We've Been Watching...

I'm Not A Little Boy Anymore! (BTS Fanfiction)

(Jungkook's POV)

An hour later... Everyone was ready... We went to the Korean BBQ and met up with Taeyeon and Tiffany... We all found our table... We ordered our drinks and began talking...

Everyone but me was talking... I tend to get shy and not talk... Aigoo... About 10 minutes later... Tiffany starts talking to me...

Tiffany: How are you Kookie? Has Rap Mon and the boys been treating you right?

Jungkook: Yeah.... I miss you Fany...

Tiffany: I know... Maybe you can come home with us tonight?

Jungkook: Yes! Please noona!!!

Tiffany: Alright! We will see!

Everyone began to eat... I wasn't very hungry... So I looked out the window... I saw a group of men walk down the sidewalk and into the BBQ... They all walked passed me... I got nervous... Something wasn't right...

Taeyeon: Are you okay Jungkook?

Jungkook: Yeah...

Taeyeon: Please eat before you don't have time..

Jungkook: O-Okay...

About 20 minutes later... One of the men walked up to me and started talking to me...

???: Hello Jungkook... Remember me? Yongguk?

I stood up in shock... Yongguk!?!? I took another look to make sure it was him... But my eyes wern't lieing! Taeyeon, Tiffany and the boys were watching closely... Rap Monster started to get suspicious...

Jungkook: W-Why are you here!? I thought y'all died after that mission!?

Yongguk: No.... We managed to escape... Come back with us Jungkook... We feel kind of hurt that you left us...

Jungkook: I don't want to! Your going to end up hurting me!

Yongguk: I wasn't hurting you... I was helping you by helping myself....

Rap Monster: Who are you!? Leave Jungkook alone!

Yongguk: The name is Yongguk sir.... Anyways... Jungkook... We need you back... We feel kind of betrayed that you ditched our gang for this group of losers right here...

Jungkook: Their doing a way better job of treating me then you ever did! There are so many things you didn't teach me Yongguk... I'm so pissed! I will never come back....

Yongguk: So be it Jungkook...

Yongguk grabs me by the collar of my shirt... The others try to step in but the rest of Yongguk's gang blocks them off...

Jungkook: Uhhn! Let go! How did you know we were here!? Why do you want me back!? Why didn't you teach me all the things of life!?

Yongguk: Jungkook.... We know everything about you... We kept track of you because we thought you got killed in the mission... But then we soon learned that you ditched us for... BTS was it? Now you have the fame and all the things you want... That is why we want you... Sadly... I'm angry at you and I want payback because you have a new partner... I also didn't teach you many things because the more you knew... The more you wouldn't do... I kept you dumb!

Jungkook: What!?!? That's selfish of you! you and your gang! I'm not apart of your bull! I got lucky and joined BTS because I wanted to change my life and actually have dreams! I don't have a partner!!!

Yongguk: Hmmm... Alright... If that's how you wish to be... So be it! And speaking of partner... I mean that Rap Monster guy...

Jungkook: you!!! Arrrah!

We both started fighting... For all the reasons he wants me back... Its for my money and fame? He wants payback because I ditched them and because of Rap Mon!? He can't hurt the people that help me! Hold on everyone!!

I took my knife out and cut him a few times across his back... Then he flipped me over a table and started beating me. Blood splattered everywhere... Tiffany and Taeyeon got drugged and couldn't fight while Rap Monster and the boys fought the remaining members of Yongguk's gang...

Everyone else was ether watching the fight go down or running out of the BBQ for their safety...

The adrenaline rush I had numbed my pain.. I finally got a clear shot at Yongguk and stabbed his stomach.. He fell to the ground but was still conscious... Out of my instinct... I ran out the building...

(Rap Monster's POV)

After a few more minutes of fighting... Yongguk and his men retreated... That must have been the old gang Jungkook used to be in... Hmmm...

Jimin: Tiffany and Taeyeon got drugged! We need to bring them to the hospital!

Rap Monster: You boys bring them to the hospital! I need to find Jungkook!

I looked at the boys... Their condition was a weakened state... But will be well enough to get to the hospital....

Jimin: Y-Your not coming with us Rap Monster!? Your bleeding!!!

Rap Monster: I'm fine! Go without me!

I noticed a deep cut on my chest.. I didn't care... All I cared about was making sure that Jungkook was safe! I ran out the BBQ..... I tried to think of all the places Jungkook would be... The park!!

A few minutes later... I was at the park... I looked around and spotted Jungkook laying under a tree... He was badly injured... Lots of his blood stained the grass... I ran over too him... I was scared...

Rap Monster: Jungkook..... Please let me know your okay?

Jungkook: Aigoo... I'm so tired... Please leave me here... I don't want to be apart of everyone's life if I'm going to bring trouble... Tiffany and Taeyeon got hurt because of me... Y'all fought for me...

I picked up Jungkook and I hugged him... His blood started to soak my clothing... It was becoming clear that he got stabbed somewhere...

Rap Monster: Jungkook... Its not your fault... I'm pretty sure that gang was your only way of life at the time... And they taught you wrong... But we are here to help you be a better person... Teach you right...

Jungkook: Please leave me here so I can die...

I started to cry as I knew he wasn't listening to me... He started to cough up blood... He was very pale... I knew if I didn't get him too a hospital soon... He would die...

Jungkook: *sighs* I feel bad for putting everyone thru my stress...

My tears burned my face as they rolled down onto Jungkook's face.. I started running in the direction of the nearest hospital..

Sometime later... I made it to the hospital... The doctors took my friend Jungkook and stripped him of his clothes revealing his scars and 3 stab wounds... He must have been too into the moment to notice he got stabbed in the stomach...

The nurses tried to make me move to a different room... But then I out....

Sometime later... I woke up in a room surrounded by all my friends... Except Jungkook.. Looks like Tiffany and Taeyeon recovered quickly... The boys had scratches and bruises.... But I was mostly concerned about Jungkook... Did he die? Is he okay... I love you Jungkook...

I just realized how much Jungkook meant to me... He is like m brother... And I must protect him...

Jin: Rap Mon... Are you okay? The doctors said your injury wasn't that bad... But you got overwhelmed and out...

Rap Monster: That's good to hear I guess.... But is Jungkook okay!?

Jin: We are not sure... They told me... That because of his blood loss... He might not make it...

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ONwHOre #1
Chapter 24: This fic deserves more readers, anyone please read this ... C'mon guys , let's cheer author-nim up !!
lizharuharu #2
Chapter 14: more please I can't wait for more some chapters. and Rap monster man him and jungkook are a good couple actually kookie goes good with everyone. idk why though, all of them are so funny and cute.