Tell the Wolves



When Yura, the last one of her kind, is betrayed by a wolf pack she thought to trust, she grows up to learn about the occult entities in the world while in hiding.

At the age where she finally understands the surroundings around her, Yura desires to seek out those 12 eyes that watched how she suffered on that fateful night. 

EXO is the new alpha line in their pack, Hellhound. Having grown up into strong, irresistible and powerful wolves, they’ve tried to cover up the past and forget about that scarring incident.

But what if the core of their problems, their nightmares, their worst fears...steps back into their lives with a burning plan at heart?



After a destructive war between two extremely powerful species, Evonnes and Parasites, the entire planet of Revonox was wiped out, and not a single life form survived. Except for one. 
Fleeing her planet Revonox to escape the remaining herds of Parasites that roam her home planet, is a young Evon. She has nothing left to hold onto but a South-Korean name of Kang Yura, given by the celestials of her species, for situations like these where she must travel to other stars in the galaxy. With only this small blip of hope, Yura makes for planet Earth, a wonderful place, b with life and safety.
She couldn't be more wrong.
It's the near future where humans seem to be no more, and supernatural beings such as demons, wolves and vampires roam the Earth. Angels if you must. Prophets if you will. Yura takes refuge in the home of the 'Hellhounds', a wolf pack where an ageing alpha by the name of Soo Man, takes pity on the young Evon. 



GLOSSARY- More to be added throughout the story

Evon (plural. Evonnes) - A newly evolved species of planet Revonox. Natural appearance to be revealed but temporary form appears similiar to a human figure. This species possess telekinesis and each Evon varies with additional abilities.

Hellhound - One of the few wolf packs that have built themselves into a community. This is the pack where EXO was formed. Traditionally only consists of males (reason to be revealed). 
* * * Please be aware that EXO are not werewolves. Werewolves can only change under the full moon. EXO are LYCANS, allowing them to control their transformations.

Parasites - An enemy species, that consists of shape-shifting terrestrials that's natural form is a white, slick body. Commonly known for passing fatal diseases onto their enemies that can cause instant death. Wiped out the existence of Evonnes.

Revonox - The home planet of the Evonnes, and where Yura was born. She had only been there for a few years before Revonox was attacked by Parasites.

Celestial- Referring or relating to the sky or visible heaven, or to the universe beyond the earth’s atmosphere/; Of great supremacy and high status.




A/N: Oh my god, I hate myself for creating a new story, ugh. Anyways, hope u understand every itty-bitty thing in the story & enjoy EXO's supernatural sides :D Please anticipate the first chapter. ALSO, ERMAHGERD I don't have any professionalism in all that shayt about wolves and pack and alpahs and stuff. I don't watch Twilight or Supernatural or Teen Wolf, yes sorry. But please cope with my lack of knowledge T.T and horrible grammar

*WARNING FOR FUTURE REFERENCES: Story contains violence, coarse language & mature themes. If there are future chapters with quite mature themes, I will list it as [M] :)



I'm actually thinking of changing the rating. Tell the wolves doesn't go up to a 'M' level all the time and if there is a chapter, I will list it Mature :)


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Chapter 4: Ah! What will happen to Yura?! Update soon please!
Chapter 4: oh my~how could they leave Yura behind? I hope Yura will do something deserve for them and I really like your story. Hope you can continue and update soon - Yuki
Chapter 4: Update soon please? ^^
Chapter 4: Nice! It put me in a high.
I totally dig this story. Now that everything is set, I'm really eager to know what is going to come next... I'm fidgetting here.
About Baek, I didn't like the notice at all but as if I can do something about it lol. I've seen st*pid fans doing st*pid things such as burning his photos! I just wonder what kind of love is that? So much for hurt someone you supposedly love. Tsk tsk tsk.
Ok, waiting for what's going to come yay!!!
Chapter 3: I'm in the boat already and this looks like an interesting quest.
Those mean kids! I'd smack their heads.
I saw kai falling and thought he is just doing it for the perf sake, i dont want to think anymore. I'd rather foul myself than cry for something that is so out of my reach. I'm sad nevertheless, they are so young!
Keep up the good job. I love supernatural amd wolves and EXO.
minchanhun #6
Chapter 2: ohohoho~ what will happen next? ~
fairlockhartval7 #7
Can't wait to find out more and see her interact with the rest of exo!
kobato #8
I'm excited for when they leave her and she comes back but I'm also not because it's terrible that they're going to betray her. Yuras powers are so cool it's refreshing having the female oc be more or just as powerful as Exo
kobato #9
Chapter 1: I really really like this! Sure I've read stories about exo being wolfs but not really like this. Even the oc is more interesting than in any other story I've read. I'm excited for the next update and I hope this also becomes a story instead of just a project for you because it's too good to go to waste!