Teach Me!

I'm Not A Little Boy Anymore! (BTS Fanfiction)

(Rap Monster's POV)

(Later that day...)

Something was squeezing the hell out of me... I didn't feel like opening my eyes... But I had to... I looked over to my side... It was Jungkook... I was about to yell at him... But then I remembered why he was in my room with me.... I had to be nice...

It was clear that he was having a nightmare... He kept mumbling strange words under his breath... Like... "Please stop" and "Your hurting me".... I decided to wake him up...

Rap Monster: Please wake up Jungkook.....

Jungkook: Uhhhn...

Rap Monster: I'm right here... No need to be scared...

His grip on me lightened... I guess he realized it was me... He then turned away from me....

Rap Monster: Are you okay?

Jungkook: I'm so tired... I felt like I didn't sleep...

I looked at the time... It was already 1:00 in the afternoon... I didn't want him to sleep anymore... But then I noticed that he was very pale and was covered is sweat... Something wasn't right... So I felt his head...

Rap Monster: Your very hot!

Jungkook: I know I am... Let's get to work Rap Mon... I want to be apart of BTS and all the shows you guys *cough* do......

Rap Monster: Sorry Kookie... Your way too sick..

Jungkook: B-But... I want to work *cough* hard for everyone so I can officially be in BTS...

Rap Monster: You need to relax... Stop pushing yourself...

I get up from my bed and I change... I fix my hair up and I brush my teeth...

Jungkook: Can you get me some paper and pencil please? I want to draw...

Rap Monster: Sure thing... Please don't worry about working today... Just rest... The boys and I got everything covered...

I got him some paper and pencil... I felt his head again... He was very hot... But he managed to be alert and lively...

He started to draw... I wondered about what happened in his dream... I fear it was about Yongguk.. He acts like such an innocent kid... But he has so much fear...

Jungkook looked up at me and smiled...

Jungkook: Thanks Rap Mon...

Rap Monster: For what?

Jungkook: For taking care of me and being by my side... It helps a lot... Because sometimes I feel lonely...

Rap Monster: No problem chingu...

I pat his back and then out of nowhere... He kisses me on the cheek... My face turns red... Then he goes back to drawing...

Rap Monster: Uhh... Please don't do that okay? That's kind of gay...

Jungkook: Oh.. I'm sorry...

Jungkook gets up from my bed and is just about walk off... Then I grab his arm...

Rap Monster: I'm sorry Jungkook...

Jungkook: It is okay! I understand.... I'm going to go take a shower okay? I'm going to try to be strong and feel better!

Rap Monster: Okay... If you need anything... Let me know...

He walks out of my room... I fix my bed up... I noticed that he had left his drawings on my bed.. I looked at them... The first one had him, Taeyeon, and Tiffany... The second one had him and the boys... The last one had him and I holding hands... I get the feeling that he likes me... I don't want that because I will end up falling into his aegyo trap... I hope its just a phase...

(Sometime later...)

Rap Monster: Hmm... Why can't I get these lyrics right? Aigoo...

I have to work on most of the groups lyrics... It because I have to stay up late... I usually keep to myself when writing....

Jungkook: Hyung... I hope I didn't bother you... But I just want to let you know I'm done with my shower...

I stop writing and I turn to face Jungkook... He is nicely dressed....

Rap Monster: You didn't bother me Jungkook... I'm glad you informed me... I was getting worried... Are you feeling better?

Jungkook: Your welcome hyung... And... Ehh... Not really...

Jungkook sat on the floor as he looked quite tired... He still looked pale...

Rap Monster: Would you like to lay in my bed then?

Jungkook: No... Not right now... I wish to work Rap Monster... Teach me how to dance...

I looked at Jungkook with disbelief... Then I crossed my arms and frowned at him...

Rap Monster: Wae? You are sick... You must rest to get better...

I patted the space next to me indicating for him to come lay down... He shook his head....

Jungkook: I don't want to be that one person who always slows the whole group down... I may not be an official member yet... But I can't keep being weak... I make you and the other members worry too much...

Jungkook looks down and sighs... I walk over to him and I help him up...

Rap Monster: I understand... Please don't push yourself too hard...

We go to the dance studio... He looks around in awe... I assume he's never been in a dance studio.... I get the stereo system set up...

Rap Monster: I know you can rap... But can you show me how you dance before I start teaching you?

Jungkook: I can't...

I turn on the music then I walk over too him...

(Jungkook's POV)

Rap Monster: When you dance... You move to the flow of the song... Beat... Whatever you wanna call it... You have to feel the music....

Jungkook: Yeah.....

I start to get lost in the music... I ignore Rap Monster until he grabs my arms...

Rap Monster: So for this song... You use your arms alot... Put them like this....

Jungkook: Ahh... Okay...

We dance for a hours more until I collapse.... My body couldn't keep up with my mind...

Rap Monster: Jungkook!!! Are you okay!?

Jungkook: I am fine..... Let's keep on....

Rap Monster: You can't...

Jungkook: Aigoo!!! I want to stop being that little boy that everyone knows of! I wish to show everyone that I'm a man! I am not weak! I want to stop slowing everyone down!

Rap Monster looked at me in shock... But then he looked down and started to walk off...

Rap Monster: Go ahead... Show me... Get up.... And when you do.... Maybe I will think of you differently...

Jungkook: What do you mean differently!?

Rap Monster: Like what you said... A man... Let's go... Help yourself dammit...

I try to get up... But I can't.... Rap Monster walks back over to me...

Rap Monster: YOU look weak!!! I don't care about what you have been thru in life, Be a real man... And show me what you got!

With the little energy I have left... I get up....

Jungkook: Okay... I'm up you bastard....


Rap Monster pushes me down.... I'm devastated that he did that... I can't get back up.....

Jungkook: ..................................

Rap Monster grips my face with his palm and forces me to look into his eyes....

Rap Monster: I said.... WHAT DO YOU DO JUNGKOOK? Do you just decide to be the WEAK ONE and just sit there and give up? Huh? Because it looks like your choosing that option right now... Your just a weak little boy that everyone--

J-Hope: Rap Monster!!! What are you doing to him!?

Jungkook: Go away J-Hope! Grrrrr......

Rap Monster: Oh... Now you wanna give up even more because your friends are here!? I see how it is you little boy!

Rap Monster walks away from me... It seems that all the others were watching.... I can't let them down! Aigoo....

Jungkook: YOU BASTARD!!! I will show you!!!!!! I'M NOT A LITTLE BOY ANYMORE!!!

Rap Monster: I'm sorry! I can't hear you Jungkook! I can only hear failure right now!

J-Hope: What are you doing to him! He is weak! We just got him from the hospital and your being an !

Rap Monster: He asked for it...

Jimin: Jungkook! I'll help you!

Jungkook: No.... This is my fight....

I slowly get up... And I walk over to Rap Monster...

I smirk at him... Rap Monster turns around and hugs me....

Rap Monster: I knew you had it Jungkook!!!

(No One's POV)

J-Hope: What..................?

V: Aigooo! It's late you two! You guys missed dinner!!!

Jungkook: Was this some sort of lesson?

Rap Monster: Yes... You have a heart that is willing to fight for your friends... No matter how bad your situation is.... Your not a little boy anymore....

Jungkook: Aigoo..........................

V: Rap Monster..... Are you two in love?

Rap Monster: No... I will kick your V.............

V: ...................

Jin: I see... This is a test of Jungkook's strength.... And love for his friends.... You are learning Kookie! Anyways... In case you didn't get the message Rap Monster.... Our manager has informed us that we are having a show and a meet n greet.... He wants us to introduce Jungkook.... 

Rap Monster: Hmm... I'm not sure if we should bring Jungkook....

Jungkook: Aigoo! What more do you want from me!????

Jin: Its in a month... I'm pretty sure we can bring you Jungkook... If Rap Monster keeps doing a good job of teaching you...Not only him... But we all need to start pitching in for you Kookie...

V: I agree with Jin...

Jimin: Please Rap Monster! We got this!

J-Hope: We need us a new maknae anyways!

V: Thanks J-Hope.... =___=

J-Hope: If Jungkook gets the official membership... Which would require that we train him the necessary skills to be a K-Pop star..... He will be the new maknae... Sorry V...........

Suga: Seems like that would make sense Rap Monster... You can't do all the work... We got a month to teach him a few dances and whatnot.... You need to relax Rap Monster...

Rap Monster: Hmm... Fine...

Jungkook: Thanks... Rap M--

Suga: Oh God! Poor Kookie is worn out...

Rap Monster: Aigoo... Wae must you black out...? Must I carry you everywhere?

Suga: I got this... Where to bring him to?

Rap Monster: His room....

Suga: Alright!

Suga walks off with Jungkook... Rap Monster and the boys start talking about random things...

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ONwHOre #1
Chapter 24: This fic deserves more readers, anyone please read this ... C'mon guys , let's cheer author-nim up !!
lizharuharu #2
Chapter 14: more please I can't wait for more some chapters. and Rap monster man him and jungkook are a good couple actually kookie goes good with everyone. idk why though, all of them are so funny and cute.