact that kai's lips and breath was now on the elder’s neck and his hands on his waist , Kai tried to hug him tighter and the blushed ; The older get redder if it was possible which made the younger smirk his famous smirk inwardly .

The next morning when Jongin woke up and went to the kitchen to see his kyungsoo hyung preparing breakfast , finding no one around he sneaked behind him and back hugged his hyung whispering in his ears "Good morning soo hyung " with his husky voice . Kyungsoo was straddled by the sudden contact and let out ' A very manly scream though ' and turned his face to come face to face  with kai and he was staring at his dongseang breath taking handsomeness from his eyes his tanned skin to those lips and this y bed hair of his , it felt like he was in another world  making his heart throb and a smirk crept up the younger face a second evidence . Hyung I’m going to be in our room when u r done preparing breakfast  call me Kai said while leaving , leaving a dumfounded kyungsoo at the kitchen.

"Kai we need to talk" Suho called the dancer after the breakfast since their schedule was not so packed up. After the two boys went inside the leader’s room and kicked the maknae out who was talking to luhan obviously at the phone and was mattering something like

 'it's not like I don’t know that kai love kyungsoo hyung anyway ' suho started " kai i guess it's so obvious now ; That kyungsoo likes you too right! I mean look at his reaction whenever you're around or close to him or even when you touch him.


Two days back ' Hyung I need to talk to you ' kyungsoo said and  Suho nodded ' Hyung I don't know what’s wrong with me or with kai he seems to cling into me too much those days it’s not like I hate it but I have that feeling whenever he's close to me I feel like my heart skip a beat I don’t know what to do'   Kyungsoo admitted  “ I’ll ask u something think about it , Do you love Kai?  Do you feel like you want to be beside him always? Be honest with yourself and don’t tell me no I’m not gay , I’m straight , how this can be ? , love is blind kyungsoo”  later that day nearly at midnight “ Hyung I think I like Kai , a lot actually but I don’t think that he loves me the same way or he will ever “  Suho smiles softly and patted his head “ Give him time Kyungie no one knows how things will turn out to be right , good night for now go to sleep you need to rest” and the both drifted to sleep.

*end of flash back*


“So , Why don’t you confess to him Jongin , he won’t turn you down trust me “  
“How would you know hyung”   “I just know it Jongin, I’m the leader after all and I can help you out with a plan for a special confession”  The younger just nodded smiling “ So this is how things will go ... “Suho suggested...


       After discussing the plan with joonmyun hyung , we started it immediately ;he promised to take all the members out to eat and I had to stay at home and pretend that I'm tired. I heard joonmyun's hyung voice outside calling members "Who want to go out and eat something; my payment"  Everyone in a blink of an eye was out and ready but when kyungsoo hyung knew that I'm not coming he hesitated abit but joonmyun hyung told him that if I needed something  I will call them which is exactly what's gonna happen.


      After a while when I made sure that everyone left, I started preparing for the night. First of all the cooking , something simple a spaghetti for example; It isn't that hard you know and I made sure that table have red sheets red candles in middle and flowers all around the floor  with small red candles that has the smell of lavender flowers then I went to take a quick shower and changed my clothes.  I dressed in skinny black jeans kyungsoo's favorite with a black shirt and I ed the first two buttons and put some of my and kyungsoo's perfume I kept my hair natural  silky and straight fall on my perfectly structured face then I called joonmyun hyung saying that I’m tired so he would start the plan but before that there is small final touches to do before he come .


Joonmyun p.o.v

    After receiving Jongin's call I knew what to do.  I started acting so worried and kyungsoo was beside me he noticed and asked "Hyung what’s wrong? Is that kai you were talking to? What's wrong with him? Something happened? " " Yeah that… Actually he called and said that he's sick and need me to send someone to stay by his side to give him his medicine. Do you want to go?  or shall I send Luhan or lay instead?  You know I don’t want to worry everyone while they are having good time and I should stay and pay anyway, so what do u think?" "Yeah hyung I want to go,  so let me take care of him I already ate please " " Okay u can go please take care of him okay soo "He nodded and left immediately without looking back; Those kids are head over heels in love with each other I gave Kai a ring to understand that kyungsoo is on his way. Now let me see what to do with this bad unicorn boy of mine well not mine YET he's been talking to Kris and Luhan all the time and never with me why ? I’m so jealous but I really love to see him smile.  Kris looked at me and noticed the way I look at lay . I look like a love sick puppy and Kris smirked I blushed and started eating again.


Meanwhile at the  dorm

    After hyung gave me a ring I started lightening the candles, putting the dinner in plates at the table ,changing the bed sheet to red one and lightened the candles all the way from the door way to our shared room and made sure that flowers is all around the floor oooh god I'm so nervous what’s to do what if he doesn't love me that way I do. I texted junmyung hyung saying that I’m so scared that I will be rejected  a second later he replied saying " kai trust hyung  soo is head over heels in love with u " the text gave me a push up I went to our shared room to hide when I heard someone is trying to unlock the door.


Kyungsoo P.O.V

   “Oh god I hope kai is fine I’m so worried why is he tired? that little… why he didn't want  me to stay by his side from the beginning? Is his back hurting again ? Kaiii “

I have been in love with  my dongseang for a while now from the moment I saw him when we were trainees , but he was so young and innocent I took care of him as an older brother I was really happy when we had both to do fan service together at least I'll be by his side , I know I’m sick person ,right !? …. I reached the dorm and unlocked the door but I saw something I didn't expect; I checked maybe it’s the wrong floor or wrong apartment but no it’s right. Why is there candles and flowers everywhere ? and it smells like lavender here . It’s my favorite  flowers . Was Kai waiting for someone else I started walking to our room " Kai… Jongin where are you? I’m kyungsoo are you here? " when I opened the door I saw the most breathtakingly beautiful sight ever. Kai was standing in the middle of the room and a romantic dinner table next to him the room is lightened only the red candles and flower everywhere and that smile on his face. I stopped and stared at him while he was walking slowly towards me with that smile " As I expected you came!  because you are worried about me right hyung?! "N no why would I be joonmyun forced me to come and weren't you sick anyway" I said while stuttering how can I not , when that handsome creature is infront of me staring directly at my soul " " Really hyung now! okay anyway I have to tell you something first” He closed the door and kneeled at his knees and a red flower was in his hands rised infront of me and said ...

Kai P.O.V

" Soo hyung I love you so much  and I can’t taking it anymore I want you by my side  always with me I want you to be mine and mine alone , please be my boyfriend. I know it's weird  but it’s honest it’s from the bottom of my heart " I finally confessed.  I waited him to take the flower or to leave. What will he do I couldn’t  look at him I kept looking at the floor but when he took long to answer I looked at him to find him crying he looked at me with those eyes that captivated me and said " Yes yes I will and I love you so much too I love you so much Jongin" I couldn’t' believe it so I hugged him tight " Ah it feels good to have u in my arms like this I love you " I whispered in his ears while hugging him" Then I parted out faces from the hug while still holding him tight and started itching our faces close slowly to kiss him he closed his eyes I guess it’s a yes then. It was a touch of lips at first  I looked at him his face red and flustered I can’t resist him I kissed him again but this time deep and passionate and he started responding to the kiss we kissed and made out all the night then we had the dinner that  I prepared which was surprisingly tasty maybe because I made it with lots of love then we slept in each other's arms.
after a while I heard the dorms door open and the members came in I can imagine their faces now when they saw the candles and flowers I heard some saying " Ah finally Kai confessed to soo hyung". A while later I heard the door of our room open slowly; it was Suho hyung he saw kyungsoo sleeping in my arm at my bed he gave me a soft smile and a nod and I gave him a thumps up he then closed the door  I kept staring the beauty sleeping next to me . I'm so thankful to suho hyung there's no way  I repay him or wait … there is ... !! I smirked knowing what to do later to repay hyung but now let me enjoy this moment next to my MY soo I kissed him softly" Good night my beautiful soo dream about me , nae?  I love u " I whispered to him before sleeping and a soft smile was on our lips

The End

So yeah that was it to be honest I could develop it to though I preferred to keep it fluffy and innocent as it is for NOW ; I have other ideas in mind for a sequel but I’m too busy but I promise if I finished it , I will post it.
I hope you enjoyed it and that it  didn’t disappoint u



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Chapter 3: Omg hahhahaahha this is hot as fire
Chapter 1: you have some grammar/spelling errors but i really enjoyed it. so adorable~
ChoiKimNa #3
Chapter 1: Aaaaaaaaaa why so sweet,cute,n lovely......

hrheheh good job
Chapter 1: The title is perfect for the story and I think that your plot is really cute but your story lacks punctuation marks.

It's kinda confusing when you read something continously when it should have already stopped..

You should also capitalize names (ex. kai)

One more thing is that you have a tendency to shorcut the words (you > U) and while it may be cute for other, some readers will just be irritated. Fix that along with grammatical errors here and there and I swear, this story will be better.

Good luck author-nim! ^^