Sadness behind all those Laughters P*1*

[ 사랑 ]

Author's note: *Updated 2 chapters*


 [Arra POV]

Jina is so fun to be around with! We mostly hung out together and went shopping around Seoul these days. I  can't believe we did alot of things together, more than I normally do!

Taemin didn't ask much as to where I went all these while, I just told him that I went out with a friend and he understands. He's really such a great dongsaeng.. He stays at home all day playing games by himself and eats the ice-cream I bought afew days ago. That keeps him occupied and happy all on it's own. Ofcorse I have to restock it all the time but I don't mind pampering my kind hearted dongsaeng, I love him to bits!

He asks for Jonghyun still and I have to stay beside him and comfort him alot late at night now. We haven't heard from Jonghyun since the day he left that morning, he must be really busy and I had to keep telling Tae to not call him because it might disturb him and we don't want to do that so Tae just stares at his photo with Jonghyun sighing all day sometimes. I missed him too but what can I do about it, my best friend has big dreams and I don't want to be the one to stop his dream from coming true. His happiness and dreams are much more important than anything else.

Anyways, back to Jina. We have the same interest and same likings for food and music. We are like sisters, she said it so herself. We talked about our problems of how hard our lives was when we were younger. I pity her, her past sounds so painful. Day by day, I care for her to the extent of me thinking of her as my real sister, my best friend. When she cries I hugged her tightly in my arms carressing her back comforting her and she does the same to me.

I told her of how my husband is so insanely inlove with chicken and how my little sweet dongsaeng is crazily inlove with sweets and candies that he wished it would be raining sweets and gumdrops one day. She laughed saying how she envied me and I suddenly felt lucky to have them in my life. She even asked me whether she could meet my family one day and i'm happy that she asked because I was thinking about it anyways.

Telling her about Jonghyun and his journey to stardom was ongoing and how he wants to be in two places at once, with his family and to be there to train. Jina just laughed at how silly Jonghyun sounded. I couldn't agree more with her though, it was true.

It's been a week  now and in one more week, my caring husband would be coming home! I'm so excited! I can't wait to be in his arms and feel his warmth. I've missed him so much I could just die. I feel so happy these days that I just kept cooking and cooking for Taemin at home. We ate so many times I think Tae gained alittle weight. I'm sorry Tae you need some fats here and there sweetie. But he seems to like it though since he smiles and laugh every minute that our house was never quiet anymore..

Now I just got home from hanging out with Jina again and I'm pooped. I lounge myself on my sofa switching on my television, I wonder where's Tae though...but I can't open my eyes any longer-


"AAAHHH!!!" I shot up from the sofa and looked around clenching my chest. Argh...Tae. I spot him running out of his room with a lolly stick sticking out from his mouth and a manga in his hands.

"You're home! Noona, baegopayo~" Taemin did his aegyo at me pouting with the lolly stick in his mouth. I laughed at the sight and nodded. Things I do for you Tae..

"Ok, i'll make something for my lazy little dongsaeng!" I ruffled his hair and walked to the kitchen with him tailing me from behind. I looked back and he's busy reading his manga again in total concentration. "He should stop reading manga's, he's so old now. Maybe I should get him a real book and let him start with that and maybe he'll like it?"


I stirred the ramen in the pot while singing to myself but I stopped, realizing that I made to much ramen. Aigooo why did I do that? 4 packets for 2 people?

"Tae-ah... I think I madde too much.." I pouted.


"Oh...noona..I don't think so. You sound like you're hungrier than me.." Tae chuckled, sticking out his tongue at me and went back to his manga. I blushed as I rubbed my tummy, aishh this kid. True, I am hungry...VERY...hungry. Giggling to myself I turned off the fire and poured the ramen in 2 big bowls for the 2 of us.

"Tae, help me with these please.." I said as I carried one of the bowls out to the dinning room. Wait..why is the walls spinning..? My head.. It hurts..




I fluttered my eyes open to a bright room, I waited for my eyes to adjust to my surroundings before I take a good look around.

"Where is this place? Where am I?" I thought and I remembered the last thing I heard before I waking up to this place. "Tae...I heard him scream for me....OH MY GOD TAE!!" I shot up and looked around the room.

"Noona! Thank goodness!  You're awake!" Taemin stood up worried from his seat beside the bed.

"Are you ok Tae? What happened? The last thing I remember was you screaming!"  I grabbed my head as I felt tipsy after all that sudden movements. Taemin laid me back down again and smiled.

"I'm fine, it's me that should be asking you noona. Are you feeling ok? You fainted and you scared the hell out of me! I thought that I might lose you.." His smile lopsided into a sad one. I held his hands.

"I fainted?" I can't remember. So this is...

"You're in the hospital noona, I carried you here and boy were you heavy!" Tae teased me. Me heavy?.....Jinjja?

"I'm not that're just fat cause you ate to much of my cooking." I teased back. Taemin pouted but laughed after along with me.

"Are you still hungry noona? We didn't get the chance to eat the Ramen you made. You want me to get you something? Just tell me, i'll buy it."

"I'm very hungry actually, I was so looking forward to eating that Ramen, but I fainted. How wasteful." I covered my face with my arm disappointingly.

"Not only that noona, the food was spilled onto the floor too!" Oh Tae, you just rubbed salt into my already open wound.

"Thank you Taemin."

"No problem noona!" Taemin glowed suddenly. I wanted to laugh but I start to wonder why I fainted in the first place, was I sick?

"Tae, what did the doctor say? Why did I faint so suddenly like that? Is there something wrong with me?" Taemin stopped laughing and looked at me. Maybe I'm wrong but when I looked into his eyes, I saw anger but with a pinch of sadness as well. Maybe it's just me..


[Taemin POV]

How am I suppose to tell her? Do I want to tell her? But if I don't then the doctor will but I want to be the one to tell her. Argh! Why must this happen! How could this happen!? I want to scream so badly and tell her that she's sick but I can't! She's not sick! Not even close.



Wow, this is so yummy! But noona made so much, how am I going to finish all this? Neh, it's ok, noona won't scold me if I don't finish it. She's my noona!

I picked up the bowl and walked out hurriedly behind her but suddenly she stopped. I nearly crashed into her with my bowl of hot Ramen! Oh my god, that would end badly if I did spill it onto her. But why did she stop anyways?

I noticed that she swayed slightly but I was carrying the bowl, I couldn't react when she dropped to the floor. I was worried for her but I was more worried about the bowl she was carrying!

"NOONA!!" I screamed running to the dinning table placing my bowl on it before running to her. I heaved a sigh of relief as I saw that she poured it forward instead on pouring it onto herself.

I quickly cradled her trying to wake her up but to no avail. I pulled out my phone from my pocket dialing for an ambulance. I still call out to her as I wait for an answer, I was hyperventilating! I don't know what to do at all!! Why did she faint! AND WHY AREN'T THEY PICKING UP THE CALL!!?? THEY ARE THE AMBULANCE!!

"IT'S AN EMERGENCY! MY NOONA FAINTED AND SHE'S NOT WAKING UP!! WHY WERE YOU SO LATE PICKING UP AN EMERGENCY CALL!!?? MY NOONA IS NOT AWAKE!!" I shouted, angry that they didn't take their job seriously. Someone would have died and they would be all chillin' in that air-conditioned room of theirs as someone suffered on the other line!

An hour later the ambulance arrived, instead of waiting for those slowpokes to come and carry her onto the stretcher, I carried her myself and ran into the ambulance. Oh god she's heavy! Why am I thinking about her being heavy????! I kept trying to wake noona up but to no avail. The paramedics kept asking me to calm down but all they got in return was a reprimand from me. How could they be an hour late?! Anything could have happened along that timeline!

Noona was wheeled straight to the theater to be checked. I waited impatiently along the corridor pacing up and down making the nurses worried for me. Ottoke? I don't want to lose her.. I can't do this alone.. Jonghyun hyung. He must know. I know I've romised Noona not to bother him but this is unbearable for me. I fished out my phone and dialed hyung's number.

I waited as the line rang. "Pick up Pick up.."

"Are you her husband?" I turned towards the voice to find a doctor smiling at me. H-Husband!!?

"A-ANIYO! I'm her dongsaeng!" Oh my god this is so weird! How can he mistaken me as her husband!? I'm not even man enough to be my precious noona's husband!! WHY AM I HYPERVENTILATING!!??

"Ahh! nae.. I'm sorry for the confusion sir. But can I know where's her husband? Sir please calm down.." I breathed in deep swallowing my anger as I heard the word "her husband"  I put up my fake front and tried my best to answer.

"He's.. He's not here..he's-."  With that for all I care I DON'T WANT HIM HERE!!  "...away.."

"Well that's to bad.." Yeah to bad stupid hyung! Huh? To bad?! Why!?

"Is my noona ok?!" The doctor waved his hand asking me to lower down my volume.

"She's fine..she's very healthy." I was so confused right now. Why can't this white haired man just spill it! GO STRAIGHT TO THE POINT OLD MAN!!!

"Then what's wrong with her? Why did she faint? Where is she now? Is she in a room already? Why aren't you answering my questions? Can you do it quickly cause I want to see-"

"Calm down sir and lower down your volume..she's fine and she's in her ward right now resting and she's pregnant. Congratulations!" He shook my limp hand. "Be sure to tell her the good news when she wakes." He bowed before walking away leaving me frozen on the hospital floor.

"Pr-peg...nant?? What? Can't be.. " I fell down to the nearest chair available. How could she-

"Can't be what?"  Huh? Am I hearing voices? Have I gone crazy finally?

"Lee Taemin!" Why am I saying my own name?

"If you don't answer me i'm going to hang up!" I turned towards where the voice was and noticed that I was holding onto my phone. OH MY GOD HYUNG!!

"Hyung Hello~"

"You forgot about me didn't you?


"YOU DID DIDN'T YOU!? Ahhh...what is it? Why did you call me and make it quick."




"Tae i'm not playing around here, i'm not free right now other you tell me now or tell me when I call later when i'm done.." Hyung's voice raised slightly out of anger and lost of patience for me. I should just tell him right? Rather him know now then later cause he's the most important in our family, most important for my noona..

"She's pregnant.." I let out a whisper. I was still in shock. She doesn't deserve any of this.

"What? Tae you are to soft.."I started to sob thinking about all of it. Thinking about how I troubled hyung for this call. He's going to feel so bad I just know it. Hyung i'm sorry!

"Tae? What's wrong?! Did anything happen?!" Worry was evident in his voice. It made me sob even harder. To know that he's missing alot and away from home not knowing anything happening recently.

"Noona... She's..."

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?! Lee Taemin answer me!" I tried to stop my sobbing to answer him properly.

"She's pregnant hyung.." 

"Don't scare me Taemin! Don't pull pranks on me Tae. I have loads to do and I have training that is resuming soon." He let out an awkward laugh. He's in denial i know he is! Just like me..

"I'm not hyung. She really is! She's pregnant with HIS child! Lee Jinki's!" I cried even harder now as I let it all out. 

"H-how could it be? No! This isn't right! None of this is! What did she ever do to deserve a bastard's child?!" I know he has missed out alot. Being away and to concentrate on his training leaving his famly alone and leaving noona to fend for herself and me. I know he's feeling bad now for not being able to be there for noona.

"Hyung... I can't do this alone. I'm scared.."

"Jonghyun! Practice is resuming soon!" Not far away I could here a woman calling hyung.

"Nae! A minute! Tae tell me which hospital, I'm going to rush there now!" He's acting immaturely now. I have to stop him.

"ANDWAE HYUNG! You can't! I'm scared but I will do everything I can to help her and I don't want you do stop the thing you love the most. Hyung...stay there..I'll wait for you. I'll stay strong for noona and you..You can't just leave practice like that, you have your own responsibility this is your life..i'm sorry to have worried you, i'm so sorry to have failed. Hyung..I feel so alone and scared I know but what's important is you too. You can't just leave whenever you want you can't do that..I won't allow it hyung.." I know he must be shocked right now that his little dongsaeng spoke to him like this. I feel like a man for awhile there I feel stronger with just thoughs words I just said.

"Taemin ah, stay strong ok? I'll be there when I can as fast as possible. Hmm I feel so bad right now. She's there in the hospital and im here dancing and singing. And to know that she's pregnant with that bastards' arghh!! I can't even say it!. Tae-ah.. I can't bear this." I wiped my almost dried tears and nod.

"Kim Jonghyun! Now!" 

"I'm coming!"

"Hyung just go. Don't worry. I'll update you alright?" I reassured him. It was all I could do to put his mind in peace.

"Dongsaeng-ah... I'm sorry for my shortcomings. Please take care of her will you? Don't stress her out. It's.. not good for the pregnancy. Argh why am I saying all these.. I'll visit as soon as I can! Taeminie stay strong.."

"I will hyung, now go, go practice! I know you're bad at that spin pop move!" I swallowed my tears and showed him that i'm ok by teasing him.

"Yah, i'm good at it now. I practiced alot...i'll show you.."

"Yeah, and i've showed you that move a million times but you still couldn't get it hyung.." I chuckled slightly. He playfully grumbled and sighed.

"I'll call you when I can....Love you Tae..." A smile crepted onto my lips with tears filling my eyes.

"...Love you too hyung.." 

  I swallowe -Flashback Ends-


I miss hyung, I miss him so much. He's never been away this long ever and I know that this is just the beginning. I can't bear this, but I know I have to grow up now, this is the time where I have to grow up. I can't cry anymore, I can't call for help when I need it cause I have to protect noona and help her when she needs it. I'll wait patiently for hyung...

Here I sit watching as her as her eyes bulged with a big smiled stuck on her plump yet pale lips. Small hops from her could be seen as she gripped onto her sheets tightly with her small hands. Every movement she did broke every piece of my heart looking at how she is right now. She's keeping her feelings inside and looked like she was about to EXPLODE!!


"AAAAAHHH!!!!" She reached out to me and pulled me into a tight hug forcing me to jump up and down with her. "I don't believe this! Taemin ah i'm so happy!!" That shocked me..I think i'm about to have a heart attack! Wait...I'm to young to have a heart attack. "I can't believe this!!"

"I'm happy for you noona!" I hugged her back shutting my eyes tight making myself sound as excited as possible for her. I hate this, I hate lying to her. I've never lied to her so much before..I never lied to my noona never in my entire life! Noona i'm so sorry..

"I can't wait to tell oppa! OH! And Jonghyun too! This baby is going to be so pretty! Or handsome! I'm so happy right now i'm going to EXPLODE!!" She hugged me tighter then before! I can't breathe!

"N-noon-noona..." She noticed and loosen her hug but still has her arms around me. "Sorry.."

"You nearly killed me but...i'm fine." I stayed quiet as she hugged me still. "Noona...if the baby comes...then I won't be your favourite baby dongsaeng anymore then cause you have your real baby with you.." She pulled away from me with the smile still stuck on her lips.

"You will always be my baby most favorite dongsaeng in the world! One and only.." She leaned foreward and kissed my cheek.

"Really?" I try hard not to cry, trying my hardest as I look at her. She won't forget me right? Noona pulled me for a gentle hug my hair.

"You know I love you right?" I nodded slightly. "Then there's nothing to be worried about..I love you with all my heart Tae, don't you forget that."

I can't cry, I won't. I have to be strong for hyung and noona. I can't be weak.

"I love you too noona..with all my heart too. You don't forget too ok?" My voice cracked sligthly. Noona looked at me and nodded. "Promise.."

  HHer smile slowly disappeared. "What's wrong?."

I reached out to her and hugged her tight snuggling my head into her neck trying hard not to let a single tear fall from my already puffy eyes. She just hugged me back as how she always does swaying me slightly knowing that will calm me down. She knows me so well, i'm so scared to lose her. Noona..

"You are my favorite...forever and ever!" She chuckled before nodded indicating that she understood me.




I'm...really depressed LOL!!! You don't know what happened!! Both chapters where half gone and needed to be rewriten!!

Thank you ImWeird for helping me!!

It might sound rushed and not good and boring...and I'm sad cause it was great before it was lost!! I"M SO SAD!!! AAAAAHHH!!


Please comment..Wait! 2 chapters! Comment after reading the other one! Thanks Love you loads!

*faceplams* She's just paranoid -.- It's good right??? You have no idea how hard it was to calm her to rewrite it!!


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ImWeird #1
lol! I love it <3 <3
Thank you...never did anyone told me that this fic is unique. <br />
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I felt the same way..that's why I made this fic..I want a different story from a typical easy love story. <br />
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Thank you for liking this and comment.<br />
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MinGwen18 #4
a true master piece(lol), though i was cursing a lot while reading this story but STILL! i like it so much, very true that most of the stories(that i've read) are too cliche having similar plots but THIS!!! is unique! and i really hate jinki in this story 'though he's my bias. well anyways i think you should have your spellings and grammars checked then it will be the best(for me ;p). fighting! for your other stories...
Haiz will never listen to me will you
ImWeird #6
@MiinMiin: there will be!! Its just nt up yet.. I'll update u guys nehhhh
T.T ... happy there a sequel? or not?... just asking.. :)
The End Love. have a future..just wait alittle. Byunghun and Rihyun Hwaiting!
ImWeird #9
UNNIE!~~ *sobs* its finally over.... *sobs* I had great fun helping you!^^
ImWeird #10
unnie unnie!!! leena with minho?1 teehee!! minho new image kyaaaa^^ glad they didnt get awkward after their breakup.. he's now a coach thats good enuf !<br />
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key's in! weee leena's cuzzie!<br />
taemin kindergarten teacher?? ahhaha cute! he knows the plan so he left so sweet..<br />
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ohmigoshhhh the proposal.. i was likeeeeee kyaaaaa!~ so sweet! man didnt noe dino was that sweet... arra's so fortunate to have her bestfrn to love her and propose to her after all she've been thru.<br />
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last chappie's next.... aigooo sequel please???? ^^<br />
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