what is love?


You are currently in Singapore but you're about to move to UK in 2 months. You get bullied and you have no one to trust. All the people you had trust, they broke your trust. You are the only child and you're parents never understand you. They never understand your feelings. Sometimes, you wonder if you are their real child

But when you move, things chance. You experience happiness, sadness and pain. But most of all, you want to know what is love?



You- Kim taena age 15- insecure, lonely

Your best friend- Shin hyun soo age 16- bubbly, happy, positive

Your love- Kim Daehyun- popular guy, ladies-man

You have no one you can talk to, about your feelings..

Until you meet an angel-like bestfriend who introduces you to her family(best friends) and there you belong to the family too. And you meet someone special... 


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