Unexpected Husband
4 months after wedding.

This is usual day after Kris and Tao married. Kris fulfill his promise, when both of them in home, they always eat together. If Kris can’t going home for dinner, he always messaging Tao. Tao doesn’t feel awkward again with Kris. They live like housemate and become friend. Tao wake early, he prepare breakfast for Kris and himself. After finish cooking, he wake Kris.

“Kris, breakfast ready, wake up” Tao knock Kris’ room.
“Kris, you’ll be late if not wake right now.” Tao knock Kris’ room again.
“I’m coming, I wake Tao.” Kris answering from his room.

Tao going back to kitchen and put plate on dining table. When he finish set the plates, Kris out from his room. He doesn’t look well, Tao know Kris company have a mega proyek. This proyek need big attention, make Kris restless and always going home late. Tao always text Kris not forget to rest and eat. He worried about Kris health.

“Are you okay?” Tao asking with worried.
“Just a little headache, don’t worry.”
“But you look pale. I’ll take you to see a doctor.”
“I’m fine. Today is big day, I must come to sign the contract and managing a few paperworks. I’ll take a medicine before leave to office. Let’s eat.” Kris try to sound natural.


6 p.m.

Tao walk out from his workplace, he feel happy. Today his lucky day. His boss announcing starting tomorrow, the library will closed for a month, because a major repair and it’s mean he’ll have a full holiday. When he reaching home, he walk to kitchen for prepare dinner. Tao startled seeing Kris unconscious on the kitchen floor. He was sweating and his cheeks were rosy pink. When Tao placed his hand on Kris forehead that is when he panic. He was burning up. He calling doctor after put Kris in his room. In 20 minutes doctor come and examine Kris.

“How is he? Is something wrong with him?” Tao ask to doctor.
“He is fine, just to much working. His fever is high, but will down soon, he need rest. I’ll give him injection.”
“Okay. Is there anything else, Doc?”
“Make sure he get enough rest and consume this medicine after eating his meal. If his condition get worst, call me again. So, I’ll leave now.”
“Thank you. I’ll walk you to the door.” Tao said.
“He lucky have a good wife like you.” Doctor smile to Tao before leave.
“Thank you doctor.” Tao feel his cheek blushing with doctor said.

Tao stayed in Kris’ room to take care of him. Throughout the night Kris coughed and sneezed. He also tried to pull the covers up, but his fever was high and letting him put on the covers would even raised that temperature higher. Tao dipped the cloth in the water squeezing the excess water and placed it again on Kris’ forehead. Next morning, Kris awake from his sleep. His fever down now. Kris remember coming from work and want to take drink, so he walk to kitchen. After it he wasn’t remember how he can end in his own room. He looking around his room and seeing Tao sleep in chair with cloth in his hand. Kris rise from his bed and walk to Tao. Kris looking closely to Tao’s face. He moved his hand to touch Tao’s face, ran his hand on Tao’s cheek.

“Thank you Tao.” Kris say with sincere and in low tone, almost like whisper. He doesn’t want waking Tao.

Kris moving Tao from chair to his bed. Kris feel sorry toward Tao because Tao take care of him, Tao get sleep at chair. After put Tao on his bed, Kris out from his room and searching for food. He found rice and soup in fridge.

‘Better than nothing.’ Kris said in his mind.

He take out rice and soup from fridge, heat it in microwave and walk to dining table. He take a seat and start to dig in.

“Why you not wake me?” Tao asked
“Oh, Tao. Morning, I just hungry.” Kris startled hear Tao voice.
“If you hungry, you can wake me.”
“No, Tao. I don’t want disturb you.”
“I’ll prepare a new meal for you. Wait here.”
“This is enough. You must be tired. Just back again to sleep.”
“Actually I feel hungry too, that’s why I come to kitchen. How do you feel now?”
“I feel great. Thank you.”
“Don’t forget to eat this after meal, doctor say it.” Tao hand over medicine from doctor.
“Allright. Not working today?”
“No. Library got closed because have major repair. So I can staying in home to take care of you.”
“Thank you for take care of me yesterday.”
“You’re welcome. That’s what friends for.” Tao smile to Kris. Kris saw Tao looking at him with a sincere look on his eyes.
‘Why my heart beating so fast? I think I don’t sick anymore. But why my heart beating like this?’ Kris thought, he feels like a thousand butterflies flying in his stomach.

To be continue.

This is my first try.
English wasn't my first languages.
I apologize for mistake.
Hope you enjoy it.
Have a nice day.
Thank you.
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Hyomi_ah #1
Chapter 13: So cute~! hehehe love it!
1whitelie #2
To LovesAsianDrama, chrysantslurvletters & anjaliived:
Thank you for stop and read it.
Thanks for critic it.
I'm sorry for mistakes.
Thank you once again.
anjaliived #3
Chapter 13: I love your story..
And first of all congrats for your first story!!
I think you'll be a great author~
I think your english is good and eventhough I think some parts of the story are rushing but over all you've done a great job!!
I can't wait for your other story..
And I think with the time that pass by, you will improve and create more great stories..
Chapter 13: Interesting story..for a first timer..it doesn't look bad at all..maybe a little improvement will be needed here and there but it's a nice story. Try to tone down the plot so it will not be too rush..hehe..
last but not least..congratz for your first fanfic... ^^
LovesAsianDrama #5
Chapter 13: I will say this. For your first time, it was not too bad. Actually it was good. A few mistakes here and there, but you did just fine honestly. It wasn't rushed, I knew who it was about and I enjoyed it.You gave the story a beginning, middle and end.

You had, drama, angst, love and mpreg, two of the three I like to read in a story ^.^ there was even the BYTCHY Man stealer LOL. Brava for you first story and I will look forward to reading more from you ^.^
1whitelie #6
Chapter 12: to hanriver :
I apologize if you confused.
This is my first try.
I'm sorry for my lack, I'll update soon.

To IzuExotics:
Thank you for leave a comment.
hanriver #7
seems tao starting fall for kris.

why kris didn't want tao to know his personal life, he have a secret? or he have a boyfriend or girlfriend? why did he marry tao then if he had a lover? i can see tao would cry often after this.

too many question in my head.

anyway i loved your story authornim, just please don't make tao crying too much. i just love tao too much :)

keep writing, keep updating. and Thank You.
1whitelie #8
Please wait.
I'll update soon.
Thank you.