~ 1 ~ Command

Slave to 7

We finally arrived at my old school. I wonder if my same friends from a year ago were still here. I exited the car quickly, i was excited, but also i left this school for a reason. My dad walked me to the office.

"Are you going to be ok, on your first day, you can always start tommorrow?" I shook my head no.

"It's fine, i'll be ok dad." He smiled and left.

I entered the office and the people were moving quickly. What was going on? 

"Ma'am." I spoke calmly.

When she turned around, she had a cup of coffee in her hand and her eyes were like panda eyes. I junped back from her.

"Yes, please tell me you completed your homework." I gave her a questioned look.

"Home......Homework?" She looked in disbelief.

"I knew it, this means no one did there homework." The teacher said as she exited the office.

"May i help you student?" I smiled and walked over to the man.

"Yes, i'm a new student, transferring here." He nodded and took my transcripts.

We walked to his desk, and he sat down and looked through a big stack of papers.

"Well, this will be your schedule, i told you before the students went on break,  that you would start today so you wouldn't be stuck between any lessons." I nodded in understanding terms.

"Well, welcome back miss Hae Woo, i wish you good luck on your first day." I took my schedule, and exited the office.

In the hallway the kids i guess were running to class. 

"Stop!, you should already be in class you delinquents!" a teacher yelled down the hall.

I looked at the map i had of the school. I went outside, i think i was suppose to be in building B. I walked across the yard. When i crossed the corner  to go in the building, I saw a girl giving a guy a small gift. She was so bubbly, and so happy to look at him. He on the other hand had a different look. He stared at the gift. It would have been very rude if he didn't. I closely examined him. He had gray-ish purple hair, with hook like earrings. SHe had smooth looking skin. He had some killer style. Really swag. His lips were very lushes. When he finally took the gift from her, she jumped back in excitement. I felt so bad for her, those girls really don't know how to read the guys emotions. I didn't even look at and put his hand on her shoulder.

" Chong Ra, go to class now." He smiled at her. She placed her hands at her sides and played it cool, and walk back inside.

He stood there and leaned against the wall. He observed the present. The bell rung, and he didn't even care. Too bad i did. If my dad found out i was skipping class he would kill me. I walked out of hiding and walked to the door without looking at him. I saw him move when i was in his view. I opened the door, and then it never closed. I turned around , and he was there.

"Thank...you." I said.

He smiled and came in also.

"Your new here?" I shook my head no.

"I use to come here 2 years ago." He looked in surprised.

"And you came back?" I nodded.

"JB! , come on!" Some called out of no where.

We both snatched our head to the crowd.

They started walking towards us. I turned away and started walking the other direction. The guy name JB grabbed me by my arm.

"Do you not know who i am?" 

"No, should I?" I asked. 

He laughed, and friends finally approached us.

"Got7, doesn't ring a bell?" I looked at him confused.

who the hell was Got7? and what kind of name was that?

"what kind of name is that?" The boys all looked at me in shock.

"you have to know me?, wild and y Jackson?" and he made a ayego face, blowing a kiss.

" Wild and y what?" I asked and laughed."Yeah, nice to meet....you guys....Got7, but unfortunate i have a class to get to."

"Well what class do you have?" Asked a tall guy with them.

I looked to my schedule.

"Pre- Calculus." Some one with all black hair but the middle which was blonde, wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

"I go there." I looked at him hysterically.

"Really?" He smiled and nodded.

He started to walk me to my...OUR class together.

"BamBam." He said.

"Huh, BamBam what?" He stoped and used his hands to cover his laughing.

"That's my name, haha." I felt embarrassed.

"Oh, sorry." i laughed too.

"What's your name?" I hesitated.

" Jae Hae Woo." I answered.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl." He said, i blushed.

We stopped in front a class. 

"This is it Hae-Woo love." I looked at him.

"do you flirt much?" i asked him.

"Do you want me too?" He said. I purposely dropped my map, to find a reason to not answer that question.

"BamBam-ssi!" I turned and so did BamBam.

"Oh, Jackson what's up?" Jackson came and was rubbing his .

"Young-Jae, kicked me in the y booty, for hugging his "fans"." BamBam laughed.

He waved at me. I waved back.

"What about you?, are you a jackson fan?" He was backing me into the wall.

"No she is taken." BamBam yanked me from jackson.

"I called dibs first." The guy named JB said. He wrapped his arms around me.

He leaned over to me and whispered in my ears.

"Your mine." And walked away jackson away.

"Why do you take all the cute girls." Jackson complained.

BamBam grabbed my wrist and brought me in the class.

What have i gotten myself into.

AN: This is the song i want between Hae Woo and the boys.

Beautiful by BTS (Jungkook, V, J-Hope, J-Min)

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Chapter 1: It’ll be amazing to see this updated. It’s a good start to a great story