Chapter 14 : Coma

I saw you. I liked you. I loved you.

[HyoYeon POV]

Oh my gosh! What happened to her?

All I could see was black.

I tried to open my eyes but my body wasn't working.

Hyoyeon! Wake up! Please!

I'm trying. I can't ... My minds not cooperating with me!

I heard people crying.

What happened?


*Flash Back*


'SCREEEECH' The truck made a loud noise as the drive hit the breaks, making the tires scratch the road.

HyoYeon tried to open the door, but it was locked. By the time she unlocked it, the large vehicle hit the car.

People crowded around, some people yelling, while others were on their hand phone, calling the police and ambulance to come.

GyuRi was satisfied that her plan had worked. She put on a surprised and shocked face as she ran out side.


When the ambulance arrived and put her on the stretcher, GyuRi went up to the driver that hit the car and gave him $150.

"Thanks a lot." GyuRi said to him, while winking and walking away.

She reached the hospital a little after HyoYeon did.

GyuRi called everyone to tell them the news that someone had hit HyoYeon.

5 minutes later, SNSD had made the hospital and rushed to the ER looking for their sister.

The doctor told them that she was badly injured, but she would live it.


*End of Flash Back*


[TaeYeon POV]

When I heard the news from GyuRi, I knew she was involved with it. But, that wasn't important. 

I yelled at my members to get in the car, HyoYeon was involved in an accident.

SooYoung and Tiffany started praying while we were driving there. Everyone joined in as the manager was driving at the speed of light .

I swung the car door of our black van open just when the car stopped.

The people passing by must have thought we were crazy, but that didn't stop us from running.

When we entered, the secretary there told me that HyoYeon was still in the ER.

After reaching the room, the doctor told us that my sister would be fine. 

We all sighed as we were relieved she would live, until we saw her.

I started to cry as I saw HyoYeon in a neck brace, arm and leg cast, and bruises and stitches on her beautiful face.

Everyone ran up to her and started to cry. The nurse that was in the room said she was in a coma, and they don't know when HyoYeon would wake up from it.

She left to give us some privacy. I went outside, because like I've always told my members, leaders don't cry. But, this was a case where everyone had to.

I saw GyuRi up against the wall of the room, and I suddenly got really angry.

"What. Did. You. Do." I said slowly as I hissed out the words to her.

Gyuri stared at me like I was crazy. "Why are you blaming me? I was the one who called the ambulance to come."

"You must have done something. She wouldn't have just stood in front of the truck."

"Maybe he was drunk. He couldn't have seen her in the car." Gyuri yelled to defend herself.

Jessica stepped out and saw us fighting.


[Jessica POV]

Oh my gosh. It's Gyuri.

I shouted at my loudest voice. People started to look at us to see what was wrong.

"Listen." She said too calmly in this situation "I didn't do anything. I was just in the store buying something, then the truck hit my car and HyoYeon was in it."

I looked to my side and saw Super Junior coming. I glared at her and said "This isn't over." And went to greet my brothers.


[HyoYeo POV]

I heard someone get up and leave the room. There was loud yelling outside that I couldn't understand. I only heard bits of what they were saying.


Was someone fighting outside? Jessica?

Then more people came.

It became more and more loud then someone opened the door.

From what I heard, people started to gasp. Two? Two or three people started to cry. 


Suddenly, I felt another body beside me. They grabbed my hand and started to cry.

HyoYeon! Wake up!!

I wanted to say yes, but my voice didn't come out. I wanted to squeeze their hand to tell them that I was there, but my hand wouldn't move.

Then I remembered. I had just been in an accident. Something, a truck I think, hit me.

I remember seeing bystanders shocked face, I saw my face of fear in the reflection of the window, and I saw Gyuri smiling as this all happened.

Wait ... Did she do this? She knew that the truck would hit me, so she put the car there? She set me up?

I felt my body shaking. No one has ever done this before. Why would she do this to me? Was it because of EunHyuk?

I was suddenly aware of my surroundings. The machine beside me was making a loud beeping noise, people were crying around me, someone was fighting with another person outside, and the room was very stuffy.

Someone came inside and with a voice I haven't heard before "Why is there so many people? There has got to be over 20 people here! Some of you have to leave, there's too many visitors. It'll make the patient uncomfortable. Must be really stuffy."

People around me got up to leave and the people who were standing also left. I felt the air around me get lighter while only some people stayed. I was sure it was all 8 of my sisters but I heard a male voice beside me.


There's only one person who owns that voice.


The voice that came in earlier said "She's in a coma but she can still here you guys."


[EunHyuk POV]

She can hear me?

"HyoYeon. I know you can hear me. Can you give my hand a squeeze?"

I held her hand waiting for any sign of pressure. Nothing.

I felt my heart sink. HyoYeon.... What happened?

Looking up, I saw SooYoung, SeoHyun, Sunny, and YoonA there.

"What happened to her?" My voice was shaking.

"She was in a car crash," SeoHyun explained "Gyuri was there and she called us when they reached the hospital." 

How could she be so calm?

Sunny broke my thought and said "She and HyoYeon were coming to see you, but a truck hit her."

Gyuri...? Oh, she went to pick up HyoYeon. How could she let this happen?


[TaeYeon POV]

When I finished fighting with Gyuri, I saw her walk away about to turn the corner of the hall. I looked away and went back to the room.

I saw EunHyuk holding HyoYeon's hand. I wanted to talk to them, but they were all distracted. Sighing, the door open and someone walked in. It was a bit too crowded so I left the room.

When I was looking around, Gyuri was still at the end of the hall. I walked closer and heard her fighting with a man and just when I was about to talk to Gyuri, I heard what the conversation was about.


"I gave you your money already, so leave!" She yelled at the man.

"It wasn't enough. I almost died hitting your car. I deserve more money!" He shot back.


Gyuri payed him money... To hit HyoYeon?

I felt my body become tense.


"Look, if I give you $50, will you leave and never talk about this again?" Gyuri told him in a pissed off voice.

"Yes. Just give it and I'll go." The driver returned with the same tone.


Gyuri did this to her?

I ran back to HyoYeon's room and pushed the door.

It hit the wall loudly and everyone turned to look at me. I looked at EunHyuk, I couldn't tell him. He would automatically go and beat someone up. I had to tell someone who would be calm but take action.


And there's no other people who does it better than ...


"Lee Teuk." I said in a low voice, "can I talk to you, please?"

[EunHyuk POV]

What's going on? Never mind, it's probably just something about their 'secret' relationship.

I chuckled softly and looked back at HyoYeon.

She looked so peaceful. 

What bothered me was that her face was covered. With purple and red blotches that were bruises.

I saw the stitches all over her face too. It looked so painful. A sharp pain hit my chest.


I never should have let you go.

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I don't like this pairing of Hyukjae and her but this was a great story.
cutetaengoo09 #2
i realy like your story!!!
super generation fighting!!^_^
such a cute story even though my bias is HyoHae..<br />
hope you'll continue to make a wonderful story..<br />
Fighting.!!!<br />
starting to love HyoHyuk couple right now..<br />
Hyo<3Hyuk...thanks for the story..i like it..^^
Hyohyuk forever
KwangMinMara #6
This story is amazingly awesome = )
I'm glad you loved it :) Thank you for reading it :)
OMG!! i fell in love w/ this thank you for uploading this!! ^^
Thanks for reading this fanfic guys :D<br />
And for those who wanted another HyoHyuk one, you got it!<br />
penny0922 #10
I like this story ... I shipped hyohyuk too, Alots alots !!!! <3