Chapter I

The Ugly Duckling

I know my bb Luhan's last name is not Xi but for three-syllable-name purposes, I'm going to use 'Xi'. ^______^


"He's just so, just so perfect."

Sunhee's best friend, Xi Luhan stared at her oddly. "Can you not daydream about Oh Sehun while I'm still here? I'd like to eat my lunch in peace."

Ahn Sunhee and Xi Luhan had been best friends ever since Luhan had first moved into her neighbourhood, which was when Sunhee had just barely turned 3 and Luhan had turned 5. They had hit it off pretty well when both their parents decided to plan a little play date for the two. After that, the rest was history. It was Luhan's final year in high school and the two were still inseperable. Despite the two-year , the two were still very, very close. Sunhee helped Luhan with his school problems since he still wasn't that used to learning things in Korean and Luhan helped Sunhee with...


Sunhee wasn't your stereotypical skinny korean girl. Being fed often by her parents, she had gotten chubby over the years. She would get teased and be called 'dwaeji' that Luhan had ended up nicknaming Sunhee that. It was okay though since she called Luhan 'stick'. She envied Luhan though, who would always accompany her to eat at fast food restaurants but not gain a single pound. Luhan was honestly a very good looking boy. It was just the fact that he hung out with the school's resident "fat kid" that had his reputation at their school suffering. He didn't care, though. He wouldn't trade anyone in that school for Ahn Sunhee, the girl that was basically his first love. 

Luhan could never tell Sunhee his feelings. Not when the school's Mr. Popular-and-totally-handsome Oh Sehun was in that school and in front of Sunhee's eyes every single day. Luhan and Sehun were the same age and they were also in the same class. Even though the two were unbelievably handsome, they didn't get along, well, from Luhan's side anyways. 

Pushing aside the fact that his first love liked, that guy, he just didn't like the younger boy. Sehun wasn't stuck up. He also wasn't rude. Luhan was just irked by the fact that he was the stereotypical pretty boy. 

But it was mostly because Sunhee liked him. 

"Yah, Ahn Sunhee." Luhan called out, waving a hand in front of Sunhee's face. The girl's eyes turned into slits.

"What?" She asked, finally turning towards Luhan. The latter rolled his eyes, putting a piece of his kimbap on her plate.

"Stop oggling and just eat your food." 

Sunhee sighed. "Luhan, stop putting more food on my plate. Are you trying to make me fatter than I already am?"

She didn't mean to come out rude but she did, making Luhan's eyes widen. "Sunhee, you know I would--I would never do that to you."

She ran a hand through her hair before slumping into her seat and putting her head on the table. "I know, I'm sorry, Lu. I don't even know why you still stick around with someone like me. I'm not even pretty. Why am I also being rude to you?"

 Now it was Luhan's turn to sigh. "Sunhee-ah, you know I never cared about appearances."

And that, was why Sunhee loved Luhan to bits. Luhan was lovable, forgivable, and considerate. She smiled up at him before sitting up again. "Thanks. You're the bestest friend in the whole wide world!"

Luhan slightly cringed at the sound of that but rolled his eyes. "Yah, 'bestest' is not a word."


Lu-bear ^__^ 21:09 

Sorry, Sun. Dad called and said to be home. Let's go to the library tomorrow!


Sunny-bear ^__^ 21:13 

Arayo. Go home safely Lulu! <3


Lu-bear ^__^ 21:13



Sunhee chuckled at the text she received before slipping it into the pocket. She pushed open the door, bowing to the ahjumma sitting by the desk before making her way to the back of the library where she knew not a lot of people went to. Just as she was about to sit down at a desk, she audibly gasped, making everyone look at her.

Oh Sehun!

As if he had heard her thoughts, he looked right at her. "Oh, Ahn Sunhee, hey."



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