Undying Love

Undying Love

That day is the day, the day of our 4th anniversary. I was so happy and excited. The urge of wanting to surprise you make me think of a stupid idea - an idea that I never think will drift us apart.


I usually woke up early to prepare breakfast for you. But that day, I purposely didn't wake up to cook for you. Eventhough I didn't made you breakfast, you still gave me a light peck on my forehead, like you usually did before you leave for work.


Feeling the lips on my forehead, I can't help but smiled a bit. You seem like noticed it and lightly peck my lips. I tried really hard to keep myself from blushing and pretend that I was still asleep, but the wide grin that formed on my lips betrayed me. You chuckled softly and finally leave for work.

Once you leave, I immediately woke up and started to plan my special event.


It was our 4th anniversary, I wanted to make it special, so that both of us will keep it as a memory forever. Although the plan sounded really crazy, but I really wanted to know your reaction, and I thought it will be fun. So after I done everything, I called my bestfriend, Woohyun, over to help me with my plan.


My plan is to break up with you and pretend that I got Woohyun as my new boyfriend.

We discussed about the plan for the whole afternoon, and it's the time for you to come home from work. Both of us sit comfortably on the couch, purposely leaning onto each other and ready to start our event.


When you finally reach home, I internally cool myself down and leaned more onto Woohyun. The moment you step into our living room, I immediately leaned in and gave him a peck on his cheek.


My action instantly catch your attention, there was a shocked expression plastered on your face. You slowly walked toward us, confuse, anger, hurt and disappointment filled your eyes.

"Mind to explain this?" You asked, voice trembling.

"He's my boyfriend now. You and me, we are over." I replied firmly, intertwined my fingers with Woohyun's.

"Why ?" You asked, broken. "Is there anything I did wrong?" Tears started to roll down your cheek.

"You did nothing wrong. Just that.. I'm sick of you." I said, unable to look into your eyes.

"Fine. I'll leave. But please remember one thing." You said. "I loved you, I love you and I'll love you forever. You're the one and only love in my whole life." You confessed softly.

You then turned too Woohyun, voice cracked. "Please take good care of him when I'm not around. Thank you." You leave soon after you finished your words.


After you leave, I couldn't think of anything in a while. Although you never admit out loud, but I know you always love me. You never confess to me like this before, I was so shocked and touched that I didn't know what to do.


Suddenly I feel Woohyun caressing my cheek. I looked up at him, confused.

"Did you just realised that you're crying ?" He asked softly, wiping my tears away.

Finally, I break down into a crying mess. The feeling of guilty and regret washed over me. I immediately pick up my phone to dial your number, but there's no answer. I tried it again and again, but that's useless, you didn't answer any of my call.


I started to worry - worried that maybe you were angry at me, worried that maybe you won't contact me anymore, worried that maybe, you will leave me forever and never come back.


I couldn't stay still and wait anymore. I leave Woohyun alone and ran out to find you. I searched every single place that we used to hang out, bus stations and parks around our housing area, and everywhere that you may go, but there's no sign of you.


After long time of searching, I finally found you, standing by the roadside, waiting for the traffic light to turn green. I shouted at you, but you didn't even hear me. Then I noticed that you were wearing earphone, probably blocking all the sound that surrounded you.


As the traffic light turn green, you slowly cross the road. You crossed the road painfully slow, even when the traffic light started to turn red, you were still at the middle of the road.

"Myungsoo !" I shouted once again, trying to gain your attention. But still, you can't hear me over your loud music.


Cars were starting to move forward, but you just seem like you were been immersed in your own world, ignoring all the loud beep that echoed through out the night sky.

Then I noticed there's a car rushed toward your direction in a fast speed.

"MYUNGSOO ! WATCH OUT !" I shouted at you loudly, ran toward you with my full speed.


You seem like finally heard me, turned around slowly and gave me a small smile, the soft smile that I like so much.

"NOOOOOOO !!" with a loud bang, you were been knocked down by the car, blood ran down your head and lying in a pool of blood.


Then there I was, hugging you tightly and screaming you name again and again, blood staining my shirt and watching you turn paler and paler due to your blood lost.

"Myungsoo ! Please hold on there ! Ambulance is coming !" I cried out loudly, unable to control myself. "I didn't meant to hurt you ! I was just kidding ! You know I love you, right ?" I confessed loudly, hoping that you will hear me.

"Sungyeol.." you whispered quietly, but I can still hear you. "So.. you're not going to.. leave me and.. go with other guys.. right ?"

"Of course I'm not ! I love you so much Myungie.. how could I leave you ?" I whispered into your ear, hugging you tightly in the progress. You smiled a bit upon hearing my words.

"I love you.. Sungyeol.. really really.. love you.." you said weakly, slowly losing your conciousness.

"I know Myung.. I love you too.. just like how you love me all this time.." I pressed my lips against yours, feeling your body became colder and colder.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry Myung.. and I love you.. my one and only love.."




Today, is the 4th anniversary since you passed away.


Although it had been 4 years since that accident happened, I still can't forgive myself. If I had been mature, if I had just celebrate our anniversary normally at home, then this will never happen.

But reality is cruel, things that happen was happened, we can't do anything to change it.

"I love you and I will love you forever with my whole life." I said softly, smiling at the picture of you.

"Don't think that I can move on without you, remember, we are meant to be together forever, I'll always keep you in my heart."

"Even if we're not together physically, my heart still belongs to you. Forever." I chuckled lightly, feeling the warmth of the sunlight against my skin, just like your warmth that I used to.

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Chapter 1: That was so sad, myungie..... if sungyeol did not play that trick to surprise him..........by the way impressed by your story though. It's nice overall, arh.....myungyeol.....
Chapter 1: Ohmy... this is the first time ive read something like this ... wow its so sad ><
this is so sad T^T
you really rocks with your character emotion...

i'm not really into angst tbh,
but i like your myungyeol story ^^

keep writing author-nim; fighting!
Chapter 1: Asdfghjklqwertyuiop whyyyyy?!! It's really sad author nim T_T
min501 #5
Chapter 1: what a short but tearjerking story .simple
rositamyungyeol #6
fighting , esperare su actualizacion con emocion :)