Taxi Driver

Last Time

"Mommy?" I whispered through the small opening of the door into my parents' dark room. No reply. All I heard was her body turning to a more comfortable position and daddy's soft snore. "Daddy?" I tried again. Still no reply or signs of my whisper being heard. Hopeless, I slowly backed away into the lit hall as I closed the door. All I wanted to do was say goodbye to them and give them each a big hug for the last time.

My luggage was ready, a big hard plastic navy blue suitcase and a black school sized backpack both carrying my clothes and needs for settling in a new place. My passport and plane ticket in my small shoulder bag. I had everything ready, I was set to go, except there was no one to send me away. I got up at 3 to get ready and by the time the clock 4, I was wide awake and all set, I even called a taxi, knowing that no one will wake up to take me to the airport and maybe see me and say good bye for the last time. I walked out of the house with my luggage and sat on the stairs of the front porch, waiting for the taxi to arrive. Soon after spending at good 10-15 minutes of waiting and trying to look at the stars in the city, the taxi finally arrived. I got up and grabbed for the suitcase handle with my backpack on my back and shoulder bag tangled in my right hand. The driver popped up the trunk for me to throw my suitcase in then I went to sit in the back seat with my backpack and shoulder bag in my arms.

The car started moving, making my heart beat faster as my eyes stayed on the old peach colored house. I gave up as I couldn't turn any further to look and sat still as I gazed out the window to take on last look at my neighborhood and city. My heart thumped nervously and sadly as I took deep breaths, giving me a hard feeling. "Would you like some music?" the driver sensed my mood. "Sure, thank you." I smiled at the sky even though the smile was meant for the driver.

"So, where are you going? Of course the airport, but where with the airplane?" His tone was friendly and I sensed that he was trying to cheer a blue customer up.

"Seoul, South Korea," I replied, still looking out the window.

"Cool. So, what are you going to do over there? I know some things from my sister who is a fan of Korean...pop about when people go to Seoul, it's either they go to meet their favorite Korean idol or to train? By the way, are you Korean? Sorry if I talk too much."

"No it's fine, besides I wanted to talk to someone here in Minnesota or the U.S. before leaving for a completely different country. Anyways, I am going to Seoul to train or let’s just say to audition and no I'm not Korean. By the way, say hi to your sister for me since we're both K-Pop fans." I finally took a look at the driver, it was still dark and he was driving so I couldn't really make out what he looks like but he had short, wavy, dark hair and seemed like 6 feet 4.

"I'll be sure to tell her." I saw the side of his smile and smiled back. The car soon became quiet again and was filled with awkwardness. I spent the rest of the time thinking about me going to Seoul alone, about not being able to see my family for the last time, about the horrible past I've had with my family, about many things that I can't describe and even know. 

The car finally stopped in front of the airport entry. I paid the driver and got out with the backpack already on my back and went to grab the suitcase in the trunk that was already opened. I walked toward the door but as I did, a car honked and I turned around, it was the taxi driver. The window of the passenger seat was opened, the driver shouted, "Good luck!" and gave a warm smile. He was a handsome Native American man around 25 years old. 

"Thank you, and don't forget to say hi to your sister for me." I shout back and smiled brightly.

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