

For work study, Yuri chose to work at her college’s library. It was an easy job, just sit there, make sure people were being quiet, and help check out their books. Sitting there being bored for hours, Yuri decided to people watch to pass the time. There were always the students that slept behind books. Then there were the ones in group projects. It was interesting to watch them because Yuri could see which students coasted and which ones did all the work themselves. Of course there were the people that studied for exams frantically for hours on end.

However, one girl stood out from the rest. Every day around noon she would come in, do her homework for an hour and then start reading from this thick book. When she got really into the book her glasses would start to fall down her nose. It was the cutest sight when she readjusted them with her finger and her lips in concentration. Yuri couldn’t help but watch the girl and smile at how often that happened.  After reading for two hours, the girl would pack up her things and leave.

This routine happened for months to the point where it became a daily ritual. Yuri couldn’t help but admire how much this girl was into reading. The books changed over time but she always found new ones that were just as thick to keep her busy. It’s the first time Yuri ever saw a hardcore book nerd and it fascinated her. She really wanted to go up to the girl and know more about her but she felt like she’d bother her intense sessions.

One day, the girl was packing up her things as usual and was about to walk out when she tripped over her own foot. Books flew everywhere and the girl’s glasses went across the room. Yuri stood up from the desk and saw the poor girl frantically crawling around trying to feel for her glasses. Yuri spotted them underneath a table on the other side and rushed to get them.

“Here you go,” Yuri said as she got on her knees and placed the glasses in the girl’s hand. She immediately gulped at the smoothness of the girl’s skin. Her head tilted as she picked up the slightest hints of strawberry emanating from the girl.

“Ah, thank you,” the girl said shyly as she placed her glasses back on. She readjusted them with her finger and gave Yuri the brightest smile with her eyes.

Yuri rubbed the back of her head with her hand and said, “It was nothing. Oh let me help you!” She started to collect the books that were scattered about on the floor.

“Thank you. I’m really blind as a bat without my glasses,” the girl said as she stood up. “My name is Tiffany Hwang by the way.  And you are?”

Yuri handed the books back to Tiffany and replied, “I’m Yuri Kwon.”

“I know this might be a bit awkward,” Tiffany started with a little hesitation in her voice before continuing. “I couldn’t help but notice you looking at me every now and then when I’m reading.”

Yuri’s eyes opened wide for a moment and then she hid her face behind her hand briefly. “I’m sorry about that. It’s just that you intrigued me with how you were reading so intensely for hours. It made me wonder what you were looking at that got you so absorbed. Well that and the fact that you…look really cute when you adjust your glasses,” Yuri said with a sheepish smile.

Tiffany blushed a bit at Yuri’s confession and smiled. “Maybe one day after you get off of work here we could go to a coffee shop and I’ll tell you all about the books I read,” she said holding the books with one arm against her chest.

“I’d like that a lot, Tiffany,” Yuri replied with a blush.

“Sounds like a date then Yuri,” Tiffany said with a wink. She started to walk away when she suddenly turned back. “And I think you are pretty cute too.” She then turned around and started to run away when she tripped over her foot again. This time she caught her balance. She looked at Yuri one more time with a full blush before adjusting her glasses one more time and running away.

“What a beautiful sight,” Yuri said to herself as she watched Tiffany leave. She returned to her desk and sat there daydreaming for the rest of the day about her future date with the cute glasses girl.  


by Kuribo


A/N This was prompted by Ryuu in return for saving my eyes from an evil picture. The request was having a nerd Tiffany with glasses. I hope this is okay enough. It was on the fly so that's why I put it in the drabbles. 

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byuntae beware of waking up sleeping beasts


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Chapter 28: More YulTae/TaeRi please! :D
Chapter 28: please update soon
Bumella #3
Chapter 28: Merry xmas!! Thx for thetaeri one shot on this beautiful day!!! Ahh shy taeyeon
Bumella #4
Chapter 27: thank you for the cute one shot.. lately yuri has been posting coffee photos in her instagram i think
Chapter 27: Waah taeri
yultijjang #6
Chapter 27: Tq unnie...
Chapter 27: "Besides, it’s not like I can steal your car since it’s half mine anyway,”" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OMGGGGGG!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You did a great use of "I" Mv scenes, I LOOOOOOOOVE that author, it was cute, adorable and hella funny at the end hahahaha! I'm glad you updated, especially with this plot... That was really Awesome author, and it just made me want to watch the Mv again! XD
I Loooove that, you did and Amaaazing job as always, I miss TaeRi fics, and this one-shot of yours really made me happy! Thanks author ^^
mioaio #8
Chapter 26: Awww this is so cute! The panda tattoo though XD It's so Yuri to want that >~<
Chapter 26: Please update soon
danone #10
Chapter 26: that was sooooo cute
and that last bit caught me off guard hahahha