Chapter three - The beginning

Just like falling asleep, I fell in love with you

“Babo, I love you too. I’m sorry for laughing, but you were just too cute.” You put your fingers on his cheek and turned his head back to you. The face he was showing earlier was now replaced with a big smile. You pecked his forehead and then pushed his body off of you. You scotched closer to the wall so that he could properly lie down besides you. Facing each other you stared into his eyes and for the thousandth time gave him a smile and then shut your eyes. You felt so tired after a hectic day, but you still had some troubles believing that you actually were with Mark. When Mark noticed how tired you were he dragged your body closer to his and placed an arm around you. You snuggled your head into his warm chest and slowly drifted off to sleep.


You suddenly woke up, your body drenched in sweat and tears running down your cheeks in panic. With no control over your breath you sat straight up in the bed and gasped for air. It took you a while before you realized where you were – in the bedroom with Mark and not in that horrifying dream you had had. You glanced over at Mark’s sleeping body, relieved that you didn’t wake him up you laid down again with your back facing the wall. You were still shaken up from the dream, you trembled after Mark’s hand as you tried to think of something else than murder and dark rooms. Your thoughts drifted off to the night when you woke up at the hospital, it was quite similar to now except for that Mark and you were a couple now and back then he had woken up from your screaming.

~*~* ~* ~Flashback~ *~*~

With the sweat dripping from your body you sat up and looked around trying to find out exactly where you were. It was dark but you could still see that most of the room was in a gloomy gray color. The room had a table in the middle with three chairs around it, close to the door a bookshelf was placed with only a few books in it. There were one window in the room and it was to the right of you. Beside your bed stood a nightstand where your phone and bag laid, over the nightstand there was a mirror. You quickly checked your phone – 1AM. Suddenly your eyes fell on something which you figured didn’t belong to the décor nor was it a color spot on the blankets as you first thought. It was red and kind of heavy. You screamed a little when you realized what it was – a head! A boy with red hair sat in a chair beside your bed and when you screamed he lifted his head up in confusion and scratched his temple. Wait a minute, that red hair… Mark Tuan!? You looked at him in shock and he chuckled a bit at your expression.  

“Oh, so you’re finally awake?” He stretched his arms over his head and yawned.

“I-what… Where am I? What are you doing here?” You looked around the room once again and tried for your life understand how you missed him the first time.

“You’re at the hospital, the lamp fell down on your head at the fan meet. Don’t you remember anything? You haven’t lost your memories or something right?” He looked at you with a worried expression. Your memories from the fan meet suddenly came back and you remembered how Mark had been running towards you and how you felt something hitting you in your head. You reached up and placed your hand on your head only to feel it swelling. When your hand touched the lump you grimaced due to the pain.

“Seems it still hurts, I’m so sorry I should have saved you but I was too slow…” He mumbled as he embarrassed looked down on the floor. It became silent for a few seconds before he continued talking. “I’m sorry, what’s your name?” You looked at him in confusion, still not knowing what he did here.

“Uhm, I’m ____. I’m sorry that I woke you up, how long have you been staying here? Or rather how long have I’ve been here?” You felt like a lost puppy and he chuckled at your cute expression.

“We’ve both been here a few hours, the nurse said you can be discharged tomorrow at noon. Where are you staying? We – GOT7 and JYPE - want to make it up to you for this inconvenience, so we’re thinking of a buying you lunch or something tomorrow. But I’m sure you would like to go back to your hotel and change clothes first.” He spoke so fast you had trouble catching what he said so you nodded without really knowing what you just agreed to. His face lit up in a smile and his eyes were sparkling. You laughed at his childish look and he started laughing too. It was really easy talking to Mark and you both ended up sharing stories from your childhood in your home countries. Mark wasn’t as shy as you had got the feeling of while watching Real GOT7 a year ago. Even though it was late at night you guys talked until early morning and you learned a lot of things about each other.

“So what you are saying is that Jackson ran around in his underwear and he didn’t notice that JYP himself came in and Jackson crashed right into him?” You asked while tears were forming in your eyes.

“Yeah, I’m not kidding you! But the best part is what happened after that~” Mark couldn’t hold himself from laughing, he was laughing so much he fell of the chair.

“Stop laughing Mark and tell me what happened! I want to know!” You whined as Mark positioned himself in the chair again.

“Well you know after Jackson completely made a fool of himself, the famous JJ Project made everything even worse. They came out from the kitchen also in their underwear’s and with bowls with fruits on their heads screaming ‘hoogachakka, hoogachakka’! As soon as they noticed JYP they accidentally dropped the bowls in chock and it was a complete mess.” He wiped the tears from his eyes and looked at you. You both stared at each other in silence for a while, but then a smile spread on your lips and you found yourself laughing with Mark again. The both of you really connected and it felt like you were old friends catching up after some time apart. Somehow Mark had ended up sitting in your bed and when you fell asleep he smiled at how cute you looked. He held your hand in his, it felt like something was bubbling inside of him as he felt the touch of your skin. Without realizing it he fell in love with you. He fell in love with you just as easy as he fell asleep and collapsed beside you, still holding your hand in his.

You woke up a few hours later and to your disappointment, Mark had already left. You guys had stayed up late talking, but you couldn’t remember when you fell asleep so he might have left after that happened. You sighed to yourself and got out of the bed. Your clothes had been neatly folded and were placed on a chair next to the table. You checked the mirror and almost screamed when you saw your reflection. You looked deader than usual with the hair all messy and your make-up all over your face. Did I look like this while talking to Mark yesterday? Ahhh, no wonder why he left! You furiously scratched your head and started to redo your make-up which you fortunately had brought with you to the fan meet in your bag. As you were almost done and tied your hair up into a high pony tail, seven boys came barging into your room. You turned around and looked at them in surprise.

“One, two, three. Come and get it, GOT7!” The boys said in unison. You glanced over all of them and saw each one of them smiling at you.

“Annyeonghaseyo I’m JB, we’re here to take you out to lunch!” JB told you. Blinking your eyes you remembered what you had promised Mark yesterday. You nodded and presented yourself. Even though you already knew their names, the five boys you hadn’t spoken to before presented themselves as well.

“Are you ready?” Mark asked and smiled at you.

“Yes, I’m just going to put my belongings in my bag.” You hurried to grab all of your stuff and quickly stuffed them in your bag. When you were ready, Bambam started to push you out of the room and the hospital. The other boys weren’t slow and the minute you stepped out of the hospital they were all around you asking you questions.

“How long have you been a fan?” Youngjae asked.

“Noona, you’re really cute with that ponytail!” Bambam cutely said.

“Yah, when did she become your noona? You just met her!” Mark scolded him and Bambam just laughed at his hyung.

 “I’m your favorite member, right? I’m telling you guys, it’s my charm! My wild and y side catches all of the girls!”

“Ah yes, she was distracted by your charms so she didn’t see the lamp falling. Hyung, it is your fault that she had to go to the hospital!” Yugyeom jokingly said but soon regretted his words when Jackson tried to strangle him.

“Yah, give her a break! It is not Jackson’s fault that she ended up with a lamp in her head, but we sure are involved in the accident so we should at least try to make her vacation memorable.” The mother said to her – his – sons. How can these boys be in a band? You thought to yourself as you laughed at how silly they were. After a quick stop at your hotel for a change of clothes, you ended up at a fancy looking restaurant and during the whole meal you answered questions from the members. The only one who wasn’t talking was Mark, whom all of a sudden seemed to have become shy. But you both gave each other glances and smiles throughout the meal. Once your eyes met you both started blushing and quickly looked in another direction. The members soon caught up to what happened between the two of you and started the teasing.

“Wow, what is happening here? Why are the two of you acting so strange?” Youngjae asked and eyed s.

“Eeeh~ Mark hyung, why are you blushing?” Bambam teasingly said. “Do you like noona?”

“No, I don’t shut up.” Mark mumbled as he for some reason turned his attention to the ceiling as if it was extremely interesting. JB eyed him and Jackson playfully patted your back.

“Oh ____, seems like I’ve got a bit of a competition. But don’t worry, I’ll sweep you away when he least suspects it!” He jokingly said.”Just kidding, I’ll let the two of you have fun and be as lovey-dovey as you want.” You felt your cheeks burning up and looked down in your lap. You were nervous over the direction the conversation had taken and your hands tore a napkin apart, since the napkin was red your lap now looked like a murder scene.  Jackson saw what you were doing.

“Seems like she likes him back!” He blurted out and laughed at your chocked face. Your eyes met Mark’s and he was just as red as you were. You looked away and Jackson mischievously poked his elbow in your side. You squealed and muttered a few words at him under your breath.

“Sorry, what did you say?” He said with a grin on his face. “Nothing.” You replied and shot him a smile as if nothing had happened.

“Enough, enough! Let the two of them live in denial if they want to.” JB laughed and eyed s.

The meal continued without any teasing and when you were done they dropped you off at your hotel. Do Mark and I really live in denial? What exactly am I feeling? I mean, I like being around him. He’s funny and his cute smile makes me all fuzzy… No, what am I thinking? God, pull yourself together ____! You’re just friends!  You argued with yourself as you walked up the stairs with a confused face. You reached your room and walked inside, slamming the door shut. You threw your bag to the side and scratched your head. Do I fancy him? Yes, I do fancy him. A lot.


Woaaahh now you know how our cute couple met! ^-^ And the members are teasing them so much! Ahh it will be even worse in the next chapter!! Poor Mark and ____. 

I don't know when I'll post the next chapter. I've finished it, but I want to finish chapter five before I post it and since I'll be going on a ski trip tomorrow I don't know how fast I can finish it. But I'll definitely write in the car!

I hope you all liked this chapter and thank you for subscribing~

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Foreverhis #1
Chapter 6: Awwwww <3 I want to be in marks arm and cuddle .
70V3LY #2
Chapter 6: Can the girl just be me? Hahahaha XD
Chapter 4: Awww so sweet
mizzsuzy #4
Chapter 4: it's so make me blushing too..hahaha..
70V3LY #5
Chapter 4: So sweet! Definitely teasing lol! Funny members too ^^
Far0127 #6
Chapter 3: woah woah <3 the teasing part was sinedkkddkspkdjndnx <3333 lol they are too cute <3 thank you ^_^
70V3LY #7
Chapter 2: Amazing! Loved the sweet interaction too! ^__~
Far0127 #8
Chapter 2: the kissing parts were so hot :O <3 my marky feels <3 thank you for update <3
70V3LY #9
Chapter 1: Extremely cute! ^__^
Far0127 #10
Chapter 1: more updates please! this is great! good job author-nim <3