…Just What She Needed


There are times when Taeyeon would sit in the dark on her bed and listen to slow songs. Her mind would wander contemplating the what ifs. This time was no different as she sat there looking up at the ceiling. It had been hours since she started when she heard a knock on the door. Taeyeon didn’t answer but the person on the other side came in anyway.

Light briefly filled the area where the door opened to reveal Sunny before she quickly closed it again. Sunny, already knowing the situation, moved towards the bed in silence. Wordlessly, she sat down next to Taeyeon. Soft lips found Taeyeon’s cheek and she found herself being pulled into Sunny’s arms. Her back snuggled into Sunny’s front, smooth hands sliding down her arms until they met. Thumbs carefully soothed the top of Taeyeon’s hands in silence. A hidden smile formed on Taeyeon’s lips briefly and she returned back to thinking. Even though she was still in complete darkness, she could feel the warmth of the sun on her back. It was…  


by kuribo

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byuntae beware of waking up sleeping beasts


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Chapter 28: More YulTae/TaeRi please! :D
Chapter 28: please update soon
Bumella #3
Chapter 28: Merry xmas!! Thx for thetaeri one shot on this beautiful day!!! Ahh shy taeyeon
Bumella #4
Chapter 27: thank you for the cute one shot.. lately yuri has been posting coffee photos in her instagram i think
Chapter 27: Waah taeri
yultijjang #6
Chapter 27: Tq unnie...
Chapter 27: "Besides, it’s not like I can steal your car since it’s half mine anyway,”" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OMGGGGGG!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You did a great use of "I" Mv scenes, I LOOOOOOOOVE that author, it was cute, adorable and hella funny at the end hahahaha! I'm glad you updated, especially with this plot... That was really Awesome author, and it just made me want to watch the Mv again! XD
I Loooove that, you did and Amaaazing job as always, I miss TaeRi fics, and this one-shot of yours really made me happy! Thanks author ^^
mioaio #8
Chapter 26: Awww this is so cute! The panda tattoo though XD It's so Yuri to want that >~<
Chapter 26: Please update soon
danone #10
Chapter 26: that was sooooo cute
and that last bit caught me off guard hahahha