Be My Valentine

Be My Valentine

Sweat trickled down my back and my heart started pounding. I closed my eyes and braced for the annoucement.

I had started preparing for the "Valentines Duet Singing Competition" two months ago. The moment I heard the news from my friends, I knew I had to take part. This would be the perfect chance to confess my love to Aiden, a senior whom I had admired for three years. He majored in music, and to my joy he agreed to join the competition with me. My best friend, Yesung also agreed to be our advisor as he was the top student in music class.

Things were going quite smoothly for us. Although my voice and Aiden's voice were not really compatible at first, but with the help of Yesung, we managed to choose a song that suited us most. We spent most of our free time at the practice room. With Yesung giving us comments and advice once in a while, we were doing well.

The only thing that bothered me was the gaze from Aiden's eyes. It seemed so weird, as if he was hiding something from me. I didn't put much thought to it, thinking that it wouldn't be a big deal, or so I thought...

One week before the competition, I arrived early at the practice room. Just when I was about to go in, I heard Aiden's voice inside, different from his usual tone. I stopped turning the knob, and listened.

" Chill my dear. I'm not cheating on you. Of course I'm entering the competition with you, I'm just doing you a favour by ridding your biggest oppoment. Poor girl, she wouldn't even know what hit her..."

Shocked, I threw the door open and steped on front of him, demanding an explaination. A little taken aback by my sudden appearance, he muttered a quick goodbye to the phone and looked at me, a victorious smirk plastered on his face.

" So you found out. Huh, and earlier that expected, I must say." His eyes bored into mine, looking unamused.

" B-but... How can you... do this to me?" I stuttered, desperately trying to hold back tears. He merely chuckled at my poor state.

" Like I said, I'm just using you so that my girl and I can win. Well, good luck finding a partner now, heh."

I couldn't take it anymore. I aimed a slap right across his face and ran out, tears flowing out uncontrollably. How can Aiden do this to me... The senior that I admired... was actually a big jerk... Well so much for the Valentine surprise I planned...

I slumped down behind a tree, and cried, head burried between my legs. I could hear footsteps approaching, but I couldn't care less. As I was still sobbing, someone suddenly embraced me into a hug. I looked up with teary eyes and saw Yesung, eyes filled with concern.

" ...You heard everything...?"

" Mmm."

" Sungie... What can I do...? Everything is ruined now... because of him......" I could not continue saying because I was sobbing too much.

He remained silent, slowly my hair, shushing me softly. When I finally calmed down, he looked straight at me as he opened his mouth to speak.

" ...Flora, if you don't mind... I can be your partner."


The voice of the annoucer snapped me out of my thoughts. I held my breath, anticipating the results.

" ...And the winner for this year's Valentines Duet Singing Competition is... ...Flora and Yesung! Congrats to today's winners!"

I could not believe my ears. We won! I looked at Yesung and smiled brightly. He hesitated for a moment, and held out his hand, which I happily took it and went up the stage together. The whole stadium roared with applause as we received the trophy from the organiser. My heart was filled with joy, and a little hint of sadness. I guess the only regret was it would be a lonely Valentine again this year...

After the competition, we were packing our things and readying to go home. After a long silence, Yesung grabbed my hand suddenly, and I turned around, eyes meeting his.

" Yes?"

" ..."

" Umm, Sungie...?"

" Ok, this might seem weird but, from the first day I met you, you have captivated my heart. Your smile, your laugh, your voice, everything. Then I realised, that I wanted you to be more than a friend. Now you may think that I'm crazy but, I have to say this... Flora, would you be my valentine?"

Hearing his awkward but sweet confession, I smiled. Maybe this year's Valentine wouldn't be so bad after all.



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