How It All Started

Both Of Us

So to begin, my story started a week ago after school with a boy named Kim Jong In. He always sits in the front row near the teachers’ desk, this way it would be easier for them to make sure he didn’t cause any ruckus in class. He is one hell of a troublemaker, he always fights, ditches class, and ends up being in detention.

But, Kim Jong In was never a boy with many words, let’s just say his actions speak louder than words. He had few friends with him; I couldn’t remember all of their names since there are too many of them but one thing I do acknowledge was that they always caused troubles in- and off-class. And like any other delinquent in high school, he achieved the title of being popular and well-known.

That day was the same as the other, I was sitting alone in the library reading a book like what I usually do after school. I have the habit of finding comfort in books rather than people. The kids in my school weren’t really friends to begin with, they were mutual strangers. What’s the point of socializing with people if the only truth you know about them was their names? And I’ve always been alone ever since I started high school here, but that doesn’t bother me at all. Not that I don’t want to be friends with them, I just don’t like their presence around me, I don’t enjoy it as much as I do with books.

Suddenly, the loud noise from beyond the glass window; the one next to where I was sitting took my attention. I halted my reading and searched the source of it. There I saw him, the troublemaker in my history class; Kim Jong In. he was completely drenched in sweat, his messy locks, and his dark-brown orbs shooting dagger at me.

Open it, he mouthed as he pointed one of his fingers to the window’s lock below him.

I stared at him for a few seconds in silence, I didn’t stand up at once to do what he told me to, instead I looked around the room to make sure no one was there and carefully walked few inches close toward the glass window, I was hesitated whether I should open it or not. Some thoughts came running on my mind; what is he doing here? Shouldn’t he be in detention? And yet again who am I to know that sort of things.

He was waiting for me to do something, just stood there with creased eyebrows. I couldn’t explain what kind of expression he was making, but he was indeed panicking. Both of his hands was pressed through the window as sweats dripped from his face to his neck and smoothly ran down through his collarbones. He looked like a Greek-sculpture, well an Asian-version of it actually. I stared at him in awe for a couple seconds, forgetting the thing that I was supposed to do next.

Open it! he yelled this time and knocked on the window repeatedly. He turned his head back to check on something before continuing the banging. I was taken back with his sudden interruption; his expression was now changing into a raged one, as if he was threatening me to open the window or else he’ll kill me with his bare hands.

I got closer quickly and bent down to open the lock. I looked up at him once more before letting him push the window open. I got up as he stepped inside. We were now inches apart, but this time there was no thin glass in between, he was still breathing heavily, his face was red due to the sweating. I was for sure that he was gonna yelled at me or something, judging from the way he looked earlier but instead he just stood there in red, his eyes were locked with mine. Taking my chances in silence, I examined his features closely since it was the first time I was ever this close with a guy, physically.

Now, I could see why girls were head-over-heels with him.

I broke our staring contest with taking a step back away from him and he quickly pushed the window close and locked it, he looked around outside before sighing relief while resting his hands on the windows. He came to face me again and was about to say something when I noticed a small bleeding on the side of his forehead.

“You should treat that” I said timidly and pointed one of my fingers to where the cuts were. He then ran his finger to touch the cuts and nodded his head obediently. Seeing him like this somehow reminded me of how my mom used to scold my brother when he skinned his knees from falling off a bike, except now I was the one playing the mother while he was the obedient-looking son.

“T-Thank you” he stuttered softly, a completely different aura from the one he’d given me from before was seen through him. Okay now, he really does look like a child.

“Okay then..,”, I replied shortly before sitting back down and continued my interrupted-reading activity. Then he left the library as I was too absorbed with the material on my hands.

     Minutes later, I found myself being disturbed yet again by two seniors lurking around the library. I’ve known them from the students’ ceremony, they were the schools’ representative; Kris Wu and Zhang Yixing. Both of them approached the librarian and asked her something, luckily the librarian’s desk was not that far from me, so I caught a glimpse to what they are talking about.

     “That rascal is running away again?” the voice of the librarian was heard first

“Yeah, he got away this time”, Kris’ voice was heard next

“Do you happen to see him or know where he might’ve been? We saw him running toward this area around the back” Yixing added.

I couldn’t see their faces since I sat with my back facing them, but still their voices were clear for me to hear. I was the only one in the library that time, which made the situation got more awkward. I heard faint footsteps from behind walking closer toward me, and stopped when a hand lightly tapped my back.

“Excuse me”, one of them said from behind making me turned my head to glance at them.

“Y-yes?”, I stuttered a bit before slowly looking up at their faces. I got my books up to cover half of my face, and let my extremely-long hair covered my eyes. I wouldn’t be surprised if their expressions changed, I’m sure they thought I was a ghost or something, especially when I looked like this.

“M-miss.. d-do you happen to see a student passing by?” Kris started the talking with a slightly scared tone on his voice. Both of them looked at me intently waiting for my response with hesitation. They were talking about that Kim Jong In guy from earlier, and it seemed that he was skipping detention again. I’m not sure if I should tell them or not, but then again I didn’t even know where he is right now, so telling them about him running into me won’t make any difference to either of us at all. They already knew he was here earlier and stating the same fact won’t be much of help to them as well.

“I don’t think so”, I answered timidly while slowly dropping the book away from my face.

“You don’t? Hm, that’s weird.. I’m pretty sure he went this way earlier” Yixing ruffled his hair and whispered something to Kris before they thanked me and walked away. I saw their figures disappearing after they left the library and sighed in relief, I came to focus on my reading-material again, though my mind couldn’t stop thinking about Kim Jong In.



Sung Hye Go



It all had come to one thing in the end, when it left the eyes, it settled to the heart. At least, that’s what I could point out from my first meeting with her. Well, okay so it’s not my actual first meeting with her, but it was my first conversation I had with her. After all these years, from the ride in the bus, the slow walks in the hallway, the silent-reader in the last row, to the girl in the history class, why must it be that our first real encounter happened in the library?

I never really noticed her beautiful dark-brown orbs, her long wavy hair, and her white-pale face, she was beautiful. Others were pretty, but not her. She was beautiful. That’s why it’s not the same with her, the way her voice sounded, the way her eyes sparkled in between books all those little things captured my attention. I must say that I may not be the brightest in class, but considering my criminal records in this school she should at least just know my name, I mean it’s not so wrong being Mr. Popular right?

Ever since ‘the library’ happened, I’ve been looking forward to our next History class together. I met her couple of times of course during lunch-breaks, and in the hallways, but aside from that she was nowhere to be seen. She’s not that close to anybody, I’ve never seen her walking with her friends. She was always alone, and yet she was not lonely, she always had her books with her, I guess that’s the only thing that kept her company.

And so, the day that I’ve been waiting for finally arrived. I was with my friend; Park Chanyeol before class started, as usual we sat in the front row right in front of the teacher’s desk. I was trying to distract myself with doodling around the paper, even Chanyeol could sense the agitation I was experiencing at the moment.

“What’s wrong with you?”, he suddenly asked and stared at me with creased eyebrows.

“Nothing”, I looked around the room to avoid his stare, my eyes were searching for that girl from the library, but she wasn’t there.

Could she be running late? Perhaps she didn’t come to school today? Or maybe she accidentally fell asleep on the library?

“Are you looking for someone? What’s wrong with you?” he asked again curiously. In the attempt to escape his further questioning I shook my head and looked away.

“You’ve been acting strange lately”, he continued as his eyes were still on me. I dropped my head to the desk and sighed, there’s still a few minutes before class starts, but the room was now filled with students.

“OPPA!!” a loud yell shot through my ears as I looked up and found one of the female students standing in front of me with gooey eyes. Her face was filled with a little too much make-up, her nails were polished pink and her hair was tied into a bun, entirely different with the girl I’ve expected to see. Not interested with what she has to say, I laid my head back down to the desk.

It should be a crime for a female student to even wear make-up to school, aren’t there any school-regulations against it? Usually I wouldn’t care about how girls should look like, but seeing too many common faces with too much make-up irked me. Chanyeol on the other hand was laughing his -off seeing how I ignored this girl, he was trying so hard to suppressed his laughter but instead it sounded more like a mockery to her, I could imagine the girl was shedding tears right now.

“Go clean that face of yours before somebody throws up all over it” I remarked to shoo her off, and eventually she did. Chanyeol watched while laughing as the girl ran out of the classroom. “Dude, that’s pretty harsh”, he added in between his laughter.

“Kim Jong In! what did you do this time?” a sudden shout coming from behind us disturbed my relaxing-activity before class, at least that’s how I called it. The high-pitched voice became louder as the girl walked toward our desk. “Chanyeol, why did you let him do that to her?” The girl was Jung Jaerin, Chanyeol’s old friend from middle school, she was standing in front of us with her hands rested on the table. I was too lazy to move any part of my body right now, so responding to that girl was not an option. Chanyeol on the other hand was still laughing his hard-off, but later stopped because of Jaerin’s scolding.

“Jung Jaerin, can you stop with the talking? I’m trying to sleep here” I made a hand-gesture for her to go away.But knowing Jaerin, she just won’t do as I told.

“Yah, Jaerin! Shouldn’t you be in class by now? What are you doing here?” I heard Chanyeol’s annoyed voice beside me and opened my eyes a bit to look at his reaction.

“And shouldn’t you be asking the same question to him? What is he doing here?” Jaerin’s turned his question toward me while crossing her arms above her chest. I shot back up and rested my back to the chair, I glanced at Chanyeol as he looked back at me with raised eyebrows, actually both he and Jaerin were.

“You know, she has a point! What are you doing here?” Another voice was added to our conversation, when two heads popped up from behind me.

We all turned to face the source of the voice, when our eyes landed to 2 particular students sitting down behind us. They were Sehun and Luhan, the troublemakers in school, my partners in crime. Their history was as dirty as mine but with lessened records, since they are filthy-rich. They were cousins and spend most of their time together ever since childhood. They were well-known because of the pranks they used to pull out on around school and that included wet-paints, teacher’s missing notes, or even the smallest one like messing up with the janitor afterschool. Most of the time, they would ‘fight alongside’ with me to do some rebellion acts since Chanyeol was no help at all.

“What the- you guys are not supposed to be here either. What are you doing here?” I stood up once and glanced at them by turns when suddenly the door opened up only to reveal our history teacher. I sat back down quickly as I noticed the teacher’s throwing daggers at me, and that made chills ran down my spine. Jaerin was still standing there frozen, she was slightly taken back with his presence but seeing how stubborn she was, she won’t let anyone gets to her, not even the teachers. So, as a quick escape she quickly made her way to the back of the class and escaped through the back door. She even bid goodbye before doing so.

What a gleeful girl, I thought

“That girl always had an escape planned beforehand” Chanyeol whispered beside me and smirked as he stared at the figure slowly disappearing. I looked back at Sehun and Luhan who obviously didn’t belong here, but was too late to make an escape since the teacher had already shown up. “So, what’s your excuse?” I uttered to them as they grinned widely and glanced back at me devilishly like they always did before doing the wicked.

“We always had our ways around here, don’t worry” Luhan gave me an assuring smile and watched Sehun pulled out a sheet of paper from his bag. “What’s that?” I eyed the paper carefully as Sehun crumbled it with his hands and threw it out of the window. “The attendance list..” they both flashed out their smile and giggled softly.

Couple of minutes later, our history teacher started the lesson, but this time he didn’t even bother to check on the students’ attendance list since ‘it was misplaced’, he said. I congratulated both cousins for another of their successful prank.

With all the distractions from before, I forgot about the main reason why I am here in the first place. I looked around the room to search for the girl. But, she was still not there. I was utterly disappointed with my own expectations. Why of all time she chooses not to attend class now? To say, History wasn’t my favorite subject to begin with and neither the subject was for me. If she really wouldn’t show up then to say all of my efforts of attending class would be a waste of time.

Forced by the will of cutting classes, I was ready to take my set when the door burst open and revealed the oh-so-glorious girl that I’ve been waiting for. Finally! I sighed as a smile crept onto my face. She was looking the same as usual, except this time she was wearing a rather thick-looking glasses that hid her beautiful orbs. She entered the room in silence without anyone noticing, heck even the teacher didn’t mind her being late and this happened occasionally during class.

Why was she a wallflower? She had a beautiful face, although it may not be the best one but for me she beats the scale of 1 to 10, she was undefined. She was something out of the ordinary and not just for her face, but ‘she’ as an individual (although I don’t really know her well). I wondered too what happened with my eye-vision ever since that day in the library, perhaps it’s just because of the driving-madness inside of physically being too close to a girl or is it just her. I usually don’t go after girls, who are different. Though I never really chase after girls, it’s always the other way around.

But now that I do feel attached, it doesn’t feel weird at all. In fact, it felt good and good is better than nothing. She wasn’t the one that I expected to fall for, but feelings do play tricks on you.

Let’s see, what was her name again? Sung Hye-Go?


Kim Jong In



I’ve been noticing my friend’s strange behavior lately, and this started a week ago. First, he started attending class frequently, he didn’t ditch them and he came to school early in the morning and left way later. Usually, he used to stay for detention but now he had no reasons to do that anymore, and this just means he’s been avoiding troubles. Secondly, on lunch breaks he would drag me all the way to the cafeteria to eat, but of course he’s the one paying. Now, it is a bit strange because he usually doesn’t eat in the cafeteria, he would sneak out of school to enjoy his meal outside. Thirdly and the last-most-strange one was he’s been visiting the library occasionally without anyone noticing, excluding me of course. One thing I positively knew about this guy was that he dislikes reading, everything that had anything to do with books will set his head on fire. He didn’t even bring any books to school, he usually borrowed mine. I know, right? But that’s just the kind of guy Kim Jong In was. He was as practical as he could be.

I was curious with what happened last week that made him changed into an entirely different man. And when I thought I wouldn’t get my answer, that day showed up. I was surprised to see him that morning, he was waiting for me in front of the classroom with an indolent-looking face, we had most of our classes together and History was one of them though he rarely made his appearance on History class. So of course I was surprised when I found him standing there; waiting for me.

“Morning” I greeted him, with a puzzled look written on my face. 

“Mornin’” he slouch his back, and rubbed the crook of his nose.  

We both entered the room and made our way to where he usually sits, right in front of the teacher’s desk. He was being the usual prick he was, he was acting rather normal during the whole period. Of course I noticed some of his unusual behaviors but I shrugged it off, thinking that it may be just because of the morning-effect on him. Then one of the clingy-looking female students came, she was being as noisy as hell with her sudden yell and her tacky look. Jong In shooed her off the desk with some cold remarks, I found it funny seeing the girl reaction and laughed it off.

I was still enforcing my laughter when Jung Jaerin came and smacked my head from behind with a folded book. Jung Jaerin was my childhood friend, she lived next-door to me, we’ve been together since toddlers. Our families were close and so we did too. But that was many years ago, and as we grew up we also grew far from each other. We went to the same school, but different classes that’s why we don’t get to see or hang out frequently like what we used to do when we were little. She had a bright personality, always been a source of sunshine amidst the dark. She’s like a virus, never did she cry as a girl always been the tough one. I admire that side of her regardless her chirpy-side. Jaerin was saying something about Jong In’s cold manner toward the girl and some other scolding for me.

We were engaged in a conversation when the double trouble turned up out of nowhere. Sehun and Luhan were the pranksters of Jinrin High, never really tolerate any of good-beings. Although they were still juniors like me, they had many jokes to come up with, comprised the ones for their seniors.

But, despite all of the differences between us, we managed to become friends, all of us. 

Once the teacher came, the class turned silent. Each and every eyes were on our group, obviously throwing suspicions of us up to something, and it turned out they were right since the cousins’ prank on the teacher came out as a success. Lucky for Jaerin, she already made an escape out of the back door once the teacher set foot on the room, leaving us boys after biding goodbye.

And as minutes passed by, I still found Jong In acting unusual, he was troubled about something. Sometimes, he would ruffle his hair and made a low groan in frustration, he heaved a long sigh continuously and did other things except for paying attention to the lectures. I was about to say something to him when he suddenly moved his chair ready to stand up, but what eventually stopped was the sudden opened door. I turned my head to see who it was, and to my dismay, it was only a girl, a very odd looking girl with glasses. I’ve seen her before, she had the same chemistry class with me and I guess History as well. It’s funny I never actually noticed her before, she never really stood out.

She walked to her seat in deep silence, no one was paying attention to her. I guess this usually happened a lot, and she was used to it already. She walked passed by us with her head down, her hair was covering part of her face. She ran her fingers through that messy hair of her, and in a glimpse I could see her angelic-looking face, her pink-shady lips, and her small pointy nose. Not bad I thought as I eyed her carefully, my lips twitched upward as I thought of the small figure sitting now on the side of the window. I rested my back on the chair and glanced at my side.

There, I found my answer; Kim Jong In was beaming brightly while staring at the same girl that was on my mind, except this time it was not the usual stare he used to give to girls, no. the way his eyes were plastered on this girl was something in particular and unlike any other. My answer may have been wrong, and somewhat weird but I’m pretty sure this time that what happened in the library a week ago had something to do with this girl and to Jong In it may have been something delightful. Of course, and with that smug on his face, he was as bright as a kid after seeing the first snow fall.

Of course Jong In didn’t notice how he attracted my attention just by looking at that girl on the last row. And not wanting for him to find out, I averted my gaze away from him and focused back on the lesson. Just knowing who, was not enough for me, I need to find out why. What made Kim Jong In, the coldest and the most insensitive human being breathing in this school changed? Shouldn’t I be happy for him, now that he changed to be a better guy? but, no I found it weird. Especially after finding out that the reason behind it was that wallflower. A girl named Sung Hye-Go.  


Park Chanyeol


Author's Note  :

Hey guys! I finally updated the first chapter…

I must say that I was feeling a little doubtful about this story, I got inspired after reading Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. It was such a great novel! If you haven’t read it yet, I recommend you should.

Okay, so about my story it would be a little different, as you can see the story will be viewed by using each of main characters’ POV (Though, mostly will be Kai’s or OC’s POV) and their names will be written below after their stories. I won’t promise to have quick updates considering my school’s activities, and such. But, I hope you will bear with me throughout this story.

You’re welcome to leave your comments; any suggestions or critics and supports would be great :)

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